Tracker was on his way trecking threw the jungle on an exploration he decided to go on solo after finding what seemed to be an ancient map out the back at Katie's pet parlor in the dumpster where all the dirty diapers were.
The map led tracker into a part of the jungle not even he had seen before causing him to be confused thinking he knew this jungle like the back of his paw, eventually The map led him to a giant Aztec looking temple which Tracker had never known about thinking once again that he had explored every temple and part of this jungle but not thinking it was anything he hadn't done before he started to enter the temple.
The temple was slightly spooky tracker was alert to any traps that could be installed having explored countless temples before till one of his ears flickered as he passed a long looking hallway that was to dark to see down.
Trackers impeccable hearing picked up on a noise coming from the end of the long hall, he took a step towards it squinting a little to try and make out what was in he darkness and then went wide eyed and a series on bandages rocketed out of the darkness towards his.
The pup tried to turn and run but the bandages quickly made there way to him and wrapped around his arms like tentacles restraining the chiwawa, As Tracker was thrashing in an exempt to free himself a purplish mist rose from the darkness makeing it's way over to him and his hip area and a Diaper seemed to materialise under his shorts replacing his underwear, his shorts now having a slight poof to them from the new padding that magically appeared.
After Tracker tried thrashing some more he felt the thickness of the diaper between his legs wondering what it was unknowing of it being a diaper his heart pounding from fear the hole time,
The same purple magical mist moved upward towards his tummy and with that Tracker felt a large hefty feeling in his gut which quickly moved down towards his bottom the chiwawa groaned and his tail flagged, He gritted his teeth and bent at the knee slightly as a sizeable mess squeezed into the seat of his diaper, bulging at the back and tugging on the waistband a bit Tracker then shot his eyes open in shock at the warm feeling that just shot out his bottom, he panted and looked over his shoulder at the obvious bulge at the back of his shorts his face reflected the nasty uncomfortable and embarrassing feeling he was pathetically attempting to hide as He attempted to comprehend that he literally pooped in a diaper.
Just then he heard a little giggle coming from the hallway that the bandages restraining his arms were coming from and emerged from the darkness was Kela a young fur wearing pharaoh esk attire and a diaper of her own fitted snuggly around her waist and in her hand was a gold septor with the same purple magic energy around it and in the other hand a diaper, she approached Tracker who at this point his knees were shaking and he even felt himself starting to pee himself from fear. Kela walked around back of tracker positioning herself behind his diaper, using her magic two bandages slithered underneath Tracker and up behind his bottom grabbing the waistband of his shorts and pulling them down ending at his thighs revealing his diaper which had a very big buldg on the back causeng Kela to giggle a bit the shorts causeing his knees to be squeezed together he thrashed and struggled a bit trying to look back at kela who had all her attention on his buldging bum "WHO ARE YOU WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!?!?!" Tracker shouted with a very noticeable shakiness in his voice but kela just gave him a smug look and replied "You look to be my latest find first we gatt get you nice and wrapped up and possibly a change....if you fill it more"
Tracker felt his heart drop when he heard that last part "W-WAIT STOP PLEASE espera para por favor" said tracker uttering a bit of Spanish out of habit but he knew that if he had any chance he would have to give her what she wanted but as he tried to gather his thoughts Kela said to him "Fill that diaper more and you get a change" Kela knew she was going to enjoy this.
Track put his head down a bit "Ok Ok I Can do this I Can do this" he pathetically mumbled to himself with utter fear and embarrassment the chiwawa then lowered his head and bent at the knee slightly and HHHHHHHNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGG His diaper grew a little more the buldge enlarging a bit and the sides going out from slightly more mushier mess, Tracker dropped his head from exhaustion as Tracker tried to catch his breath Kela gave him no chance as she said "More" with a short snappy tone, Tracker now quivering from pooping so hsrd looked over his shoulder and met her gaze, Kela looking apon the pup with a evil smile indecateing that she had no mercy so Tracker bucked up and took a few deep breaths and HHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH Tracker pushed with all his mite forceing out anything he could with such agony to hopefully satisfy kela who watched as this load pressed out the sides of the diaper more and went down between his legs
The chiwawa dropped his head in a mix of pain, embarrassed, and discust all at once.
Kela knew that he had already dumped half his body weight into his diaper but was still sickly curious so she leaned over to the chiwawa put her mouth close to his ear and whispered in a condescending tone "More" with that Trackers eyes shot open and took some very deep breaths and once he had adjusted his stance and flagged his little tail the chiwawa pushed knowing that he had nothing left in his stomach but must push for he wants to escape so after a few huge breaths the chiwawa practically screaming started HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAA Tears ran down his face as he opened his mouth and screamed from how hard he was pushing, Kela watching on with an Evil smile from Trackers sounds of agonizing struggle being music to her ears HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNGGGG the pup continued untill an avalanche of runny mush erupted into the pups diaper the mush going down and up his front and up his back even more touching his Tail and even feeling the tapes on his diaper strain, Poor Tracker felt like he was ganna collapse from exhausting from finally dumping half his body weight into the diaper feeling the hot steamy mess he just forcefully evicted from his now destroyed bowels, his emotions of humiliation and discust from feeling the hot mess between his legs.
Kela smiled finally satisfied and patted the massive bulge on Tracker butt "wow a bomb went off in there that's for sure *pat* *pat*" kela then grabbed his shorts and pulled them back up over his packed diaper and useing her magic her septor started to glow and Tracker began to float up into the air with his heart still pounding as the bandages on his armes started to pull forcing his arms into a crossed position and then more bandages flew in from seemingly all angles wrapping his body from the waiste up and ending at his neck creating a straight jacket of bandages, Tracker looked to kela with some tears still on his face from his Forceful pooping and said hysterically "YOU SAID YOUD CHANGE ME" But kela just approached him and used he magic to angle him lower to her level and looked him dead in the eye and said with a smile "I Lied"
Tracker could barely hold back his tears when bearing that, He pleaded and begged to be let out of his icky situation but Kela has no mercy and with that floating threw the air Tracker was brought down the dark hall into a room similar in the Aztec fashion but in the centre was a large Crib which Tracker started flailing when he seen.
With a few swishes of her septor Track hovered over the crib and was dropped into the crib landing flat on him bottom The hot steamy mess going up his back meer centimetres from a blowout but lucky stayed contained in the pups diaper, Tracker squealed in discuss when dropped flat on his mushy bottom and finally snapped letting tears of frustration, disgust, and pure humiliation all at once run down his face all the while Kela pearing over the crib watched in amusement only being able to faintly begin to imagine how the chiwawa must be feeling, Being his age, and forced into a diaper and made empty his entire stomach into it, and to rub salt in the wound was bound and made sit in his mush.
Kela giggles getting getting Trackers attention still with tears running down his cheeks Kela put her hand under his chin and lifted his face to meet her gaze and said "welcome to your new home Stinky puppy, hope your comfortable" and walked away leaving Tracker to his own thoughts