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Partners - 'Issue 27'
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Norithics' Gallery (4478)

Partners - Epilogue

Vamp Tan, hold the sparkles
Keywords male 1196279, female 1086942, cat 214418, wolf 193453, bat 36900, ferret 10630, iguana 925, partners 2541 721, natalie grayswift 370, carrie oakenfield 236, erwin goldstein 136, jacent danger 132, samantha masterson 116, max tangent 111, lorna grayswift 42



Warm sunbeams baked radiant comfort under a gentle breeze of cool air. "Feels so good..." she mumbled happily, a lazy smirk on her half-asleep face.

"It does feel good to sleep in your bed again, doesn't it?" A slitted peek revealed Carrie's warm, beaming smile. Her hand rubbed the wolf girl's side rhythmically, sending happy little feelings- not to mention rumbling little growls- through her. Cat chuckled soundlessly at her girlfriend's short tail as it wagged with a cheerful rhythm. "It must be, anyway, because you've been asleep for... twenty-eight hours."

"What??" she asked groggily, squinting and rubbing bleariness from her eyes. Why did something feel amiss? "What happened? Ohmigod I have to pee, hold on."

Carrie only laughed as Natalie excused herself to the bathroom connected to her bedroom. She picked up a familiar stuffed octopus and gazed with amusement at his smiling face. "I bet you're happy to have her back, aren't you, Mr. Squiggle?"

- -

Natalie sighed with relief, throwing on a pair of dirty gym shorts and an undershirt. As she emerged from her room to descend the stairs, she regretted not finding something more suitable.


"There she is!"

"Look at her, up and at 'em!"

"Nothing keeps down our Natalie!"

"Wha...?" The confused highschooler stared at what could only be described as a mob taking up the living room of her house. Friends, schoolmates, people she recognized and some she didn't quite had gathered and were now crowding the place. "What are all these people doing in my house??"

"Who wouldn't come to see a genuine, real-life hero?" Murphy asked, smirking from her seat on the couch as she ruffled the hair of a young labrador boy who hugged her closely.

Natalie blushed. "I just did what I had to, General-"

"It's... just 'Officer Murphy' now," she corrected with a weary smile.

"And you did far more than what anyone would've expected," Jordan insisted.

"How does it feel to be a super badass celebrity??" Milly asked. "Are you tired after all of that butt-kicking? I bet you're gonna say a cool one-liner! D-" she winced, noticing others' stares. "Ah, I'll... save the interview 'til later."

"You and your friends... you kids saved us, Natalie." Ms. Hendrix smiled, dimples framing her glasses. "All of us."

She held her breath. "All of-..."

"Yes, all of us." Lorna appeared in the doorway, a mixed look of weariness and joy on her face. "And I'm so proud of you."

Natalie didn't wait for anyone to make way. Her feet moved of their own accord, bringing her to her mother until she practically crashed into her, wrapping her arms around the woman. "OhmigodI'msogladyou'reokay!!"

"Hng!" She laughed, hugging her in turn. "It's great to see you, too, Natalie."

"... Wait." Nat looked around for a moment. "Outshell, Exit."

Lorna shook her head, smirking. "No bullet. It's real."

With this confirmation, Natalie squeezed her once more, breathing a sigh of relief. "... So I remember Osoth being peeled off of you, but after that it gets a little fuzzy. How did we survive?"

"How many times do I have to tell you..." Carrie began, walking over and getting her girlfriend in a playful neck lock. "... Before you get it through that thick skull? I'm always gonna be there to catch you when you fall."

Natalie reversed the neck lock, holding Carrie in front of her. Her competitive smirk softened to a grateful smile as she kissed her gently. "I should've known, I can always count on you. But what happened to Osoth?"

"Now that, I can help with," Milly noted. "Your, um. She... wanted everyone to see this as soon as possible, but here it is, just for you."

A hologram of Echelon appeared on the coffee table in the middle of the room. She stood separately from Natalie, stroking her head gently as the wolf girl lie in bed. "Hello again, citizens of Locksmouth and, really, the world. It's me. Echelon." The inkling paused meaningfully. "Several hours ago, Natalie Grayswift and I teamed up to rid this world of the menace known as Empress Osoth. For the first time in my long, storied life, I was successful. Together with Natalie's friends and the help of the New Locksmouth Militia, the terrible despot that threatened both human and inkling alike was torn from her unwilling host. Using Mirror Slide, I sent her back to our world, Canvas, never to return.

"Osoth's reign of terror has ended. But even as I feel an incredible sense of relief and joy, I grieve for those of you who have lost so much. Your homes, your innocence, and though I hope against it despite all odds, perhaps even for some unfortunate souls, your lives. And though I accept all responsibility for this, my ultimate failure to protect you from her terrible wrath... it's my hope that you won't hold this against my people as a whole. For we, too, lived in fear of Osoth. We, as well, felt our bravery melt before her terrible power. Most of us have never known a life outside of kneeling before her, and all of those who have, were punished the worst, and barely resemble people anymore.

"Were it up to me, people of Earth, we would have contacted you. Worked with you. Tried to create friendships, and explore the endless new possibilities that joined life offers for all of us, with your permission... not terrified prostration. At the same time that I hope you'll forgive us, and even help us, I understand the reality that you owe us nothing, and that to ask would be a galling suggestion- an obscene gesture toward those we have wronged. Symbiotic life is something to be stepped into willingly by both human and inkling, not enforced.

"On that final note, I have one last thing to say, and that message belongs to Natalie. You are... the most incredibly brave, selfless, courageous person I've had the privilege of knowing. You stood up to nightmares both literal and not, fought away your doubts, and persevered where others would have quit, to no reasonable blame. It... would be easy to say at this point that the victories we shared, my role in saving your world from Osoth... entitle me to you. That I deserve a host, for my good deeds." She laughed sadly. "But that... would be the pinnacle of hypocrisy. You didn't choose me. You accepted me and took my mission despite this, but in the end, I forced myself onto you just the same as Osoth did to your mother. And it's for that reason... that I'm going back to Canvas."

The girl gasped softly. That feeling inside of her... the absence... it was Echelon.

"Please don't be sad, Natalie. My time with you was the happiest in my entire life. But you've got your own life to live, and I... need to forget... everything else." She paused. "Thank you, for everything."

Natalie looked to Carrie. "I-... Is Arus...?"

Cat nodded. "She went back with her." She looked down. "They all did."

The inkling's last few sentences played back in her mind. Don't be sad? How could she possibly? She hadn't even known she existed a week ago, but now, the idea that Echelon was just... gone... how could that even be? She hugged Carrie tightly, the two of them knowing the other felt exactly the same way.

"... Come on, kiddo," Lorna invited her. "You must be starving."

Natalie got as far as the first few tiles into the kitchen before she was accosted by a familiar little goat girl. "Natalie!!" She ran up and hugged her as tightly as she could.

For her part, the wolf girl could only laugh softly. "Heya, Gren." She saw her friends in various places around the kitchen, happy to see her. "Hey, guys!"

"You saved Grandpa!" If Gren's smile got any bigger, it would've popped right off her face.

"I-... I did??" she blinked.

"You did!" Erwin agreed. "When you defeated Osoth, everyone was freed from her ink pits. Not only that, but without her constant death signal going, people with inklings are no longer randomly attacking people."

"Oh!" Natalie smiled. "So Kei's alright, too??"

The ferret frowned. "I... went back to see if Kei was still where we left him, but... he wasn't." He held up a single origami crane made out of paper-thin sheet metal. "He must have woken up while he was lucid and just decided to leave so he wouldn't endanger us."

"Oh." She put a hand on his shoulder. "We'll find him, Erwin. Don't worry."

Max nodded like a bobblehead, petting Gropey in his lap. "You bet we will! A lotta people are still scattered, but everyone's helping out. The ones from the ink pits were all pretty tired, but I didn't tell 'em it was prolly 'cause we did a super drain on 'em in the climactic final battle!"

"Well it was for a good cause!" Sam defended. "And more besides, I didn't notice anyone complaining when I was healing them later."

Jacent nodded in agreement, his eyes still black, but speckled with white as they cleared up. "The power you drew from the people of Locksmouth freed an enslaved people, rescued a terrified public, and saved my life," he explained. "Osoth's blow inserted a small mote of ink into me that tore at my wounds and prevented me from recovering. When you defeated her, I was delivered from certain demise." He smiled softly. "I am eternally grateful to you. And... by the looks of the plotted reconstruction efforts promised by your neighboring towns, I may just have to eventually find myself some school clothes after all," he admitted with some sense of amused defeat.

Natalie laughed. "Sorry, no heroic sacrifice this time." She patted the boy's back. "I'd rather keep you around. In fact, I'm glad to have all of you here."

"Thank you for saving us," Gren insisted. "I love you, Natalie, I wanna be just like you." She squeezed her tightly in her enthusiasm, causing the older girl to blush deeply.

"Better start reinforcing those pant seams now," Carrie cracked with a grin, earning a playful glare.

Grendolyn finally let Natalie go, realizing she probably would like to breathe in the near future. "I'm sorry about Echelon," she said with the kind of sympathy only a child could offer.

"... Me, too," Nat agreed somberly. "I'm gonna miss her a lot."

"Maybe... Maybe you'll meet her again some day," Gren speculated. "You never know, after all."

"... Maybe," she responded, smiling softly.

Lorna returned from the fridge, carrying a little container. "I was saving the ingredients for a special occasion, but it's not every day your daughter saves the world from an evil alien queen." She smiled. "So, I made you some of that good old-fashioned pudding you like, with real sugar." With a chuckle, she put a cup of it down onto the breakfast nook. "Are you going to have some?"

Natalie looked around as everybody watched her expectantly- especially Carrie, who had a glint of the same mischief in her eyes from that very first day. "... Yes." She swaggered up to the stool, pulled it out, stepped onto the rungs and brought her big behind down on it with a brief jiggle, half of it hanging off the seat as she regarded her mother with a sanguine smile. "Yes, I am."

~The End~

For now.
Partners - 'Issue 27'
Last in pool
I'd like to give a very special thank you to
, without whom this story would not exist. You taught me the basics, you helped me when I was stuck, and your tireless editing ensured a level of polish that I simply couldn't have accomplished on my own. I may have written it, but you gave me the tools and the confidence necessary. I can never thank you enough.

I'd also like to thank @PonderousPlatypus, who was around for me to bounce ideas off of and also did some proof-reading for me. You really helped out, dude, I appreciate it a ton.

, you loved the world so much that your imagination opened it up in ways I hadn't ever considered.

My energy to keep going was boosted greatly by all of you who created fancharacters, wrote, drew, and otherwise played around in my little world. Some of you even have characters whom I added into the story, just because they fit so well and were a wonderful addition.

And of course, my final thanks goes to you, dear readers. Your showing of support kept me going during even the hardest, most frustrating parts of writing this. Your enthusiasm for the characters and setting, your questions about the workings and the plot, your torches and pitchforks when I kept hanging you off a cliff- just kidding on that last one! But seriously, you made writing this worth it. I can't even pretend that I would've finished it if you hadn't taken interest. Thank you so much. It was a privilege.

male 1,196,279, female 1,086,942, cat 214,418, wolf 193,453, bat 36,900, ferret 10,630, iguana 925, partners 2541 721, natalie grayswift 370, carrie oakenfield 236, erwin goldstein 136, jacent danger 132, samantha masterson 116, max tangent 111, lorna grayswift 42
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 11 years, 11 months ago
Rating: General

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11 years, 11 months ago
It's done? Goodness. Well I certainly need to wrap up reading it now.

How is poor Nori going to spend his time without Partners to write? Well~ I'm sure you'll find something.
11 years, 11 months ago
I miiighta punched ya if this epilogue hadn't existed. 'Twas a grand adventure, all in all~ .. and.. well, it's not really, Really over, right? I look forward to continuing to see the cast about~
11 years, 11 months ago
...I just have one thing to ask.

What does this mean for Shelly?!
11 years, 11 months ago
Hmm... maybe she asked Erwin if he could tinker with her breast understickers?
I mean they are known to be inflatable to a degree if I am not mistaken, or is that limited to those in the genital area?

Or maybe does her chest stay that way once she loses her stretchy powers?

The world will never know!
11 years, 11 months ago
I imagine you'd be curious! What with her funny personality, her physical characteristics, and her hair. With its highlights, on the ends.
11 years, 11 months ago
11 years, 11 months ago
Phew..no Bullet.  For just a moment, you had my heart palpitating.  It's been a great ride all the way too!
11 years, 11 months ago
Bravo Mr. Nori. This story is one of the most enthralling and entertaining I have read in a Very long time. The way you build up pure undiluted hatred for Osoth before killing her off like that made for a great ending. Thank you for sharing this series with us. =)

11 years, 11 months ago
Now. To write it all again, in Web Comic form. =p
11 years, 11 months ago
This, but try to make it in the format of actual comics so that if you get in a monetary pinch but still have enough reserves, you can get a few copies printed and auction them off.
11 years, 11 months ago
You've done a wonderful job.  I've been reading these since you started and it's been a fun and wonderful journey.  I'll always love these characters now.
11 years, 10 months ago
I'm so happy you liked it so much. It's hard to end a story, but seeing your reaction reassures me. <3
11 years, 11 months ago
I will punch you to death.
11 years, 11 months ago
To super death.
11 years, 11 months ago
How could you release the end to your fantastic series, and give everyone closure! You MONSTER!

i'm still not done with mine yet.
11 years, 11 months ago
one of the best stories iv ever read  maybe the best       and iv read a lot
11 years, 11 months ago
quite the way to end^^ excellent!! was great to read it all to the end!
11 years, 11 months ago
..It just struck me that were this a musical, it would not only be appropriate, but also totally awesome if the cast broke out into a rendition of 'We Are The Champions'.
11 years, 11 months ago
Absolutely wonderful. This story's been amazing, all the way through. I truly hope we'll get to see everyone get their partners to come back from Canvas. (Also still hoping to read about when the girls finally pull Jacent into bed with them. ;p
11 years, 11 months ago
Oh you know we have to hear about their misadventures occasionally now that this is all over... or is it?

DUN DUN DU-*Injured in every horribly possible way for the safety of the universe*

I'm okay.

But really, thank you so much for writing this magnificent story, can't wait to see what you do next, if you make a sequel or like I said, a misadventures series. You know Shelly needs to see the breast...What? Too blunt?
11 years, 11 months ago
need at lest 1 or 2 more stories detailing the kids going back to school. (must see how jecent handles it :D  )
11 years, 11 months ago
Hnnnngh! Oh, God, now I'm all verklempt...! ;u;

Seriously, though, I did start to tear up during Echelon's message. In a way, I'm a little sorry to see the end, but all in all, it's a GREAT end! Oh, and story's conclusion was awesome as well. ;3

Was hoping for a bit more epilogue, or maybe some side stories. I'd like to learn what happened to Cedric and Shelley and all the others after Osoth's defeat.
11 years, 11 months ago
Have you ever thought of putting this all in one file as a large book? I need to get back into reading these once my computer is fixed. I applaud you for having the patience for writing these stories.
11 years, 11 months ago
Everybodies comment here makes me wish I read this, instead of just simply waiting for it to end so Norithic could work on Mashato life story.
11 years, 11 months ago
Then read it. It's not going anywhere.
11 years, 11 months ago
And it's over.

I'm not sure how I feel about it. I suppose it's the kind of ending that raises more questions than answers. Then again, you never want to tie up a story too tightly to allow a reader's imagination to go off with it. But there's always that question, "What happens next?"

Certainly I want to know. Certainly we all do. But that's best left to our imagination. Shelly, who was absent from the end, Kei, would he ever be found? Kelvade... where'd he go? What of Cedric, Alliston, and Cole?

Maybe there are some loose ends to tie up. But you've left that to us, and I'm sure we're all going to take it and run with it to an extent. But, Nori? it was an amazing story, start to finish.

I loved it. Thank you.
11 years, 11 months ago
Right, finally got around to reading this series, now that I knew that it was finished, and I have to say, I am so glad I waited, as having to read this a chapter at a time would have been insane.

Only a few chapters in, I knew I'd be glued to this story, and it most certainly did not disappoint, kept me reading to the bittersweet ending.
11 years, 11 months ago
I'm very happy that you gave it a chance, and having done so, enjoyed it so very much. =)
11 years, 10 months ago
So next you're gonna be writing the hilarious shenanigans involved with Jacent getting acclimated to the future and high school right? As well as the rest of the world adjusting in the aftermath.
11 years, 10 months ago
Well done, you have loose ends to tie up, but for the main thread this was a pleasure to read to closing.

Now, what to do with Kelvalde... I mean he can't go back without his host dying of old age I assume(Plus I think he'd have even more severe withdrawl of no Ink).  Then there is Emnas with his memory back and Cedric, with his friends.  Erwin finding and helping Kei.  Jayce without a foe, maybe seeking out the past to those robots.  Max, having to learn how to live without his extra sticky powers...

So many loose ends Nori, quite naughty of you.  You still got your work cut out for you *winks*
11 years, 10 months ago
Norithics, let me say that after having read this entire series, I have absolutely loved every moment of it. Everything about this story was well made and lovingly told. Thank you for sharing this with all of us, and thank you to those that helped and assisted you throughout your time with it. I loved it.
11 years, 10 months ago
I'm so pleased you liked it, Serge. This story is my pride and joy, the one creative thing I actually care about. To hear you enjoyed it so much makes me happy. n_n
11 years, 9 months ago
That was a really great book. Thank you for writing it, and for sharing it freely like this. I appreciate that. ^.^

I'm a bit sad the inklings left, I was hoping they'd stick around and usher in a new era of superpowers! But at least everything turned out okay.

Thanks again. I'll definately reccomend this book to all of the people.
11 years, 9 months ago
I'm thrilled that you enjoyed it so much. Thanks for taking the time out to say so. =)
11 years, 9 months ago
I finally read this.
11 years, 9 months ago
This was a ride. Awesome story, and getting better and better the longer you went on.
11 years, 9 months ago
I'm really pleased you thought so. =)
11 years, 8 months ago
I finally read the whole thing...i...am speachless. All this was just amazing. I laughed, cried, and even got pissed on a few occasions. Great great job. Maybe you can continue somewhat with say..little tidbits of their lives after the invasion?
11 years, 8 months ago
Thank you very much for reading through it. While I think about that, what were your favorite parts, so that I may think about what a potential revisiting might mean in the future?
11 years, 8 months ago
Well...i gotta say my favorite parts was where you showed the potential relationships for certain characters like Jace and Sam. I noticed sam seemed to have a big soft spot for him...and i would like to see if that goes anywere. Also i would adore seeing how Jace adjusts to the world around him...with Nat and Cat's help of course.

While we are on the subject...i would definetly like to see a little comic on how the showers work in their "time" since you did one on the under stickers.
11 years, 8 months ago
How very interesting. I may just have to do something about that. : )
11 years, 8 months ago
Yay! Please and thank you.
11 years, 8 months ago
This is one of the most amazing stories I have ever read. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, you are one amazingly talented writer. I look forward to reading more of your work in the future.
11 years, 7 months ago
And thank you for reading it, and sharing your thoughts! I appreciate it greatly.
11 years, 6 months ago
ASragafasgale. I still need to go back and read this from the first chapter, srsly. Also I remembered Inkbunny was a thing. I like this site, s'good. :D
11 years, 6 months ago
Dooo iiiiit!
11 years, 6 months ago
But but but but but 7 classes. D:
11 years, 6 months ago
But nothing~! These are easily transferable to a smaller, more portable device for reeeeadiiiing~
11 years, 5 months ago
I don't have those. :v
11 years, 5 months ago
Wow, not even a cell phone? Crazy.
11 years, 5 months ago
There have only been two reasons i've opted to skip sleeping. The first being close-open shifts at work, the other being this series. I don't think i can put into words how much I enjoyed reading this, but here I am trying. Time to crack open the next volume!
11 years, 5 months ago
*takes a little peek at your favorites*
Ah! Come for the boobs, stay for the goofy world-saving teenagers!
In all seriousness, I'm delighted you had a good time with this. I hope I can make it even more fun in Volume 2. =)
11 years, 5 months ago
getting ready to bust into the next volume, but i think i already have something in mind commission-wise, just as soon as i figure out how to work paypal.
11 years, 2 months ago
John 19:30
What can I say that hasn't already been said?  Captivating characters, gripping plot, well-written prose, and a healthy sprinkling of T&A.  I really thought Jacent wasn't going to make it (that you were gonna do the passing-the-torch thing) but you surprised me.  Also, Cedric was my favourite "baddie" -- and I'm not just saying that because of the similarity in names.
At any rate, sadly, it's over, and I'm finally released from my geas.  No more Partners to read!  Now I can slee--

...what do you mean, Volume 2.  FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUU--
11 years, 2 months ago
I'm pleased as punch that you liked it that much~ It was really a pleasure to write, and I never could've expected the response.
I hope I can make it just as fun in Volume 2. : )
11 years, 2 months ago
Oooo! Pudding. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
10 years, 11 months ago
leí solo la primera pagina y ya no pude parar

Great story
I almost cried
10 years, 11 months ago
El gusto es mio.
I'm glad you liked it. <3
10 years, 11 months ago
: D  
I have a question.
 you never drew  Osoth / Lorna?
10 years, 11 months ago
I've drawn Lorna! Not Osoth yet, though.
10 years, 10 months ago
I'd been looking for something to read, and I was amazed at what I found. A little over two weeks to read the entire first volume and looking back in your referencing material in-between every couple of chapters really helped paint the entire dome. From the school to the many different beasts and people to even the 2D world of Canvas, all in all you really couldn't have asked for a better ending than what you have now. With this I can't wait to read what you have of volume 2 set up!
10 years, 10 months ago
Thrilled that you liked it so much! Hope I can deliver another great story in volume 2. Thanks for taking the time out to say so!
9 years, 1 month ago
that was quite the ride. i half expected a fakeout.  if it wasnt for the fact that this is a 28 post long
pool. I waited wat too long to read this it was great. I would love to see it in book form so i could
have a copy on my bookshelf. Autographed by a certain mischevious trash panda. <3

Fantastic work Nori
9 years, 1 month ago
I'm super glad you decided to read through the whole thing, and even moreso that you liked it!
9 years, 1 month ago
im off to book two. its already fun. just finished the first chapter.
that dodgeball scene. And Trig so young.. wow.
5 years, 12 months ago
We need a sequel! At least we get a kinda happy ending.
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