>Doesn't actually have anything to do with the "Neon" comic/storyline <
Season 2: Neon ----------------
Lux, a heavenly planet where species coexist in harmony and utopia. So much to do, so much to see and enjoy... Let's explore.
Season 2 is focused on improving the visual design of Lux and the Neon City; Truth is, save for a couple drawings, I've never quite shown what Neon looks/feels like, so I've been focusing on rebuilding the aesthetics all around. Though they will look familiar and not incredibly different, there should be a touch more of personality coming through the backgrounds, and I'll be doing my best to properly convey what this hi-tech utopia truly is like.
> S2 will have a brand new, themed adopt
============Patch notes===============
Major updates:
>The return of weekly comic pages
> Focusing a lot more in background work; personality, complexity, properly portraying the Neon City and the lovely places around Lux
> Redesigned the aesthetic and design philosophy of Neon
>Improved clothing complexity
> Reworked the drawing pipeline for backgrounds
=======Minor updates======
> New nipple shader (uwu) > Refinements to anatomy/body structure > Seff is now slightly more muscular and mature-looking > Slight updates to Hyperion characters' designs > Increased the amount of fluff overall > Improved eyelash shading > Bigger focus on 'dynamic outlines', (Varying outline thickness depending on subject/object) > Improved composition for drawings with simple backgrounds: trying to have main subjects occupy more of the canvas >improved glass shaders
=========Commission and Pricing updates==========
>Increased price of complex backgrounds by 5$
>Introducing the "Hyperion incentive", permanently giving a 25% discount on commissions featuring characters designed by me, including my own roster.
>Doing my dang hardest to open commission slots monthly
Check out the season 1 notes, and "what the fuck do I am I even trying to do here" over on this post: