(Credit for the thumbnail goes to Akamar0)
The story:
It was a lovely evening, the sky was beginning to glow a hazy, bright, pinkish-orange as the sun set. You walked down the sidewalk, like you usually did, headphones in your ears, listening to your favorite music, or perhaps podcast. You pass a fire hydrant and run your hand along the top of the cool, aged metal. As you do, you glance to your right, across the street is a nice looking house and you check your phone making sure it's the right address begin to head over to it, as you walk up the gravel path you give the door a gentle knock and only a few moments later a kind looking ginger woman opens the door to you and you grow slightly mesmerized by how beautiful she is.
"Oh hi I'm Daphne" you snap out of your trance once she talks to you and blurt out"o-oh hi I'm your dog sitter nice to meet you ma'am" Daphne gives you a gentle handshake and gently nudges your back inviting you inside the house and says to you"thanks for coming in such short notice my last sitter quit you see" your not focused on what she's saying as you look around the lovely house until your attention goes to a thumping on the sealing from somebody or something moving up stairs "oh is that the little rascal?" You ask in a joking way, Daphne off to the gathering the last few things into her purse answers you with "oh yeah he has his own little area, third door on the right" she then checks her makeup in a pocket sized mirror before snapping it closed and haistefuly moves to the front door as you begin to angle yourself at the stair banister faintly hearing
Daphne say as she grabbed the door handle "your money just there on the table and there's some soda in the fridge so just help yourself" the entire time the loud ruckus from up stairs was in the backround as you tried to listen to her "oh and the fresh diapers are in the closet!, bye now" said Daphne but just as you were about to ask what the diaper thing was about your able to get out a "wai-" as you hear the door close and are just left there confused as to what you would need diapers for.
You make your way up the stairs hearing an odd giggling and thumping and scratching noises comeing from upstairs and you finally make it up and hesitantly grab the door handle of the room Daphne said it was, the ruckus now being lousy as you being closer, the door squeaks as you slowly push it open to see a large brown great dane roleing on his back giggleing his head off while clutching a stuffed animal with his paws, you look in confusion at what seems to be a large Diaper comfortably stabbed to his big ol Dane rear. This must be scooby you think to yourself, Just as you try to gather your thoughts the diapered Dane lifts his head up peaking over his stuffy to look at you and says happily "are ru mry rabby ritter!" Scooby asks in his riggity voice but before you can answer your taken back by him quickly roleing over and ditching his stuffy and begins to charge towards you, you put your hands up and take a step back out of fear as the now happily panting Diapered Dane ran towards you and leaps up high putting his massive paws on your shoulders, you putting your hands out resting them on his sides out of instinct, leaving you face to face with a happy panting Scooby.
You quickly relax seeing as he was only saying hello as you look into his face and smile seeing his tongue hanging out as he continues to pant happily giveing you a few slobbery licks on the face and cheek, as you turn your head to try escape the licking range you look down the side
Of Scooby angling your head better to get a look of the diaper once more but as you examine it your gaze is broken by a series of more slobbery licks and you giggle now being calmed by how friendly and loving he is.
But just as you get comfortable in your stance you attempt to take a step backwards to steady your balance Scooby's weight gets to you cause you to fall landing flat on your bottom, Scooby quickly removing his paws and waddles a few steps back s bit his diapers shaking side to side as he did, "oh Rowwy" scooby says with a innocent shy smile as you mutter out "it's ok boy" you then let your curiosity get the better of you as you continue to stare at the danes slightly soggy looking diaper and ask him straight "why are you wearing a diaper?" You ask attempting to sound like your weirded out but suck at hiding how intrigued you are.
"Rime mrommy's raby!" The hyper dog says proudly and excitedly, you do your best to hide your look of wonder, You eye the poofy diaper, you wonder what it would take to fill that thing, it was so massive, you'd never seen a baby of this caliber before. You breifly imagine stuffing your face in that poof as this massive dane unloads into it, the idea of it riles you up quite a bit, until you snap back into reality.
"That's certainly a big diaper to change" you joke about it trying once again to play off that your not longing to huff the poofy padding,
"Rime rery rhinky" says scooby, now standing in a play bow, with a happy bark the dane charges to you once again jumping into the air with his paws out landing them on your shoulders which pushes you down into your back, Scooby now laying on top of you like your his new play mattress.
You feel a warmth against your crotch area and with a look around the muscular danes chest you see and figure out that it's the warmth the danes wet diaper laying on you which once you realize causes you to take a few shallow breaths, you lay your head back against the floor and try to keep your self together meanwhile Scooby is enjoying laying on you and casually looks around the room.
This was the point you snapped lifting your head up to look at the dane in the eye "hey buddy, you said your stinky how bout you prove it"
Scooby looks down at you and blushes slightly whipeing the once happy puppy smile off his face but it quickly changes to that of smugness and the dane looks down to you and says "rokay" just then Scooby stands back up allowing you to breath for a moment but for only a moment and he simply just spins around aiming his butt carefully and plomping his diapered rump down onto your chest right on top of your breast area, the warm soggy diaper making a slight squelch noise as he sits.
Once Scooby is sitting comfortably on your chest, your heart is pounding as his diapered bum is meer inches from your chin he looks over his shoulder into yours eyes with an almost evil smile and says in his riggity voice “re he he he rope ru can hrandwle it” you see him lower his head slightly and feel his two front paws that are resting
Just under your tummy clench up, one a soft grunt noise out comes a huge violant FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT, you feel your chest vibrate as a huge farts blasts into your face, the smell leaving your head spinning, like raw sewage, the great dane puts his paw over his mouth and giggles “re hehehe oops, ru rokay rack there" his question barely registers to you as your dizzy from the awful stank, you open your mouth to attempt to speak and answer him your cut off but a groaning noise which Scooby replies to by putting his paw on his tummy and saying "rah oh"
You realize it's the diapered danes stomach making that loud gurgling noise and smirk a little bit realizeing what's about to happen.As if your dreams manifested into reality, you stare the back of his diaper and stare at where you think his tail is, and watch as a bulge rapidly shoots out, a liquidy SQRRRRRRRRMMMMSSSSH!!! Erupts from his bottom.
You momentarily panic at how suddenly the diaper expands, and so much too, it blows up almost like a balloon clearly running down the danes front and up his back even leaving noticeable brown stains out the sides, you can barely handle the smell, like raw sewage and natural gas mixed into one horribly wonderful dog stank your loveing The peutrid warmth against your chest.
As you decide to call it a day it pains you to mumble out grieving the dane a firm pat on his thigh "o-ok buddy tha-thats eno-" your cut off mid sentence by a spontaneous leap of Scoobys butt off your chest but as quick as it got off your vision gets completely blacked out by the danes rear quickly remounting onto your face, your flailing and attempts to escape useless as Scooby looks down and gives wiggles his hips condescendingly while your muffled shouts and pleads go on deaf ears to Scooby, as you take a few breaths of Scoobys stank you start to feel weak as you drop limp with everything going black.
Your woken up then by a few firm nudges and jabs your eyes open slowly and eventually adjust to the sight of Daphne standing over you, you groggily sit up rubbing your eyes as Daphnes speech is fuzzy to you but you csn eventually make out her saying "why are you on the floor?"
You freeze and go wide eyed attempting to think of an excuse and then am able to come up with "oh uh uh uh I was playing with Scooby all night, I must have had so much fun I fell asleep haha" attempting to laugh it off while Daphne sports a very unimpressed face.
"Well while you took a nice nap Scooby here has been sitting in his mess for God knows how long!"
You look around Daphne to see Scooby sitting there sporting a boo hoo poor me look as if it was your fault for passing out, though the second Daphnes back is turned his fake sad looks goes right away and changes to a smug look, while Daphne rants away in the back round.
"Hello are you even listening!" Daphne waves her hand Infront of your zoned out face, "wha what" you say to Daphne.
"Oh forget it, you know where the front door is just take the money and leave" Daphne then game a dismissive wave and walked out of the room telling Scooby to follow along for a much needed change, but just as he's about to turn the corner he gives his very stinky bum a wiggle in your direction and leaves with a little wink.
This is certainly a night you'll never forget .