Prompts are now in the txt files. Unless I created the images recently, it's not gonna generate the exact same image when the prompts are used, but I'm told it doesn't have to be exactly replicated. I'm sure eventually those rules will change, so be sure you save everything you like before the next ai-pocalypse.
Luna is from the ancient past, and was one of the heroes of the Chaos Relics, using the Chaos Claws in her case. She was in love with Bard the Fox, but their story ended tragically with the creation of the Lost Ones. Luna was transformed into the terrifying Loscream, and Bard was only able to save her Chaos Claws, but the horror of the transformation cursed the Claws, resulting in their wearer being unable to take them off.
I never drew her myself, but I did draw Loscream, so I included that drawing so you can see her pumpkiny fate. As comical as an undead pumpkin may be, Loscream's vines have taken quite a few lives.
Fortunately, the Lost Ones were eventually defeated, and Luna was restored. It is unknown what happened to her after that.
6 days, 8 hrs ago
14 Mar 2025 11:02 CET
Initial: dae79d8941bd2282a276138039f587f4
Full Size: 3c375e03a3506a66499a5e2f27b0c5c1
Large: 3c375e03a3506a66499a5e2f27b0c5c1
Small: ce708eecf4b2b0d5a1c9c30ae3b93d78
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