I prefer to think the mlp ponies are not built like actual equines, and have flexible pads on the underside of their hooves that can be used to grip objects. Like mountain goats.
I prefer to think the mlp ponies are not built like actual equines, and have flexible pads on the un
Language, you horse dropping. Yeah, nectar, as if that's not a euphemism in this series. A simple, but cool looking bottle. I wonder if that can be built with two of the right magnets, an iron filling, and a glow in the dark plastic-gem? But how to keep it truly stable, and reset it in place if it falls? If that's the backup plan, then what's the scroll going to be?
Language, you horse dropping. Yeah, nectar, as if that's not a euphemism in this series. A simple, b
Yeah, but the button battery would unbalance it and attract to one of the poles. Just using bare wire or thread to web it in place isn't invisible enough since it's a light source. Putting the LED in the cork would light up the bottle, but there's no way to use a transparent bottle and still focus the light with a parabolic mirror that would take up the floor of the bottle. There would be room for the battery and on-off switch in the cork or wings though.
Yeah, but the button battery would unbalance it and attract to one of the poles. Just using bare wir
The mirror goes in the hollow cork, above the LED. I don't think you need an actual object dangled at the focal point - just a participating medium. Air counts.
Admittedly it'd work better with one of those aggressively blue LEDs, since Rayleigh scattering involves frequency to the fourth power.
The mirror goes in the hollow cork, above the LED. I don't think you need an actual object dangled a
Considering what people have drank after being told it's a tonic, I wouldn't rule it out. Radium tonic? Atomic Tonic? Going off of what Bon Bon said what if she's half right and it's holy pee? Though I would think that of larger production amount than pleasure-emitted substances. Either way, it's a heck of a thing for Twilight to have stuffed into Spike.
Considering what people have drank after being told it's a tonic, I wouldn't rule it out. Radium ton
it amuses me that Bon Bon is only a reserve guard here when in later normal canon seasons it was revealed that she was one of the specialist problem solvers for monsters like the (likely feral) Bugbear,
it amuses me that Bon Bon is only a reserve guard here when in later normal canon seasons it was rev