Simpler designs are more sensitive to things like ratios and proportions! I think you did really good at capturing the cuteness of everyone's favorite pencil-eraser shaped dog though. :D
Simpler designs are more sensitive to things like ratios and proportions! I think you did really go
MY BABY ;w; AAAAAAAH he's so fucking precious oh my GOD Words cannot describe how much I love this. Thank you so much My heart is melting. Killed by cute <3
MY BABY ;w; AAAAAAAH he's so fucking precious oh my GOD Words cannot describe how much I love this.
i fucking love it. the hair is great, i can just imagine him sitting there and getting brushies til he falls asleep. if i ever end up getting a ref sheet for him i think i might make the 3 tone tail part of the canon design in the future because it looks REALLY nice. small unimportant detail i realized i missed in the last dms, the ears themselves are light gray, it's just the tufts on top that are dark, but he's pretty much perfect here <3 honestly i've been smiling and looking at this all day since i woke up it makes me so happy. everything you draw is so god dang precious
i fucking love it. the hair is great, i can just imagine him sitting there and getting brushies til