The exceedingly rare giant Miyu appearance! Adorable reaction from her, she's not good at dealing with such attention, even without the whole missing outfit thing! The building rubble atop her head only serves to make her look even bigger amidst the buildings that don't even come up to her legs... while she's fitting down! Great scaling here, hahaha. The buildings all getting pushed around by her mere expanded presence make for a nice showing themselves, I like the rubble clouds picked up from the sudden growsplosion dispersing all around the city too. Neat touch!
THE ILYA ADDITION hahahahahahaha That rules so much, very cute activated Ilya and even cuter comparison of size with just how teeny she is flying nearby! Hilarious and adorable bonus there. The description line too, accurate.
Great work on Miyu's hair, I know from experience that it can be weirdly tricky to draw. Same with it being moved around a bit by her turning her head in confusion and embarrassment! (What's there of) Her outfit looks great with the boots' foreshortening handled well and adorable Miyuchest and tummy of course! The censored version having the school swimsuit instead of her usual leotard hahahahahah. What a transformation mishap! Thanks for drawing her, any size art of her is always a well appreciated treasure in my book!
The exceedingly rare giant Miyu appearance! Adorable reaction from her, she's not good at dealing wi