This idea came about thanks to hearing one from Chinook and also a bit from Poke'mon and Digi'mon respectively. Took some aspects of them and created a lil something of my own. First I'll include a lil entry for that lil fuzzy guy sitting on the bed and then a lil story for the two here.
Sympeds are symbiotic synthetic biological organisms. They were initially created in 2153 to augment human forces during the war with the Xern on Sol's outer worlds. Initially the Sympeds were little more than remote controlled super soldiers vat grown to adulthood but with time an further combat more Sympeds were produced with greater degrees of autonomy. Eventually researchers hit upon pairing one Symped with a soldier. The Symped and Soldier were linked telepathically as each Symped was created using a portion of the it's companion's DNA. This increased the effectiveness of both Symped and Human as the two's minds work intandum effectively increasing their collective processing power lending to quicker and clearer decision making and quicker reflexes. Beyond this a bonded pair can sense each other's emotions and telepathically communicate with one another. This does not mean however that one always knows what the other is thinking. Conscious effort is needed for this communication to occur. A simple explanation is that emotions are simply radiated out while thoughts are confined to the mind unless consciously sent. Today Sympeds are everywhere with over 80% of the Sol system's population having a Symped companion. Typically today a Symped is grown and "born" around the same time it's human counterpart is. The two will grow up together and be constant companions sharing many personality traits in common. Sympeds are also just as Unique as their humans however coming in all sorts of shape and sizes from mammalian, reptilian, and avian and no two are quite alike. Size wise most remain small for an extended period of time though once into their teen years most experience several growth spurts which can eventually result in the Symped being larger than it's human companion. As far as gender goes Sympeds don't have one biologically. They are incapable of reproduction on their own though most do identify with a gender as use the appropriate pronoun. Beyond that Sympeds have a number of implants and defensive and offensive capabilities. Occasionally they'll spar with each other for fun or use these abilities in a sort o effects show as it were. Either way a Symped is certainly capable of protecting itself and it's human companion.
Willy sighed as he finished changing his soggy diaper looking over to his bed. Kuma was still laying there fast asleep. Willy giggled a bit at how cute he looked snoozing there like that as he pulled on his t-shirt.
"Kuma. Come on wake up. We've gotta get up now and get ready for school." Willy told him pulling back the covers.
"Mmmhhh...Do we hafta?" Kuma whined as he sat up with a soggy squish. His own diaper being pretty wet. Of course unlike Willy Kuma could have gotten potty trained and not needed them but wanted to stay in them to be supportive. Of course Willy knew that was only part of it.
"Yup we hafta. Don't worry it's Friday and we only have that one test in history that we're gonna ace." Willy told him with a grin as he scooped up the lil bear like Symped. "Now lets get you changed Mr. Soggy bottom and dressed.
"Okay. I'm wearing that dinosaur shirt today and the overalls." Kuma told Willy as he carried him over to the changing pad laid on top of his dresser.
"Sure. Hey doesn't that new Dino movie come out today? " Willy said not quite sure as he untaped Kuma's soggy diaper and started to wipe him up.
"Oh yeah it Does! I nearly forgot. We get to go see it tonight! Oh I wanna see this one! I wonder who's gonna get eaten first." Kuma mused remembering how in this old classic movie a T-Rex ate a Lawyer as Willy slid a fresh diaper under him and started to powder him up.
"Well that one annoying guy with the nasaly voice is in it. Him and his Symped. I betcha they get eaten first." Willy grinned as he taped up the fresh diaper and sat him down. "Now you get out what you want while I get my shorts on."
"Awww don't wanna go to school like that? It's a hot day." Kuma giggled as he scampered over to the closet.
"No way! Randy's hard enough to put up with all the diaper jokes usually. No way am I giving him more ammo." Willy shook his head as he got dressed.
Once he was dressed he helped Kuma who really only needed help with the straps on the overalls before they heard Willy's mom call them down for breakfast. It was likely going to be a good day for the boys if a sweltering one. But hot summers were par for the course when you live on Venus.
Well I hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
11 years, 9 months ago
06 Jun 2013 22:35 CEST
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