Here we have the full pic of the Cel'Brum from the sketch group. ^^ Firly happy with how this one turned out. Anyway as always with new species we'll get a Codex entry first and then lil story for the pic.
The Cel'Brum are an egg laying mammalian species native to the planet Celaia. The Cel'brum differ from most sapient life in that they are primarily quadrupeds. They are capable however of standing and walking on hind legs though their bodies are inefficient at this method of locomotion. That said their hands are quite nimble and dexterous. They originally evolved from predators using their intellect to outwit not only prey but the the stronger, faster, and larger predators of their world. This predatory heritage can be seen to this day as the Cel'Brum have a diet similar to bears able to eat a variety of things though having a preference to meat. This said they do also have a weakness for sweets and fruit commonly accompanies meat dishes. Farming is big business on their world with vat grown meat slowly gaining acceptance by the general populace as it's use aboard their space vessels has lead to this. Socially they are a warm and open race with a strong sense of collective honor and place strong values on family no matter the family's make up. This said the Cel'Brum hold some distrust of bipedal species as their first encounter with one ending in the slaughter of a group of youths in the forest of a colony world and repeated raids by pirates. Modern Cel'Brum though still having some distrust are more amenable to bipeds simply needing time to get to know them. Cel'Brum clothing itself is minimal and usually consisting of some sort of waist covering to protect sensitive regions of the body. Usually anything else is decorative. Lastly the Cel'Brum have a single name structured into three sections. The first part of the name indicates the family, the second part is given to the Cel'Brum at birth, and the last is bestowed upon during adolescence and is usually descriptive in nature though can sometimes be the given name of a well known family member of their lineage.
Ju'Nar'Kesh walked back into the tend having just come back from their vehicle. The sky today was dark and clouds were letting down rain sporadically and had been since last night. It wasn't ideal weather for camping. Not a whole lot was fun to do in the rain. As Nar'Kesh sat down he noticed his sun was up and smiled at him.
"Good morning Ven." He said smiling at the mostly golden furred boy dropping the family prefix from his name as was common within family and among friends.
"Morning Dad." Ju'Nar grinned as he stretched a bit his diaper crinkling. "Think the rain will let up soon dad? I wanna see the Vinchka Birds."
"I hope so. Here have some breakfast." Ju'Nar'Kesh said offering his son some fruit knowing that the boy had been looking forward to seeing the impressive birds. They nearly the size of a Cel'Brum and were truly something to behold in flight.
"Oh my Favorite! Thanks Dad" Ju'Ven grinned and took the fruit siting down to eat it.
Ju'Nar'Kesh smiled as he watched his son eat. It was nice to have this time with him even if they were both trapped in the tent for the time being. He worked as the administrator for the local Space Port and felt he really should be taking more time for his family. Especially his son. Ju'Nar was a bright young lad with his head in the clouds and rarely dwelt on things even his condition. Ju'Nar had been quite sick when he was younger and it was touch and go for a while. The lad recovered but had some residual side effects. The Muscles that controlled his bodily functions were effected leaving them so weak that the boy would be in diapers the rest of his life. Ju'Nar'Kes was proud of how well his son handled this thus far. His friends were used to it and only occasionally gave him a good natured teasing. Those that had done worse Ju'Nar'Kesh had dealt with speaking to their parents. After all picking on someone with a medical condition beyond their ability to control was quite dishonorable. But for the day all that was pushed aside as Father and son spent time together bonding as they watched vids on the side of the tent and eventually did get to head out as the weathered cleared and see the Vinchka Birds.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
12 years ago
22 Feb 2013 03:28 CET
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