What to do about it?
This feeling that is sweaping accrost our generation.
What are we to make of this?
The horrable lingering feeling of it.
some say depression is a cause from guilt.
some say it is from greadyness.
some say its from having more money than you know what to do with.
some say depression is caused by looking at porn.
If you feel guilty from looking at porn or doing any thing at all that makes guilt well inside you.
stop doing it!!!
By doing things that make you feel guilty your only bringing misery into you life.
Stop doing it to yourself.
having peace is better than feeling guilty.
stop doing things you feel in your heart is wrong.
If it makes you feel bad chances are it is bad.
The only way out of depression is Jesus Christ.
Pick up a Bible and read it.
It is a life changing book.
This book turns lives around and makes them better.
You don't have to take my advise.
It is your free will to choose what you do with your life.
You can feel guilty and miserable or you can pick up a Bible and turn your life around, your desision.