Character Sheet for Wendy Sparks
Wendy is a hardened soldier, no doubt about it. But dispite her brutal training and warrior's mind set, Wendy is still a woman who loves to be romanced and treated like the delicate flower she sees herself as. Wendy is capable of great compassion and love, and she takes pride in this. If need be, Wendy can 'switch off' the warrior and become all woman. Yes, she'll even cry at sad movies or melt to a man's smooth pick up line. If Wendy takes an intrest in someone, she doesn't play games or drop little hints. She makes it VERY clear she's interested. (Though sometimes this frightens most men away from her.) But if one thinks that Wendy's compassion and tendancy to cry at sad movies is a weakness, that would be a grave error indeed. Wendy can 'switch on' just as fast and be right back to wrecking havoc in no time.
Training: Wendy was part of an experimantal program formed by the KGB in the early 2000s. A female Spetsnaz division of the Russian military. Wendy excelled in the program and was made squad leader within a few months of starting the program. Wendy trained vigorously in the use of various Russian and American weapons. Her personal favorite is the GE Mini Gatling gun. (Both the 7.62mm and the 50cal.) Wendy has also mastered the use of the tactical tomahawk. (Hence where her nickname 'Axe' comes from.) Wendy is very strong and has stamina to burn. Wendy has been know to operate without sleep for extended periods of time and still retain good judgement skills and stay sharp on her alertness. While she isn't the fastest soldier, she utilizes the Spetsnaz fighting techniques to their fullest potential. By constantly moving as she shoots or fights in odd angles make her a dificult target to hit in a fire fight. Her primary position in the unit is heavy weapons & support. After severe budget cuts to the military, the female Spetsnaz unit was disbanded. Wendy and the other women that were in the program either went to work for the KGB or went in search of funds as soldiers of fortune. Wendy chose the latter.
Typical equipment list: (This can change depending on the mission.)
GE Mini Gatling gun. (7.62mm model prefered.) With ammo pack.
Six fragmentation grenades
Two thermite grenades
Desert Eagle 50cal. with attached tactical flashlight and two extra mags.
Tactical tomahawk
Ruger 22 LR with 2 extra mags.
Threat level 3 body armor covering the chest, back, shoulders, groin, and thighs.
Converted pencil mic/transmitter: Turns on and off with either Wendys voice, or recieving a transmission from HQ. (Radio range, about 150 yards, with satellite uplink, nearly unlimited as long as the earth isn't interfearing. Will run for 5 hours constantly.)
Cliff bars: 6 total
1 quart canteen: Plastic
Standard BDUs fitting the terrain and season of the mission.
Armor bottomed combat boots with steel toe.