I love you for this! First Person Shooters are too numerous and lacking much more than "Shoot these enemies, then shoot them again... and again..." gameplay. I hardly ever buy newer games anymore just because of microtransactions, having a large chunk of content purposefully removed to make me pay for it. Soon everyone will be spending $60 on DEMOS!!!
I love you for this! First Person Shooters are too numerous and lacking much more than "Shoot these
hmmmmmm dont really do fps games, you could try ff7 dirge of cerberus. its a fun shooter with a story that lets you ostomize your gun, other than that.........i guess the next best game you might like is shadow of the collosus. hope my suggestions help you out dude.
hmmmmmm dont really do fps games, you could try ff7 dirge of cerberus. its a fun shooter with a stor
Yeah, the only shooter games I enjoy anymore are ones with a deep story I can get into (Like Half-Life), a new gameplay mechanic (Like Left 4 Dead) or have a ton of other things available to do other than just shooting things (Like Garry's Mod).
.... now I sound like a Valve fanboy, don't I?
Yeah, the only shooter games I enjoy anymore are ones with a deep story I can get into (Like Half-Li
im ok with fps if they have an engaging story. sadly most dont. crysis is amazing as an fps and its story is interesting. I honestly hate EA and bioware. especially since they have half assed two games that were headed to greatness. Im a huge fan of mass efffect and the fact that they rushed the end ( then bitched about people violating their artistic license when it was really their greed that killed the game) just broke my heart. 90 hours for a confusing and meaningless outcome. hope the next mass effect installment and the Dragon Age 3 can help atone for the gaping wound they created as a company
im ok with fps if they have an engaging story. sadly most dont. crysis is amazing as an fps and its
I know this is totally unrelated, but I saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHcxBf-JUMA video again, and haha. Well, if you haven't seen it, it should be your theme, haha :D
I know this is totally unrelated, but I saw this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHcxBf-JUMA video a
Yeah I'm just about the opposite. I'm really really sick of how video games are no longer games, they're just interactive movies. It's really dull and old, and a good story will never make up for boring, recycled game play (See Tomb Raider (not the most current but all of them after 3 to now) Resident Evil 5+ Dead Space 2/3 just about everything else that isn't a platformer at this point). We need less FPS madness and less cinema games and more GAMES. I want to PLAY something, I don't give a crap about how deep your story is. This is also why I can't stand playing turn-based RPGs.. the gameplay is SO boring and it's nothing but story story story. I have books and movies for a good story, I don't need my games to be nothing but story either.
Yeah I'm just about the opposite. I'm really really sick of how video games are no longer games, the
thats the great thing about video games we have a choice of many things we can play why rant and rave about a genre you obviously dont like very much when you could be spending that time and energy on games you actually enjoy. first person shooters are not going to go away just because you hate them.
thats the great thing about video games we have a choice of many things we can play why rant and rav