...and, after making a big deal about Zuki's nudism, the second pic I post of her is her in a dress. Le sigh.
In my defense, this is my personal favorite of the pics I drew of her. Every time I make a new character, I will eventually draw a pic early on that makes the character "click" in my head, and then I know that character is something more than a random idea, they're a living thing. This was the pic where Zuki "clicked" and became "real" to me and is the one I refer back to whenever I need to remind myself of what makes her her. I don't think I have ever drawn her as perfectly since (even if I totally fucked up on her right foot).
...plus it's fucking adorable and I have a known weakness for translucent slip dresses anyway.
11 years, 8 months ago
05 May 2013 12:07 CEST
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