S: on a casual Saturday afternoon, I find myself at home playing video games as usual, having a good time... and having no clue of what's in store for me today as everything seemed like it was gonna be a normal day
L: There's a knock at your door, and you can hear Nasir's voice. "Emilio! I hope you're home, I found something really cool I want to show you!"
S: "Oh? That sounds like that cool toucan Nasir!" I set my controller down and race downstairs to answer the door, opening it with a smile
"Hey!! Good to see again!"
L: Nasir looks excited! "Emilio, there's this temple I found in a cave near a beach, and there's something awesome inside that you HAVE to see!"
S: "Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow at that
"And what would that be?"
L: "There's a portal to another dimension! It took me a long time to get it working, but I finally figured it out about an hour ago, and I came straight here after a quick look around there!"
S: "Whoa another dimension?! That sounds awesome!! Did you see what was in there?"
L: "That portal leads onto a small island in a huge ocean! I didn't see any other islands, so maybe the whole place is just a huge ocean? Oh, and the sky was weird too, so it definitely wasn't Earth, but maybe it was another planet or something. Still, though!"
S: "What?! Oh boy... I'm not too sure how I feel about a whole dimension that's just water, seems kind of unsettling"
L: "You should at least see it, you definitely don't have to do any swimming. I'm kind of nervous about that too, honestly, I don't know what's down there... Not even sure whether there's life there at all."
S: "Well, I guess if I don't have to do any swimming then, maybe I'll be worth seeing, so...alright then"
L: "Alright, come with me!" Nasir leads you to the beach, then the cave, and sure enough, there's a temple! "Pretty cool already, huh?"
S: "Wow...I mean I've never even been inside a temple or even a cave before! I live a pretty normal life, but so far I'm loving this!"
L: "Heh, and this is nothing..." The trek continues, and soon you and Nasir are in a fairly large room with an empty stone arch in the middle, and strange symbols in a circle on the floor around it, parts of which seem newer than others. "This is the place! The portal's not active right now, but I'll get it open."
S: "Dude no way, portals actually exist?! I don't believe it honestly...first I find out pokemon is real and now this?! Man!"
L: "We're lucky this happens to already exist, permanent portals of ANY kind are really hard to make. Ones like this are almost unheard of... Give me a minute." Nasir gets out his wand and starts doing a complicated series of gestures. As he does, the symbols on the floor start to light up... And once they're all fully glowing, the portal opens!
"Done... Ready to go check it out?"
S: "Omg!! This is crazy! There's a litteral portal right here! I-i don't know if I'm brave enough to go through it, I've never been through a portal before...I'm scared..."
L: "It gives a sort of tingling feeling as you go through it, but that's it. Come on, it'll be worth it!"
S: "You know how scared I get easily...I don't know... but, fine...let's do it"
L: "It's perfectly safe, trust me." Nasir holds your hand and gives you a smile before he starts leading you toward the portal.
S: "Oh man, oh man!" I start to get tensed up as we start to walk to the portal, squeezing nasir's hand a little
L: As you pass through, you feel a brief tingling, but nothing more. After that, you're in a very unfamiliar place: Sure enough, you're on an island with blue sand, with nothing around it but water, and the sky has an odd green tint to it.
"Welcome to... Well, wherever we are. I don't have a name for it yet."
S: "What the actual heck??" my eyes go wide as I look around the place
"The sky is green?? And the sand here is blue?!? Whoa..."
L: "Yep, it's really weird here... Honestly, we're lucky we can breathe the air here. There isn't really anything on the island other than the way back, I checked earlier."
S: "Wow, so I guess most of this place is all water, there's water everywhere! Jeez!"
L: "And my magic works with the water here, so exploring should be easy. If you're up for seeing what's in the water, anyway."
S: "Oh that? I don't really know to be honest with you... I didn't bring my swimming goggles since I wasn't expecting any of this... and I'm worried I'm gonna get too scared..."
L: "No need to worry about goggles, I know some basic magic that'll let you see underwater for an hour or so, and I can just do it again after that. But, can't really do a whole lot about you getting scared..."
S: "Aww...and I like wearing swimming goggles, it just won't feel right... and yeah I'm probably gonna be too scared anyways..."
L: "...Well, alright, I guess. We can just hang out here and see if any fish or anything come up."
S: "I'm sorry Nasir, I know you were probably looking forward to exploring but, I'm just not really that adventurous anymore... the universe seems to not want me to be..."
L: "That's fine, it takes a lot of courage to explore somewhere no one's ever been. Maybe some other time." Nasir sits down in the sand, looking out at the unfamiliar ocean.
S: I join him as I sit down next to him, it was clear I was pretty sad, deep down I wanted to explore around and see what this place has to offer
L: Noticing how sad you look, Nasir gets out his wand and starts doing a little water show for you with his magic, hoping to help cheer you up.
S: while the water show does make me smile a little, it doesn't fully cheer me up as I was still sad
L: Eventually, Nasir figures out what the issue is. "...You still sort of want to explore here, don't you?"
S: I sigh
"Yes, to be honest I really do...i fell more comfortable if I had real goggles on, I don't why I just like having them on everytime I dive no matter if someone has magic or not"
L: "We could probably run back and go get yours if you want, even though that'd be a bit of a trip. I think it'll be worth it."
S: "I mean, I guess... it probably wouldn't take too long...so ok then...I wanna go back and get mine"
L: "Alright, let's head back for now. The portal at least hasn't closed yet, but it probably will have by the time we get back here again." Nasir gets up off the sand and starts heading for the portal.
S: "Oh great, gotta go through that portal again, but at least it's not too bad"
after me and Nasir go through the portal again, I rush back to my home and grab my swim goggles and put them over my forehead
"Alright, I'm good"
L: "Let's give this another shot, then." Nasir reopens the portal and leads you back through to the strange dimension. "Feeling more confident now?"
S: "I-i think so...I don't feel as scared as I was before so...we'll see what happens"
L: "Hopefully it'll go okay..." Nasir gets into the water, thankfully with no negative effects on him. "Seems safe enough, at least."
S: "Well, guess that's good..." I carefully get into the water too, I was a bit nervous but I was mostly ok
L: Nasir uses the seeing-underwater spell on himself, then starts breathing deeply. "I wonder if what's down there is going to be as interesting as up here..."
S: "Yeah...and I just hope there's nothing bad down there..." I take some deep breathes as well as I lower my goggles over my eyes
L: "Same here... But I'll keep us safe if there is, don't worry." Eventually, Nasir feels ready. "Alright, and 3, 2, 1..." He holds his breath and dives.
S: I go to the same, but I suddenly stop...I couldn't go down there, the ocean was extremely deep and it seemed to go on forever and just couldn't go down
L: Nasir quickly surfaces again. "Sort of had a feeling you'd do that... Come on, you can do this!"
S: "This ocean is extreamly deep, it's making me feel unsteady, and don't take this personally but, my treecko buddy who has been my buddy for a while now, could probably convince me to dive and , but right now? Heck no! I don't think you got a shot..."
L: "I'm not even sure he'd want to come here at all... But I think we can still figure this out, it's just going to take a while."
S: "Bruh, you obviously haven't met my treecko friend, if we're together we are litteraly unstoppable! It doesn't matter how scary something is, as long as we have each other we can conquer anything! And that's a fact!"
L: "Well, if you think they'll be able to help, we should at least try telling them what's going on. Man, though, I wish we could just get on with exploring..."
S: "Oh...i-im sorry Nasir...I did tell you when we first met that I was a bit of a chicken sometimes...and I get scared real easily..." I tear up, worried that I may be making him upset because I wouldn't go under right away to explore
L: "N-no, no, it's fine. I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do." Nasir gives you a hug. "We'll go see if your treecko friend wants to come, hopefully they'll be able to help."
S: I hug Nasir back, trying to wipe my tears away
"Ok... I taught him how to use a phone so I could just call him...hopefully there's service here..." I pull out my phone and dial treecko, hoping he answers
L: Thankfully, with the portal still open and close by, you still have signal. Treecko picks up after a few seconds. "Hey, dude! What's up?"
S: "Hey buddy, thank goodness you answered, listen this is gonna sound farfetched but, about a week ago I met this cool wizard toucan named Nasir, and today he's showing me another dimension! The problem is...the whole place is a giant ocean, and I'm terrifed to come and explore under its waves, do you think you could come and help me out?"
L: Treecko: "Oh, that's really cool! Yeah, I could totally come by! How do I get there?"
S: "I'll text you the directions, make sure to bring your goggles too" I then text how to get to where they are to the treecko
L: "Alright, I'll be there soon! Hang in there, buddy!"
S: "Thanks bud..." I hang up
"Treecko is on his way...hopefully this'll help me, treecko is an amazing friend to me"
L: Nasir: "I hope so too. Might be nice to have someone else here, as well."
After a while, Treecko comes through the portal, carrying his goggles. He pauses for a few seconds, looking around at how strange the area is, before smiling at you. "Hi, Emilio! Man, this place is WEIRD, huh?"
S: "Treecko! You made it!" I go over to give him a big hug, already feeling 10x better
"Yeah this place is definitely weird, oh and this over here is Nasir, the toucan wizard"
L: Treecko gives you a hug as well, and looks over at Nasir, who waves at him.
Nasir: "Hi, I hear you're Emilio's best friend!"
Treecko: "Yep, I definitely am! And he's MY best friend, too!"
S: I blush a little at that, my tail wagging happily
"Treecko has gotten me through some tough times for sure... even in super bad situations as long as we have each other, we can't give up!"
L: Treecko: "Totally, we've gotten through worse than this together!"
Nasir: "Well, glad you're not too put off by how this place looks. Now, you two ready to try diving?"
S: I gulp, having briefly forgotten about diving in such a weird place
"Oh boy..."
L: Treecko: "I'll admit, I'm a little bit nervous about diving here too... But we'll all be fine, I know it!"
Nasir: "Exactly! I'll keep us all safe with my magic, you don't have to worry."
S: "Heh, yeah... it's just complicated since we're in such a weird place, and this ocean looks DEEP, like deeper then anything else I've been to..."
L: Nasir: "Well, it's not like we have to go all the way to the bottom. We probably shouldn't anyway, we don't know how deep it is."
Treecko: "Yeah, let's just keep it casual until we get more familiar with this place."
S: "Still, the depth of the place is gonna freak me out...but I do have treecko with me now, so things should go a little smoother..."
L: Treecko: "I think you'll still be able to stay calm with my help!"
Nasir: "Yeah, I think him being here will be enough for you."
S: "I guess... alright alright let's give this a shot then..." I lower my goggles over my eyes again as I get ready to try this again
L: Treecko puts his goggles on as well. "Okay, let's get ready." He and Nasir start deeply breathing.
S: I start deeply breathing as well, hoping I'll be brave enough to submerge underwater this time
L: Eventually, Nasir tries another countdown, in the hope it'll go better this time. "3, 2, 1..." He and Treecko both dive.
S: this time, I held my breath and dived under as well, immediately I was frightened as the water submerged me, feeling a bit off too as I let some bubbles loose
L: Happy that you've actually gone underwater, Treecko gives you a hug to try to keep you calm. Nasir looks around, seeing if anything interesting is already nearby.
S: I hug the treecko back, calming down already just from the hug as my cheeks puff up, there wasn't anything interesting yet, just a blue abyss of nothing for now, they would have to go deeper if they wanna find something
L: Nasir gestures for you and Treecko to follow as he starts to swim deeper, keeping his wand ready just in case.
Treecko looks down at Nasir, then at you, and gives you a nod.
S: I didn't seem to move as I didn't wanna swim deeper, too scared for now as I look at the treecko fearfully and release a few bubbles
L: Nasir pauses as he notices you're not going anywhere. He swims back up to you with a look of concern, and without really being sure what to do to help, he just joins in on the hug.
S: I was trying to calm myself down, hugging him back, the deep starting to scare me back to reality
L: Nasir: "I know, the depth's kind of intimidating... But I can get us right back up here quick if something happens down there."
S: "Wiblsh I cobluld tablk clblearly unblderwater..." but I knew Nasir was right, he could protect me if anything happens, but I was generally curious what's down there so I nodded
L: Nasir nods back. To help everyone save on energy, he creates a current to push everyone down.
Treecko is certainly surprised at that, knowing for sure now that Nasir really is a wizard.
S: the unexpected current made me yelp out bubbles in surprise and fear, that was something I didn't like at all
L: Nasir: "Sorry, should've warned you!" He stops the current and just lets himself sink for now.
Treecko starts sinking as well, looking around to make sure the group doesn't get surprised by anything.
S: I let myself sink as well, giving Nasir a bit of a glare for scaring me before trying to calm down
L: Nothing really happens for a while, as the 3 stay together and gradually go deeper into the strange ocean. Treecko is getting a little bit nervous from the depth, but not enough that he's truly worried.
S: the ocean is almost endless, because there's no bottom in sight and still nothing around but a few very small fish swimming by, I was starting to get scared myself a little but i remain calm knowing treecko is with me, it appear you really have to go deep in order to see anything cool
L: Nasir watches the fish, glad to at least see some of the dimension's native life.
Treecko starts hugging you again to keep both you and himself calm.
S: I hug Treecko back, instantly relaxing as I let some more bubbles loose, my face turning red however
L: Treecko is blushing some as well, as both he and Nasir hope that the bottom of this ocean isn't going to be too much farther away.
S: but little do they know, it's not gonna happen anytime soon, but they are getting closer to something cool, so they just gotta hang in there...my face was fully red at this point as I was grunting a little in strain
L: Nasir does his best to gauge how long it's going to take to get back to the surface as the descent continues. By this point, he's beginning to consider turning back...
Treecko's chest is heaving as he starts to struggle some, and he holds his nose to keep from losing more air.
S: I pinch my own nose shut as I was getting more scared the deeper we dive, but I was determined to push through it to find something cool at this point
L: Still just as determined as you, Treecko and Nasir keep sinking on down, with Nasir finally beginning to get a slight blush of his own by now.
S: by now, they have sunk over 300 feet underwater, and there's STILL no bottom in sight, but there's at least a weird but interesting creature that they spot, it's looks like an anthro otter, but it's got a dolphin like tail and the fins of a shark
L: Nasir smiles as the strange creature comes into view, but stays ready to defend the group.
Treecko gives the otter creature a wave, hoping it's friendly.
S: I give the otter creature a shy little wave as well, grunting a bit from my need to breathe
the otter creature turns around and notices the trio, they were blushing a bit from their own need to breathe, but even tho they were surprised to see another air breather this deep, they just smile and wave back, swimming up to them so they can talk
L: Nasir: "Hi! I hope you know English, or talking to you is going to be kind of tough..."
S: Otter - "Don't worry! I can speak English, it's actually the only language I know, heh... I have never seen another air breather this far down underwater"
I was clearly shy and just didn't speak for now
L: Nasir: "Alright, good. We're new here, and we're all pretty good at holding our breath, so being this far down isn't THAT big a deal."
Treecko nods, but doesn't say anything, wanting to conserve his air.
S: he says that, but my face is still fully red about to turn blue in a second
Otter - "Uh huh yeah, but it seems as tho these two are getting a little low on air..." she gestures to treecko and me
"Anyways um, what are your names?"
L: Nasir: "I'm Nasir, he's Treecko, and he's Emilio. Um... Is there air nearby? We're gonna have to surface soon if there isn't..."
Treecko covers his mouth, whining a little.
S: I whine myself and cover my mouth too
Otter - "Oh dear um, yeah! Yeah there's an air pocket close to where I live, follow me and I'll lead you guys there, I kind of need a breath myself, oh and names Julia, nice to meet you!"
she start to swim down even deeper, hoping the trio will follow
L: Nasir and Treecko quickly start to follow after Julia, hoping the air isn't going to be too far away.
S: I follow after Juila as well, and after a few minutes of swimming deeper, they are around 640 feet underwater, with still no bottom in sight, but there's a custom made air pocket near a small cave, Julia leads the trio inside and goes up to the surface and gasps for breath in the relatively large air pocket
L: With fully red and blue faces respectively, Nasir and Treecko gasp in the air pocket, glad to finally breathe after such a long dive.
Treecko: "C-can't believe how deep we are... N-never gone this far down before!"
Nasir: "I've been deeper, but not by a whole lot..."
S: I swim up to gasp in the air pocket as well
Me - "Jeez! It's so deep!"
Julia- "And it only goes deeper from here... but ive managed to get to its bottom one time before"
L: Treecko: "Only once? It must be really far, then..."
Nasir: "How far down is that? If you can make it, I probably can too..."
S: "Well, right now this is about 640 feet deep, and the bottom is 2,500 feet deep"
Me - "WHAAAAAAT!?!?!??!"
L: Treecko: "WOW, okay, not gonna be seeing the bottom!"
Nasir: "Even I would have trouble with that, I don't think I'd be able to handle the water pressure!"
S: "Me neither! That's insane!!"
Julia- "Hehe...well it is possible to do it, it takes a lot of willpower to get to that depth"
L: Nasir: "Well, maybe we could try that some other time... For now, we just want to have a good look around this place."
Treecko: "Yeah, this dimension's a lot different from where we're from!"
S: Me - "Yep, it definitely is!"
Julia- "Oh? You guys are from another dimension? Whoa trippy..."
L: Nasir: "Yep, there's a way between our two on that island nearby."
Treecko: "You should check out our dimension sometime!"
S: "Hmm, maybe I should! Anyways, how about we try and head deeper? There's something cool that not a lot of folks get to see even further down!"
L: Treecko: "Sure! I wonder what that's going to be..."
Nasir: "Pretty much everything we've seen so far has been cool, so this ought to be good!"
S: Me - "Hmm, I'm intrigued"
Julia- "Cool! Oh and I never got to ask but, what exactly are all of you guys best breath hold times? Since I'm so adopted to the water I can easily go an hour without breathing"
L: Treecko: "Wow, an entire hour... My best is about 9 minutes."
Nasir: "Mine's a little over 21 minutes."
S: Me - "And mine is about 13 minutes if I'm calm enough"
Julia - "Not too bad! I may have to give the 3 of you some of my special training later to help you guys improve even further, hehehe" Julia smirks
L: Nasir: "That'd be pretty helpful, I'm only so good because of this wand I've got. Without it I can only go a little over 4 minutes..."
Treecko: "Oh wow, yeah, you'll definitely need that training!"
S: "4 minutes?? Weak! Yeah you totally need it...but for now, let's take some deep breathes and go back under" juila takes some herself
L: Nasir and Treecko start deeply breathing too, getting ready for the next dive.
S: I on the other hand wasn't deeply breathing, I was scared to go even deeper then this
L: Nasir: "You need to get ready, Emilio, otherwise this might not go well."
Treecko: "I know that look, he's getting too scared again."
S: Julia - "Uh oh! That's no good...are you ok Emilio?"
Me - "N-no..." I was indeed getting scared again
L: Nasir: "We'll be fine! Julia knows this place way better than any of us, she can easily keep us safe!"
Treecko: "Yeah, totally! And Nasir and I will still help too!"
S: Julia- "And if things get really bad, I can always magic up some air bubbles for you guys, I can only make a few since it takes away my own air but still"
I sigh sadly
L: Nasir's eyes go wide at that comment from Julia. "Definitely have to learn how that works... But anyway, see? Nothing to worry about!"
S: Me - "Ugh, alright fine... let's do this I guess" I finally stay to take some deep breathes like everyone else does
L: Treecko smiles at you, and he and Nasir keep getting ready, waiting on Julia to say when to go.
S: finally after a bit...
Julia - "Alright, I think we're all good now...I'll do a countdown then we'll submerge, 3...2...1!" she takes a final deep breath before diving back under
L: Nasir and Treecko dive as well, and hope that you will do the same.
S: but I sadly couldn't do it, I was too nervous
L: Nasir and Treecko surface again.
Treecko: "Come on, Emilio, you can do it!"
Nasir: "We're already really far down, we can handle a little more!"
S: julia surfaces too
Julia - "Hey it's ok! You'll be fine! I promise I'll protect all 3 of you and make sure none of you drown!"
I grumble in frustration, I knew I had made it this far down underwater but being scared was really starting to annoy me
L: Nasir: "We all know it's going to be worth it once you finally go through with this."
Treecko: "Yeah, we've got to see that cool thing Julia mentioned! I bet it'll be great!"
S: "It is gonna be great! I promise you! You'll love it!"
Me - "Ugh! I need to stop being such a chicken! I hate it!"
L: Treecko: "You won't even have to worry as much about air, with Julia being able to give you some!"
S: Julia- "Yep!"
Me - "Oh....alright fine, I'll try not to get scared again..."
L: Nasir: "Hopefully it goes better this time... Let's give this another shot." He and Treecko begin breathing deeply again.
S: Julia and I deeply breathe as well, I stay a bit mote calm this time
L: Eventually, everyone's ready again.
Treecko: "Alright, let me try this time. 3, 2, 1!" He and Nasir both hold their breath and dive.
S: juila and I hold our breath as well and we both dive under, I pinch my nose shut as we submerge
L: Nasir: "There you go, Emilio! Now, Julia, go ahead and lead the way for us."
S: Julia - "Will do! Oh, maybe I should do this before I forget"
juila does some kind of magic on both the treecko and me
"There, Treecko and Emilio should be able to talk clearly just like us, but it only lasts for a couple hours"
L: Treecko: "Wait, really? Oh, cool, I really can!"
Nasir: "Oh hey, that's pretty helpful!"
S: Me - "Testing, 1, 2, 3...Whoa, this is strange!"
juila giggles
L: Nasir: "Alright, we're all set to get going now."
Treecko: "Yep! Lead the way, Julia!"
S: Julia - "Alright let's go!" juila then starts to swim out of the little cave and starts to go deeper as well, hoping the others will follow
L: Nasir and Treecko both follow her down, wondering how far they're going to have to go.
S: I follow them down as well, nervous about this as we go deeper and deeper
after 800 feet Julia turns around to check on everyone
Juila - "You guys doing ok?"
L: Nasir: "I'm still alright for now."
Treecko: "Could definitely use a bit of air, but I can handle a while longer."
S: Me - "I could use some air myself... I really don't like pushing myself..."
Juila - "I'll be fine, don't worry, we're getting closer"
L: Nasir: "Then I get the feeling there'll be air wherever we're going."
Treecko: "Yeah, when you put it like that, kind of sounds like it."
S: "Well....heh, not really no...at least not the last time I went there"
Me - "What??? Oh boy..." my face turns more red
L: Treecko: "...Well, at least you can give us air..."
Nasir: "Hopefully we'll still have a good time with whatever this is."
S: Julia - "Trust me, you guys will like it!" juila smiles
Me - "Ok then... if you say so"
L: Treecko: "Hope it's not much farther..." He and Nasir continue following, with Treecko beginning to blush a little.
S: I start blushing as well as we keep following juila, eventually we get to 1,000 feet underwater
Juila - "Alright, we're here...now turn to your left and you'll see something amazing!"
L: Nasir: "Finally, let's see what all this is about..." He and Treecko both look to the left.
S: Me - "Okay..." I turn to the left as well
once they do, they see a tiny little creature who's absolutely adorable, it's very irresistible
Juila - "These little guys are only found after 1,000 feet underwater in this dimension, aren't they so cute??"
L: Treecko starts wagging his tails. "Oh, they're adorable!"
Nasir: "Gotta admit, I didn't think we'd be finding something this cute so far underwater!"
S: my tail starts to wag as well
Me - "Awwwww!!!!"
the tiny creatures swims up to them and gives them an adorable face while juila giggles out bubbles
L: Nasir: "Hi, little guy! I kind of wish you existed in our own dimension too!"
Treecko: "Yeah, same here!" He pets the creature some.
S: the tiny creature squirms with happiness as they are being petted, they lean into their touch
my heart melts as I look at the little creature, smiling a bit more
L: Nasir: "I wonder if it'd be okay with one of us keeping it for a while... It does seem like it might be intelligent."
Treecko: "Haha, I wouldn't mind having one of these as a pet, yeah!"
S: Me - "Same here!"
Juila - "Haha! Well this is only one I can find, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind if one of you took it to take care of it, I'm pretty sure it can breathe air fine too"
L: Nasir: "Perfect! I definitely want to take some time to really study something from here."
Treecko: "Guess I'll have to find another for myself, then." He's completely unconcerned about air, despite his face beginning to go red.
S: I on the other hand was getting a little desperate for air, my face fully red, but the cute creature is helping me forget it about it for now
"Maybe there's more around here? You'll just have to find them"
L: Treecko: "Yeah, if we found this one so easily, I bet it won't be hard to find more!"
S: the tiny creature seems like they are more interesting in the treecko tho, nuzzling them a little as they look at him with an adorable face
Me - "awwwww! I think they like you treecko!"
L: Treecko: "Aw... Nasir, you sure I can't have this one?"
Nasir: "...Go ahead, I'm sure we'll be able to find one that likes me."
S: "Lucky...I want one that likes me too..."
Juila - "I've heard there's more of those creatures a bit deeper down, so it's possible we could find some more"
my face was fully red, and when I glanced at how far away the surface was, I yelped out bubbles in fear and covered my nose and mouth, whining as my lungs began to burn
L: Your reaction reminds Treecko of his own need for air, and he whines a little while covering his mouth as well.
Nasir: "Maybe for now we shouldn't go much farther down..."
S: the tiny creature looks up at treecko worringly, hoping he's gonna be ok
"Aw come on, I can give you guys some air, I'm still fine...I don't even feel any strain, here" juila uses some magic and makes a pretty big air bubble
"You and Emilio can share this air bubble"
L: Treecko nods, and takes a breath from the bubble before holding it out to you.
Nasir: "Well, if you're sure it'll be fine, Julia..."
S: I grab the bubble from treecko and inhale the rest of it, the red blush fading from my face, but I was still scared about being so many feet underwater
"Trust me we'll be fine, sure the pressure from here on will start to show, but I'll be all worth it!"
L: Nasir: "I think it will, yeah. Come on, let's go find more of those cute things!"
Treecko: "O-okay..." He's clearly nervous too, but seems ready to keep going deeper.
S: I on the other hand was frozen stiff in fear, I didn't wanna go any deeper then I already was
the tiny creature sees that the treecko is nervous, they give him a hug in the best way that they can
L: Treecko hugs the creature back.
Nasir: "Come on, Emilio, we can't just stay here, we don't have forever."
S: Julia - "Yeah come on bud! I can only make so many bubbles before I get low"
Me - "Ugh..." I glance at the surface again and get more scared
L: Treecko: "Don't you want the chance to see more of these guys?" He gestures to the cute creature.
S: the creature looks at me with a smile
"I mean I guess so... I want one of those creatures that'll like me..."
L: Nasir: "And I doubt we'll be easily finding another unless we go deeper."
Treecko: "Don't worry, I'll still stay close to you!"
S: Julia - "Yeah I'll be fine!"
Me - "...oh, alright then...as long as treecko is next to me then I'll be fine...I know it"
L: Nasir: "Alright, let's keep going then." He resumes swimming deeper. Treecko stays next to you, wanting to only go down once you do.
S: I try to stay calm but I can't for the moment, I look down at the treecko's hand, seeing if he'll let me hold it to stay relaxed
L: Noticing what you're looking at, Treecko holds out his hand to you, smiling at you.
S: I blush a little then I take treecko's hand, already feel 10x better as I smile back
L: Treecko nods to you, and gestures for you and him to start swimming down. Nasir is waiting below for you.
S: I nod and we swim down together in unison, I smile and stay positive the whole way
juila smiles and swims down as well, her face just a tiny bit bed
L: Nasir: "Glad you two are doing better now!" He's blushing some, but he's clearly still calm.
Treecko: "Yep, we can always stay calm when we're together!"
S: Me - "Mmhm, even in some of the worst predicaments we can stay calm together"
L: The group continues deeper. Nasir and Treecko both hope it won't be too much longer, since everyone has a fairly limited amount of time to keep exploring.
S: now 1,600 feet underwater, they are actually more then half way to the actual bottom, but here they see some more of the same cute creatures around
L: Nasir: "Ah, here we go! Hello!" He waves to the cute creatures, though his face is fully red now.
Treecko: "Wow, there's so many of these!"
S: Me - "Wow...I hope at least one of these guys will like me"
Julia - "I'm sure they will! Just gotta get lucky!"
L: Before long, one of them actually swims over to you! It smiles at you, and gives you a wave with one of its fins.
Treecko: "Hey, there you go! That one seems to like you!"
S: Me - "Aww no way! I don't believe it!" I smile between my puffed up cheeks and give it a wave back
Julia meanwhile giggles
L: A few more of them come over to the group to investigate, swimming around the divers.
Nasir: "These ones seem a bit more curious about us than that first one."
S: "Yeah, but not a bad way"
I gently pet the creature who came up to me as I keep smiling
L: The creature happily nuzzles your hand.
Nasir smiles at all the creatures around, before grunting some. "C-could kind of use some air now..."
S: I smile even more when they do, continuing to pet them
Julia - "I'll give you some later, I'm too distracted by these cute creatures!"
L: Nasir: "Fine..."
Treecko giggles out bubbles as some of the creatures rub up against him.
S: Me - "Sounds like someone is popular! Hehe!"
I give the creature who came up to me a hug, my face turning red again myself
L: That one hugs you back, smiling and closing its eyes.
While Treecko is certainly still enjoying himself too, his face has gotten red again too.
S: Julia - "so cute! I love this!"
a few other creatures gather around me as well and nuzzle me
L: Nasir holds his beak for a moment, before looking over at Julia. "J-Julia, I need air..."
Treecko grunts a little as he realizes he's gotten low on breath again. "M-me too, yeah."
S: but Julia is too distracted at the cute creatures to notice their need for air
I whine a little as my own air gets low, pinching my nose shut
L: Seeing that you're needing air too, Nasir gets more insistent. "JULIA!"
Treecko swims to Julia to poke at her. "We need air!"
S: Julia - "H-huh?! Oh, I'm so sorry guys, I got caught up... here" Julia makes another large bubble for all of them to share, turning her own face visibly red
L: Nasir breathes from the bubble and so does Treecko, leaving some for you to breathe as well.
Treecko: "I think we should start going back to that air pocket soon..."
Nasir: "Yeah, we're going to be kind of pushing it if we stay much longer."
S: I breathe from the bubble as well
"As much as I wanna agree, nah...I mean we're so close to the bottom, we may as well go for it right?"
Me - "What!?"
L: Treecko: "Are you sure? We probably should get a fresh breath first..."
Nasir: "...If I boosted us along with my magic, I think we'd be able to make it. But, it'd be close."
S: Julia - "Nah there's no need for magic, we've got this! No problem!"
Me - "Ok, your crazy! I kind of want a fresh breath..."
L: Nasir: "Well, magic would be a backup if we needed it."
Treecko: "As much as I want to see what's down there, I don't think this is a good idea..."
S: Julia - "Oh come on! I promise we'll be just fine! Don't worry about it!"
Me - "I usually like adventures, but this is starting to get to me... I agree with treecko on this one"
L: Nasir: "Hey, Julia has the most experience here of any of us. If she says we'll be fine, I trust her."
Treecko: "...I guess that does make sense..."
S: "I don't know, it sounds dangerous... I really don't wanna drown"
Julia - "Trust me I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens to either of you guys, now come on let's chop chop" Julia starts to swim down even deeper, even with her face being fully red
L: Nasir follows her down, but Treecko is still hesitant about it. He nervously looks at you. "M-maybe it'll be fine?"
S: I look at the treecko back nervously
Me - "I don't know... I don't wanna drown and I'm getting more scared the deeper we dive"
the tiny creature with treecko gives them another hug to try and relax them
L: Treecko hugs both that creature and you, more to calm himself than anything. "...I-I'm gonna go for it." He starts swimming down to join Julia and Nasir.
S: "Treecko!" I frown as he swims down, getting nervous as I didn't follow them down
L: Nasir: "Come on, Emilio! The sooner we get this done, the easier to trip back up will be!"
S: "Ugh!"
I turn to my left to notice the cute creature who likes me is still there
L: The creature seems to recognize how nervous you are. It smiles at you and lets out a little squeak before hugging you.
S: "Awww..." I hug the creature back
"Alright...let's go then, I can't let treecko face all that by himself, wait for me buddy!"
I quickly swim down to join treecko deeper underwater
L: Treecko: "Okay, good, I really wasn't going to enjoy this without you here..." With you having rejoined the group, the descent toward the seabed begins.
S: I try to stay calm the deeper we dive, but it's getting hard to do so
even Julia is a little nervous deep inside her mind if she'll make it
L: Treecko is still nervous too. Nasir is doing better, knowing he has his magic to help out if things get bad, but he hopes he won't have to use it.
S: as they continue to swim deeper and deeper, they eventually get to 2,100 feet, they are so close to the bottom
L: Treecko's blushing again, but he's clearly still determined to keep going, trying to ignore his need for air. Nasir is doing his best to try to see the bottom.
S: a grunt of strain becomes audible from both me and Julia, but we were trying to ignore it as we kept swimming down, I whine as the pressure gets intense too
L: Nasir: "Hang in there everyone, it can't be much farther..."
Treecko: "I-I hope so, the pressure's almost too much..."
S: Me - "It hurts.... please... this is starting to become torture!"
Julia - "W-we'll be fine!"
they keep going, now less then 50 feet left until they reach the very bottom, it's finally becoming visible
L: Nasir: "Almost there! We'll touch the bottom, then go straight back up!"
Treecko starts swimming as fast as he can, trying his best to ignore the pain from the water pressure.
S: I swim as fast as I can as well, and soon enough we finally touch the bottom!
Julia - "Yay! We made it!"
Me - "Yippee...."
L: Treecko: "Okay, now let's get out of here!" He jumps off the bottom and immediately starts swimming back up.
Nasir: "Yeah, this is WAY too deep..." He starts heading up as well.
S: Julia - "Wait!! Come on let's just take a moment to explore around a little! There could be some cool stuff here!"
Me - "I'm good" I start swimming up as well
L: Treecko: "Nope! I don't know how much longer I can handle the pain of being down here!"
Nasir: "As interested as I am, we'd be torturing Treecko and Emilio! But, just you and I can look around sometime!" He's blushing again at this point.
S: Me - "Yeah not happening!"
Julia- "Oh well, I guess your too chicken enough to explore!"
Me - ".....what did you just SAY?!?!"
L: Treecko: "We're NOT chicken! It just hurts too much to be this far down!"
Nasir: "Don't make them do this, Julia, you know they'll regret it..."
S: Julia - "I'm just saying, I think they can last perfectly fine for a while longer down here" she smirks a tad
Me - "I'm not chicken either! I've never been called a chicken!"
Julia - "Well unless you explore, your outta luck"
L: Treecko: "Alright, fine! I can take it!" He begins to swim back down to Julia.
Nasir looks over at you. "...Are you going too?"
S: "....if treecko is exploring, then so am I" I swim back down as well
Julia- "Good, now let's look around" she swims forward and she let's out a very quiet grunt of strain
L: Nasir: "Okay, if you're sure..." He rejoins the group, even as he's visibly straining again.
Treecko is beginning to struggle again too, but he tries his best to ignore both that and the water pressure.
S: Julia then leads the group around the bottom, there's some more creatures around as Julia shows them around
I start to whine as my face grows fully red once again, grunting in strain as the water pressure is starting to get to me
L: The discomfort from the water pressure is making Treecko use up his air a bit faster, and he whines and holds his nose shut as he looks around.
Nasir seems to be taking the pressure better, but even he's clearly uncomfortable from it.
S: I whine loudly as I pinch my own nose shut as well, my face turning blue already from how stressed I was, I didn't wanna stay down here any longer
L: The pain's starting to get to Treecko at this point, his face going blue as well... "C-can we go now? I-I can't take this much longer..."
Nasir: "I think they've proven themselves by now, Julia."
S: Julia - "Alright fine...let's go back up then"
Me - "Finally!"
me and Julia start to swim up to the surface, my face fully blue as I was on the verge of drowning
L: Treecko starts going as well, bubbles trickling away from him. "Mmm! N-need air!"
Nasir: "I-I'm getting pretty low too..."
S: Julia - "I-i can't give you anymore air... otherwise I'm gonna go fully blue and I can't handle being super low on breath"
Me - "i-i can't either!" I suddenly stop swimming when they get to 2,000 feet, my face purple now as I whine extra loudly, I start to cry as I didn't wanna drown
L: Nasir: "Alright, regular swimming won't do it! Emilio, Treecko, get ready!" He uses his magic to create a powerful current, pushing everyone upward!
Treecko yelps out a few bubbles in surprise, getting a purple blush himself, and covers his mouth as he stops swimming and lets the current push him.
S: I yelp as well, covering my own mouth as I continue to tear up, my face turning purple as well, and I'm getting too close to inhaling water
Julia - "Whoa!" Julia covers her own mouth as well to save air
L: Nasir's face is going blue, but he focuses entirely on maintaining the current, hoping he's picked the right angle to get everyone back to the air pocket.
Treecko's bubbles begin to stop, his lungs nearly entirely empty as he shivers all over, seemingly just seconds away from gasping...
S: I notice treecko's bubbles stopped and my eyes go wide, I didn't wanna see my bestie drown right in front of me, I move to give him a hug, my own bubbles slowly stopping as well and I press my face to his body to try to not inhale, whining loudly as I do
Julia's face is fully blue, slowly turning purple
L: Treecko gives you a scared look, before quickly pressing his face to you just before his body forces him to try to breathe. He repeatedly shudders against you as if he's hiccupping, on the absolute edge of drowning now.
Nasir holds his beak shut with one hand while continuing to hold his wand with the other, whining some as his fear starts to overtake his determination.
S: as I look at the treecko with the same scared look, we finally make it to the small cave where the big air pocket is at! However, it was too late...I couldn't take it anymore no matter how I cover myself as I finally inhaled the water around me, choking on it instantly as I try my best to not inhale too much
L: Nasir: "N-NO!" He tries to make the current even stronger, rushing toward the air pocket as Treecko finally can't hold his breath any more either.
The Pokemon gasps down water and immediately grabs his neck, repeatedly coughing and gasping more as he squirms against you.
S: I grab at my neck as well, squirming around as I whine loudly, coughing as well...but thankfully before any true harm is done the current let's us up to the air pocket, where I gasp very heavily and start to cough out some water
Julia meanwhile gasps heavily as well, coughing out a little water herself
L: Nasir and Treecko gasp as well, with Treecko hacking up the water in him as he tries his best to get enough air.
Nasir pats the backs of both you and Treecko to help get the water out. "You two okay?"
S: I keep coughing out the water and gasping in, the journey wasn't over since they still had 700 feet to go, but at least I got air
Me - "Y-y-yeah I'm ok...oh my goodness that was scary!"
Julia - "Hah....hah...jeez..."
L: As Treecko recovers, he glares at Julia. "I-I told you... Th-that was a bad idea!"
Nasir: "I should've started up with my magic sooner..."
S: "Heh heh...I really thought we would be fine! Sorry!"
I glare at julia as well, still coughing out some water as I catch my breath
Me - "Ugh... my lungs are so tired..."
L: Nasir: "Let's just get back up to the real surface, you two are in no shape to keep exploring..."
Treecko is still breathing heavily, occasionally coughing, and he nods. "Y-yeah, no more of this for now..."
S: "I really don't wanna go back underwater... I'm gonna inhale the water instantly if I go back down..." I said, still breathing heavily as well and coughing
L: Nasir: "Maybe we could just rest here for a while first, then... Would that be alright, Julia?"
S: Julia - "Yeah, yeah that's fine, take all the time you need to recover..."
I keep panting heavily, I was really out of breath, but overtime I slowly calm myself down
L: Treecko slowly recovers from his partial drowning, eventually able to calm down and swim on his own again.
Nasir stays patient as he waits for you and them, ready to help if either of you need it.
S: Me - "I'm still so tired... I really don't think going back underwater is a good idea for me right now...even if I'm recovered, nearly drowning scared me so much!"
L: Treecko: "Same here... I don't want to go back out there yet..."
Nasir: "I could boost us up to the surface pretty fast, it'd probably be less than a minute to get there. Then we can head back to our dimension and just relax."
S: "I don't care... I refuse to hold my breath again, it just won't sit well with me...at all..."
L: Nasir: "Hm... Oh, Julia, is there some way you can get your bubbles onto their heads so they can breathe while underwater?"
Treecko: "I think that'd work for me if it's possible..."
S: Julia - "While that is a good idea I don't think that's possible... the bubbles I make are really fragile and not sturdy at all, so I don't think I'll work... ill probably just pop"
Me - "Dang it!"
L: Treecko: "Aw, man..."
Nasir: "Guess they're not like Blubby's ones... Well, we're going to have to leave here anyway at some point!"
S: Julia - "Uhhh, who the heck is blubby?"
Me - "He's this cool dragon like creature that can hold his breath for like 6 hours or something"
Julia - "WHAT?!!? Nah you must be joking"
L: Nasir: "He really can! Apparently it's because his lungs are bigger on the inside, but I haven't confirmed whether that's for real."
Treecko: "We should take you to meet him sometime, Julia, he likes meeting other people that can blow bubbles like him!"
S: Julia - "No way...yeah I definitely wanna meet him! He's sounds cool!"
Me - "He is cool, he's the very first person who tried to help me with my water fears, very chill dude"
L: Nasir: "He'd probably be pretty helpful for keeping you guys calm... But he wouldn't do well here, he can't swim."
Treecko: "Yeah, it's not even that he doesn't know how, he just sinks right down..."
S: Julia - "Yikes, yeah there's not exactly a ledge for him to safely stand on so he'll just be sinking to the very bottom"
L: Nasir: "I might be able to get him to the surface with my magic... But, I haven't tried that, and I certainly shouldn't test that here."
S: Me - "Yeah definitely not..."
Julia - "Not in something like this... heh"
L: Nasir: "Anyway, we should probably head back up soon..."
Treecko: "Right, yeah... I'm at least feeling a LITTLE better..."
S: Me - "My lungs are still sore... I just don't know if I can hold my breath anymore"
L: Nasir: "Yeah, I know..."
Treecko: "Julia, would it be alright if we stayed until we feel better?"
S: Julia - "Well, I don't see why not, this air pocket stays fresh 24/7 so it's not like it's gonna run out"
L: Nasir: "Oh, perfect! Alright, we'll just hang out and relax until you're all ready to go again."
Treecko: "Yeah, that'll work great! Thanks, Julia!"
S: Me - "Yeah thanks!"
Julia - "No problem"
and so everyone spend the next few minutes relaxing in the air pocket
L: Nasir: "So, Julia, how are you able to make those big bubbles? I've been trying to figure out how to do something like that for a while now."
S: "It's just something that came natural to me, I've always been able to make those bubbles"
L: "Not something I'd be able to learn from you, then... Ah well, I'm sure I'll get it down eventually."
S: "Yeah sorry... heh anyways how you guys feeling now?"
Me - "A little better I guess..."
L: Treecko: "I think I might be ready now..."
Nasir: "Alright, that's one. What about you, Emilio?"
S: "I don't know... I really don't want to honestly but I know I have to..." I frown sadly, I clearly didn't wanna hold my breath again
L: Treecko gives you a hug. "It's not gonna have to be for long... It'll suck, but it'll be over after that."
S: I hug the treecko back and sigh
"I really don't think I'll be able to hold my breath, maybe I'll just have to pinch my nose and cover my mouth the whole way up..."
L: Treecko: "Yeah, that should really help."
Nasir: "And I'll get us all to the surface as fast as possible."
S: "Alright fine... let's go back underwater...even tho I won't like it"
Julia - "Let's do it, even I miss the real surface"
L: Nasir: "Alright, get ready, you two. Julia and I should be fine with just a single deep breath..."
Treecko nods, and starts breathing deeply.
S: I start breathing deeply too, getting more and more nervous
Julia - "You guys go and dive whenever your ready..."
L: Eventually, Treecko feels ready. "Okay... Going in 3, 2, 1..." He holds his breath and dives.
Nasir stays up for now, watching you to make sure you dive too.
S: but I was hesitate, I didn't dive right away
Julia - "Uh oh, he's a little nervous again..."
L: Nasir: "Yeah, I was sort of expecting that..."
Treecko surfaces again. "Come on, Emilio, you can do it! Just one more dive and we can just relax!"
S: Me - "But I'm traumatized now....I almost drowned!!! That's gonna leave a deep scar for diving on me for a while..."
L: Treecko: "I know, me too... But we can't just stay in this air pocket until that goes away, it's gonna take too long for that."
S: "Ugh...I guess your right, I shouldn't delay this anymore...I'm sorry treecko, maybe we should dive under together then"
Julia - "That's a good idea"
L: Treecko: "Yeah, we both know how much that helps. Alright, we'll try that for our next go!"
Nasir: "Definitely a good idea, after what it took to get back here..."
S: Me - "I agree...going under together at the same time has most of the time helped me a lot"
Julia - "Well alright, go for it then"
L: Treecko: "Okay, let's get ready again, then hopefully we'll both be getting out of here." He starts deeply breathing once more.
S: Me - "Alright..." I start deeply breathing again as well, trying to calm myself down
L: Before too long, Treecko is ready again. "Let's try this again, now... 3, 2, 1..." He starts to dive.
S: whimpering a little I take a last breath and cover my nose and mouth firmly before diving underwater with treecko
L: Treecko smiles at you. "There you go!"
Nasir holds his breath and dives under as well. "Alright, you just focus on keeping your air in. Once Julia's ready, I'll get us all to the surface."
S: bubbles were escaping me fast as my lungs were still really tired, even as I was covering myself
Julia soon holds her breath and dives under as well
L: Treecko helps you cover your mouth and nose, hoping that'll cut down on how many bubbles you're losing. "Okay Nasir, go ahead!"
Nasir nods, and forms another current that pushes everyone away from the air pocket and up toward the surface.
S: I was still loosing air quickly, my face already fully red, It seems I couldn't hold my breath no matter what I tried, whimpering as the currents pushes everyone up
L: Treecko: "Hang in there, Emilio, it shouldn't be long..."
Nasir: "Julia, get ready to help Emilio just in case."
S: Julia - "Got it"
but even as they are less then 300 feet left to go, my face was blue, I really couldn't hold in my breath anymore
L: Nasir: "I think we're getting close, just a little longer!"
Treecko: "It's gonna be okay, try to focus on me..."
S: I look up at treecko with wide fearful eyes, I didn't wanna drown again as I keep whimpering
L: Treecko does his best to hug you while still trying to help keep your air in. "Nasir, hurry up!"
Nasir: "This is as fast as I can make it go!"
S: Julia - "You heard him! Hurry up!"
my face turns purple again, now I really look at treecko worringly, but we're less then 100 feet left to go
L: Nasir puts everything he has into making the current stronger, but it barely makes a difference. "Y-you can't force magic!"
Treecko: "A few more seconds, Emilio!"
S: Me - "Please....d-dont make me drown!" I start to cry, on the verge of inhaling water yet again, but we were soooo close to the surface!
L: And, just in time, the group surfaces! Treecko gasps a little, while Nasir just exhales, not having been under any strain by that point.
S: I gasp heavily, I thankfully didn't inhale water this time but was still coughing a bit, my purple blush slowly fading
"Please...not again! Fresh air! I'm not diving for months after that!"
Julia exhales as well as she wasn't under any strain either
Julia - "Phew..."
L: Treecko: "Yeah, no more diving for a while... Let's just head home for now." He gives you a hug.
Nasir makes a gentle wave push everyone toward the shore. "It's partly my fault, going so far down was a bad idea..."
S: I tear up and cry again from almost drowning a second time today as I hug treecko back tightly
Julia - "Poor Emilio... I didn't think this would effect him so emotionally...I'm so sorry... I never should have pushed you guys to go to the bottom... I'm a daredevil and I like taking risks... so this is partly my fault too"
L: Nasir: "Pushing yourself must just be normal here... I'm sorry, you two. If we come here together again, we're definitely going to be more careful."
Treecko: "I think I WOULD like to come back eventually..."
S: Me - "I'm never coming back here again...I'm sorry but this place is gonna give me nightmares now" I keep hugging treecko
Julia - "Oh my... I mean, can't really blame you, and yeah...most of us do tend to push ourselfs a lot, it's very common"
L: Before much longer, the group gets back to shore. The portal isn't open, but Nasir doesn't seem concerned. "Alright, I'll open up the way back. You're welcome to come with us if you want, Julia."
Treecko: "It'd be neat for you to see our world, yeah."
S: "You know what? Sure! I love to come back with you guys...even my lungs need a break and breathing some fresh air sound great!" Julia notices that I was still upset and frowns, before going over to hug me as well as I was still teary eyed
L: Treecko gives you one more hug. "Showing her around ought to be a big help with making the both of us feel better!"
Nasir successfully reopens the portal to Earth, and looks back at the group. "Whenever you're ready!"
S: I wipe away my tears and look at treecko and Julia, feeling a little better
Me - "A-alright, I'm just gonna try and forget about this, let's go"
Julia - "Atta boy Emilio!"
L: Treecko nods, and lets go of you to head through the portal. Nasir goes through it as well.
S: I walk into the portal as well, and while Julia hesitates for a brief moment, she too goes through the portal as well
L: The group is back in the temple again, back on Earth.
Nasir: "There isn't a whole lot to see yet, Julia, we kind of have to get outside first."
S: Julia - "Oh? Well, ok then..."
Me - "Yeah"
L: Treecko: "Heh, you're probably gonna feel the same way I did about your dimension once we're outside..."
Nasir leads the group outside. It's still daylight out, and the blue sky and normal-colored sand would be the first things Julia would see.
S: Julia - "Uhhhh.... why is the sky...Blue? And the sand...it's definitely not the color I'm used to...weird...
I couldn't help but giggle at that
L: Nasir and Treecko laugh as well.
Nasir: "Welcome to Earth! It's a lot different from your place, huh? People actually usually live on the surface here!"
S: "WHAT?!?!"
Me - "Hehe yep, most of the planet is land, so everyone can breathe just fine"
Julia - "Lucky..."
L: Treecko: "How about we show you around for a while? I bet you're gonna have fun here!"
S: "Uhh yeah 100%! That sounds great!"
Me - "I need a nap after nearly drowning twice..." I take my goggles off as I forgot I still had them on
L: You taking off your goggles reminds Treecko to do the same. "I could definitely go for a nap too, actually..."
Nasir: "No worries, I can handle the tour."
S: "Thanks, come on treecko, I'm getting tired"
Julia - "Enjoy your nap!"
L: Treecko: "Thanks! Let's go find a good spot, Emilio..."
Nasir: "See you two later!"
S: Julia then goes with Nasir to get a tour of earth, while me and treecko find a good spot to go take a nap together after a very long day