Character Sheet for Faraday the Falcon
Character Description
Faraday is an evil version of Sky, travelling all the way from another universe to torment his Alpha counterpart and make his live a living hell.
Powers and Abilities
Faraday possesses all the powers and abilities as Sky, except his lightning is purple and black.
Besides the obvious weakness of water or whatever liquid touches him when he is charged, Faraday’s weaknesses are all on the mental level. His arrogance and pride are relatively easy to exploit. It should be mentioned that Faraday can badly tolerate noises, lights, or smells that are too strong and is likely to have a meltdown if constantly exposed to at least one of these factors. He can also be contained by anything made of non-conductive materials, such as rubber or glass.
Hostile, rude, jaded, mature, selfish, cruel, amoral, disloyal, violent, paranoid, obsessive, bitter, resentful, power-hungry, attention-seeking, smart, devious, cunning, jealous, spiteful.
Likes: His job, tormenting Sky and his family and friends, getting as much power as he can.
Dislikes: Sky, the Runaways, justice, his old friends and family, strong lights, smells or sounds.
Faraday is a variant of Sky that comes from an alternate reality where Eggman won the War. Instead of his family being captured, he was abducted instead and experimented on, which awakened his Angel-derived electric powers but corrupted them. After suffering at the hands of Eggman for months, he was able to escape and destroyed the Death Egg all by himself thanks to his abilities, which he immediately was enamored with instead of fearing and loathing them like his Alpha counterpart, while also violently killing Eggman in the process. Once back on Mobius, he expected people to cherish his escape and make him a hero, but he instead was met with the bad-hidden fear of his peers and parents, who all saw the damage, both physical and emotional, that had been done to him. What was once their son and friend had now been replaced with someone else, even though he himself didn’t see the changes.
He began working as a solitary vigilante, using his powers to violently stop all the criminals he ran into and even downright killing some who, in his eyes, deserved it. All the while, his friends and family grew even more mortified and afraid of him, afraid of who, or what, he was becoming. Any attempt to break through his facade was violently repressed by him, who started to think that the people who he had known and loved all these years were turning against him for no discernible reason… at least for him. One day, as he was taking care of his own version of Infinite, he was stopped by his peers before he could deliver the final blow and attempted to get through to him and make him see the error of his ways, but they failed miserably and Faraday simply eliminated them by absorbing all the electricity in their bodies, effectively turning them off. At first distraught, confused and sad about his friends dying, he soon shook it off and blamed their weakness and short-sightedness for their fate. In a blind rage, he started destroying entire cities, absorbing all the electricity of his world and killing every Mobian he could get his hands on.
He had spared his family so far, as the last shred of love he felt for them subtly prevented him from killing them. But even that didn’t endure as his father tried to depower him using an electric siphon, which failed spectacularly as Faraday had absorbed too much energy for it to contain, causing it to explode and killing him on the spot. Seeing his charred body broke something in Faraday: what little love and decency he had left in him was gone forever. He proceeded to storm his old house and massacred his mother and sister in cold blood, claiming that he was better off alone. One day, he sapped enough energy to be able to peek into the Multiverse, seeing his Alpha counterpart that had gone through a similar tragedy as him but instead he was loved and revered as a hero. Disgusted and jealous of his success, Faraday decided to dedicate his life to making Sky’s own life a living hell, simply out of spite for having everything he secretly wanted.
Unnamed father, mother and sister (dead)
Faraday has a similar body shape as Sky, being slightly taller and muscular than him. His plumage is a deep orange and his eyes are sky blue.
Faraday always dresses in a tight-fitting suit, composed of a special type of fabric woven with space polymers that make it far more durable than ordinary clothing and, thanks to its special structure, is also capable of repairing superficial or medium extensive damage done to the suit itself. Under the suit, he has a series of power enhancers glued to his skin and impossible to remove, which allow him to store and emit higher voltages of electricity.
He wears a special retractable visor capable of detecting most light spectrum, including x-ray vision, to which is also attached a communication system, including a microphone. Shoes and gloves have magnetic soles and palms to adhere to metal surfaces and special suction cups to adhere to non-metallic surfaces.