The moral of the story is, talking about killing, imprisoning or hurting dragons is bad, mkay. Some dragon might not take your talk too well and decide to do something about it.
In all seriousness though, I'm bored of seeing repeated talk about games where dragons are an enemy. Skyrim doesn't even make sense, why would one with dragon blood go murdering those he shares blood with... oh yeah apart from the game mechanic -..- Yes I like dragons, and that is why I DON'T like Skyrim. Why can't I play as a dragon and kill these dragon hunting fools...
I started this as a project to do over the next few weeks/months, I didn't expect to have it finished in 3 days... I really got into this and enjoyed it, so the chances are pretty high I will be making the comic I thought of earlier. It will take much longer than this one though since I will have to model significant resources for it, I didn't have to make much new for this one, and what I did was non-detailed.
Once again we see the appearance of our little guy from he just makes such a tasty meal! I repainted most of his texture, including the facial expressions, which came out much better than I thought they would. I used GIMP to construct the comic etc and Blender 2.67 to render with. I used cycles exclusively as the rendering engine.