's entire group of characters that follow this lightly-stacked, tightly-packed arachnid. But even Jessalynn herself is just filled with this sense of fun that makes me think she'd be a blast to hang out with.
The first picture was the result of us taking a look at her from the front and realizing... geez, those pants are low, that must be a real cheeky situation in the back! So here, she's calling out one of her packmates, a squirrely boy, and teasing him for it. Also, he drew his own take on this phenom, which you should totally bug him to upload!
The second and third pictures were kind of a video-gamey musing on my part thinking about how she'd deal with surviving during the Inked invasion, considering her only fighting style is a hobby. Plus I've been playing a ton of Punch-Out!.
You know, those things really don't help as much as you would hope. 'S almost worse, because all the force is being concentrated in one small place rather than distributed.
You know, those things really don't help as much as you would hope. 'S almost worse, because all the