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Princess by Magic

A Bit of Apple Cobbler

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I for one welcome her!

I figure there's pretty much no way for you not to know by now, so...

And no drama in my comments! ^^

female 1,087,626, pony 106,663, mlp 70,525, my little pony 64,590, horse 59,605, equine 36,394, my little pony friendship is magic 25,564, alicorn 10,854, twilight sparkle 8,752, princess 7,639, crown 2,888, spoilers 154, spoiler 123, alicorn twilight 6
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 12 years, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 1 month ago
Such a cute face!
12 years, 1 month ago
I thought it was quite adorable. ^^ Thanks!
12 years, 1 month ago
"Quite adorable" ? It's the epitome of adorbz, dear.
12 years, 1 month ago
the outfits a nice touch.
12 years, 1 month ago
It's certainly different than the regular Princess'!
12 years, 1 month ago
Inb4 Twilight becomes an alicorn princess because she accidentally swaps cutie marks/destinies with one of the princesses
12 years, 1 month ago
Fillies and gentlecolts, my theory. Either this or a dream sequence, and this merchandise is set-up for a massive trolling of the show's staff...
12 years, 1 month ago
I say it's because all alicorns have been princesses. Since season 2 final episodes, she has been technically a princess, because of her brother's marriage.
12 years, 1 month ago
I'm not sure it works that way...
12 years, 1 month ago
I know it might not work that way, but it all I can think off (^_^")
12 years, 1 month ago
it makes sense, really
12 years, 1 month ago
I thought so!
12 years, 1 month ago
I agree completely! :D
12 years, 1 month ago
Glad to have others agree! ^^
12 years, 1 month ago
Of course! :D My only thought now is this, are we going to have Blueblood make some stupid comment about her being a commoner, only to have him be, no pun intended, royal owned by the rest of Twilight's family? I'd like to see that.
12 years, 1 month ago
But, but, but... Drama D:

Nah, seriously, the decision to make her an alicorn strikes me as a bit strange but simply trust in Faust to make this into a good plot device.
Wouldn't be too surprised if she loses her 'god'status in season 4 to Sombra and than has to regain it.

Other than that, you did a really great job on the portrait, I could see this picture hanging on a royal wall as it is.
12 years, 1 month ago
Faust no longer works on it, though. o.o Or so I thought.
12 years, 1 month ago
In fact, Faust's vision was that Luna and Celestia would be the only alicorns. She was actually surprised they converted Cadence into one.

That doesn't mean it's impossible as a valid plot device in any way, though.
12 years, 1 month ago
I don't get the drama.
12 years, 1 month ago
You icon compliments this comment. Just the right amount of herbs and spices. :3

(Can you tell I'm no food connoisseur? XD )
12 years, 1 month ago
It really does not make sense to me that she would go through all the trouble of learning to make friends and be part of a team to then suddenly become a Princess. I think it has been proven that the Elements are more powerful than the Alicorns and if she is a Princess she would, by the nature of the title, have to be far more alone than she ever was before.

Besides, Poor Twi is not the sort of person who would really like such heavy responsibility from what I can see.
12 years, 1 month ago
Twilight not like responsibility? She'd love all those extra checklists!
12 years, 1 month ago
i wanna see this
12 years, 1 month ago
12 years, 1 month ago
awesome i cant wait
12 years, 1 month ago
You know, there is also a My Little Pony toy for a certain purple Aerocorn.. and I believe it's already available on the market...

12 years, 1 month ago
I honestly anticipated Twilight becoming an Alicorn LITERALLY immediately after the royal wedding. Her brother married Cadence. This, TECHNICALLY, would make her royalty in Equestria. Every princess is an Alicorn. Therefore, through this connection, she would eventually have to become one herself. However, I wonder what would happen with the other 5 as she might be forced to Canterlot, away from her friends. The producers did mention that there would be a definitive ending to the show rather than letting it trail off into the distance for eternity. I just hope it's not already. It's way too soon for that.
12 years, 1 month ago
I don't really follow the show, but a friend of mine who basically worships it was all excited the other day because apparently they'd confirmed that there's going to be a season four. Hope that helps. :3
12 years, 1 month ago
But, but... dalkfdalkd;fsalkjdf;lkajsdlkasjfdalsd;kjf

Lolz, I kid, of course. XD Yeah, known about this for some time supposedly happening, but supposed CONFIRMATION is different, even if dunno much from what I keep hearing, if will be temporary (even if they end Season 3 with her still being an alicorn) or not. I mean, I have to question why they'd make her an alicorn and not her brother, since he's the one married to a Princess (who may be immortal, like her aunts). And not sure how I feel about it, even though Twilight will still hopefully be my favorite, if this is a permanent thing, if fandom won't gauge the writers' decision for her future appearances (as hopefully, won't just be her by herself for long/majority of Season 4 with cutting the rest of the Mane 6 or if stays a Princess, at least let her spend some time further in Ponyville with her fellow elements and friends) and staying as an alicorn or not.

Anyway, looks nice, well done! ^^
12 years, 1 month ago
Well Shining isn't a Magic filled bomb that with proper training could have the potential to be something greater! lol
Twilight will always remain best pony in my eyes, unless they do something terrible with her. ^^

I for one, don't see it being temporary. The book at the beginning of Season 3 has some secrets to show. ^__^
12 years, 1 month ago
Well, I mean, you DO have a point, but it does make sense what I said: I mean, neither Celestia nor Luna have a spouse or even a special somepony, as far as we know, yet their niece Cadence does. Of course, Cadence could be not immortal like they seem to be, but until further notice, have to assume she is. And just makes me wonder about the long-termness of their marriage, if Cadence supposedly will outlive her first(?) spouse, with her willing to lose him due to old age (since due to popular canon/fanon belief that unless an alicorn, have to assume all creatures are mortal in the MLP world) despite being a so-called Princess that "can spread love wherever they go" and should want herself to stay in/represent love as well. But I AM a huge fan of the ship regardless, it's among my top preferred ones. And Shining does have some skill, from what we've heard and seen, even if it's mostly making shields that can repel evil/foes but isn't also a(?) Captain of the Guard for nothing other than that and his sister's connection to the Princess, I'm sure.

And Twi's my favorite and probably always will be, though I believe Applejack is best pony cause she's got sum mad country skillz, YO. :D Even if I can't relate, neither being a country man nor having any such skills myself, as far as I know. XD But I likes her for them anyway, even if at times, her character is questionable such as a few episodes back imo (not Spike at Your Service, but that could be considered one as well) and when she had her first episode in Season 2 and other times in the series. Yet, I still like her kinda, despite all of those problems (don't dislike any pony, except for DT and SS, Discord at one point, and Rarity somewhat even if some of my worst qualities are ones she has as well, namely getting easily dirty even though in my case it's more the worry of doing so, but also do actually at times XD Probably others as well can't recall, but also dislike her when she's either kind of being selfish, being a diva, or seems to use her feminine wiles to get others to do as she pleases, and that isn't only with Spike or stallions, as she sometimes uses Sweetie Belle).

...And what book exactly do you mean from then? :\ The super-large one she pulled out in her haste in getting prepped for a test that she wasn't even sure what it would be about? As that's the only one we know of from those episodes, and certainly doubt you mean any others that were skimmed over in her library the Crystal Empire library or the book on the Crystal Empire's history from its pre-vanishment.
12 years, 1 month ago
Eh, kinda was already hinted at with how part 2 of the season 3  two-parter ended.

Besides, was I the ONLY one who saw the amount of magic she expended in Boast Busters or has hidden inside of her during the Cutie mark Chronicles?

Also, what is inbetween Day and Night? You know, those times when the sun isn't up, but the stars aren't out and it's this sort of haze that isn't day or night?

As in... What would be between Celestia and Luna?

Yup, Twilight.

Anyway, I think this fansplosion is a bit over the top. People were furious with the idea of Discord becoming a "good guy" and while I was skeptical of the idea myself, after witnessing how it was performed, it really touched my heart.
12 years, 1 month ago
You've got an interesting idea going there! I too agree her magic hasn't been explored to it's fullest potential. She has more in her than just being merely good a magic!
12 years, 1 month ago
I think it would be an acceptable change honestly. Though I haven't seen the source of what everyone claims is proof that Twilight is going to become an "Alicorn"
12 years, 1 month ago
If you'd like to know, there's a photo on The Hub's Facebook page and also in this article!
12 years, 1 month ago
Thank you. I honestly still don't see it being a problem. If anything it should actually make things interesting.
12 years, 1 month ago
12 years, 1 month ago
Don't be princess Twilight! It would be a wrong move on your part. Big time.
12 years, 1 month ago
On one hoof, Im not surprised because of little breadcrumb clues throughout the series, on the other hoof, I was expecting it AFTER the series was over. Im guessing this last is why people are freaking out everywhere because subconsiously this is what they suspected too and they can only see an end.
12 years, 1 month ago
You may be right there. It is a strange thing to do part way through. But at the same time, it will provide some interesting things for the next season should it exist! (And they've already paid for the time slot so...)
12 years, 1 month ago
A lovely piece of work, waiting for the episode so we can find out just when and where Twilight gains her wings. One option is during the destiny swap, but other mentions have been, in solving the problem of the destiny swap, by creating her own magic, she has passed her greatest test, and so been empowered to alicorn status.

If she destiny swaps with one of the Earth ponies, AppleJack, or preferably Pinkie Pie, then that magic making will be most intresting.

Its a good job I didnt post my notes all those years ago, it would rather ruin things.

As for Discord, come on guys. He is the epitome of Chaos, He Is Chaos, and as everyone in advanced data handling in the mnet office, or even Discworld knows, to control Chaos, you use  a Quantum Weather Butterfly. Or Fluttershy in this case.

Sit back and enjoy the ride. 8)
12 years, 1 month ago
rofl! Well said I'd say! I know I can't wait to see how it all surmises!
11 years, 11 months ago
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Twilight Sparkle Ponyville wgah'nagl fhtagn.
Ia! Ia Twilight Sparkle!
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