The new recruit.
(The story is dedicated to Nathan)
After everything that Nathan has been through previously it was now his big day. He dreamed the day that he will be working side-by-side with his favorite heroes. He couldn't wait he was over excited. As he was brought to adventure Bay. He couldn't hold his excitement as he was brought to the lookout tower. And there was Rider standing there along with the mayor couldn't look about as excited as anyone could she can barely hold it in. Finally it was announced that Nathan will be joined the team and he will be working side by side with them. He couldn't wait he was over excited however there was a training that he would have to do before he get he can even go out on mission. Nathan didn't like that idea he felt like that he knew pretty much about rescuing and safety. But the mayor insist that he would go on training first. And who did she pick for the training no other than marshall. Nathan was in quite sure if Marshall would be the one that will be suited for this job being how goofy he can be. Marshall in action before. Nathan was kind of disappointed knowing that half of his time he won't be out on the field but will be inside working and training with Marshall. Marshall insured him that things would be fun and he's going to make his training as easy as possible. So you can go ahead and pass it and get out there in the field.
So at time passed on it was time for Nathan to face his big test to see whether or not he had learned anything. And Marshall took him to a safe area where they practice for all kinds of scenarios. Being the fact that Nathan pretty much don't have a title and was not giving one like everyone else. He assumed that Nathan will be similar to Ryder meaning that he's a wild card and probably can do anything. So he was compared to train him in every situation that can possibly be. But there's one problem Marshall only knows fire. He doesn't know anything about the others he seen them in action but usually he's so focus on his job he has no earthly idea about how the other jobs work. Now other than Zumba job which is pretty simple similar do what he does in some case. He don't know any other positions but he didn't want that to show and so Marshall kept his cool.
When they was out on the training field Nathan looked at the building that was ahead. It reminded him of the buildings that they see throughout this the land. “So there's someone that needs to be rescued on the top floor the problem is that the building is going to be on fire what would be the best solution for you to get up there and get to this person if you was the first on scene and there was no time for backup.” Marshall accent. Nathan looked at the building it and he thought to himself and then he came up with a solution.”I guess the appropriate answer will be to make sure that the structure is safe enough for me to enter a then with the proper equipment I can enter in and proceed on to try to rescue the individual before it's too late.”he was sure that was the right answer it seems like it makes sense but he can see the look on Marshall face that may not have been the correct answer or Marshall probably wasn't paying attention to him.
“Forgive me .” He said.”your answer is not wrong or right. It is exactly what a individual would say to go ahead and enter in because there's no time to wait. But that might be the most dangerous thing that you can possibly do as well. If you're entering into a very burning building and you have no backup and no one knows if you in there then you can be putting yourself at danger and making this situation worse. We want to get in there and rescue the individual. But we cannot properly safely get in there then there's nothing we can do. As you can see the door make an open and you get in there but that time you get halfway in there you may realize that the building is athlete more unstable than what you think and it could collapse. Or you could get hurt and because no one knows you in there they wouldn't known that they're one of their own way in there and wouldn't come after you and only go after the one that they know to rescue. The the correct course is to radio for help to make sure everyone knows what's going on and then proceed with cautious if there's no other way. You don't want to be left without. A proper plan so that way everyone is on the same page. Saving life is important but making sure your life stays safe is very important for your team and everyone else.”
Then came Everest running up with a panic look on her face. Marshall question what was going on she said no time she need both of you to follow her grab your gear and hurry. Marshall didn't understood. He was not radio for any kind of help so you didn't know what was it all about. But without hesitation he knew that she couldn't be playing no trick. So he followed her but any Miss of him following her he stopped when he knows Nathan was right behind being that Nathan was a newcomer and was not skillfully trained yet he told him that he couldn't follow. But at the same time his instincts was telling him otherwise so he let Nathan follow anyway and told Nathan to get his gear.
As they was following Everst . Marshall just can't help having an not easy feeling about this. He's not sure what that they were going to come across once they got there. Once it got to the location that Everst was leading them to. Marshall realized this was a lot more bigger than what he thought. It was a building that was currently start to smoke. But not for long the building caught a fire. Now Marshall was already having his fire truck but this was a lot more bigger than the way he ever seen before. He used to small fires but he never seen anything like this. With everyone else busy trying to rescue others away across town he knew it was up to them what to try to put out this fire. This is one time he was the Zuma was somewhere nearby that he knew it was Zuma water experts. At least he can get some more water when is needed to put out this fire. Right now he's not quite sure his fire truck is capable of such a thing.
As he looked around for somewhere to get extra water just in case you run out. He noticed that Nathan was nowhere to be found. Like Nathan has completely disappeared. Marshall begin to fear that maybe Nathan had ran off once he seen everything. Marshall realized this was getting complicated by the second. Nathan has disappear somewhere and the situation isn't getting any easier.
Meanwhile Nathan has already approached the building. Ignoring everything that he was taught his mind was that he wanted to be the hero of the group. He wants to show that he wasn't useless as what marshall first thought he was. So Nathan managed to get himself into the building. With his equipment on he was able to scan the area and make his way through the building the building was hot and it was blazing there was smoke everywhere. Soon Heard a voice on the radio it was Marshall questioning where he was. He told him where he was a marshall almost lost it.
Meanwhile Everst she was trying to figure out what she can do to help. She know this is not her department but she figured she can do something.
“About time the others get here the building will be completely burned and whoever is in there will you know”she said with some sadness. Marshall shook his head”don't worry no one on my watch is going to suffer that. Trust me I'm going to find a way we going to find a way he said to her remember we're a team we don't give up no matter how tough the situation get we've seen worse.”
She nod her head and she realized he's right they will get through this. But they know they have to act fast cuz they're building don't look like it's going to stand any longer.
Meanwhile Nathan has made his way deep into the building he called out or whoever was in there he can hear them barely he told them to hang on and he's on his way to them. Until he got to the door the what's the person was that and realized he had no way of breaking his door down and the door is red hot and the body touch of it even with his equipment on it was burning him. He realized he was in a tough situation. He can't get the door open he doesn't have the equipment to get the door open. He turned around to see it was there anything he can use to get the door open. But by then some of the roof from the top floor begin to cave in behind him trapping him right in there making the situation that was already bad worse he's trapped and raging inferno just keeps getting hotter and hotter.
Marshall looked at the building managed to finally get the hose hooked up where you can start fighting the fire he was shocked to see that Evesrt managed to makeshift some kind of device to help out using her snowcat in the process to help spray water as well he smiled realizing this. He didn't know she had it in her to make material that usually something that only Rocky was capable of. He beginning to realize that maybe he was looking at her differently. Maybe she got more smart than what he actually thought.
As they are fighting a fire and then, second team from a nearby area to offer a helping hand these were brand new pups that had never seen before. And a brand new team leader that Marshall had never seen before he was glad to see any kind of help right now with the situation there was.
Nathan is still trapped and he yelled out for the trap individual I know that they couldn't hear them. He feared or worse. And with everything he had in him he would determine that he's going to get to them. He stood up and use all of his Force to hit the door with his body and he managed to crack it in a way that it flew open there she was sitting there cuddle up in a Beatle position. He told her everything will be okay. But then he realized they can't go out this the same way he came in because he's blocked by fire. He looked out the window they owned the second story and there's no fire escape. So he yelled out for help it caught the attention of Marshall who knows that he was there. So he managed to use his fire truck to get closer along with the other crew that was there and managed to pull them out. With inside of a nick of time. Because by this time the building was so unstable it fell in on itself.
With everything said and done. The medical crew was on site attending to everyone who needed medical care. As a girl was transported to the nearby hospital that was located in another town. Nathan felt like he done a good job but you can see the look on Marshall face as Marshall was very not pleased about this.
Back at adventure Bay Rider was giving praise to everyone saying how brave everyone was. Marshall would not look at Nathan not for one bit he was upset. Nathan tried to explain himself. But Marshall was not listening this has caught the eye of Ryder and Chase who wanted to know what the world happened.
Ryder pulled Nathan to the side and begin to question him about what happened today at their training.
“I'm not used to seeing Marshall mad. Usually it takes a lot for that pup to get upset. Tell me what exactly went down. Did everything go accordingly. He forced to show you the ropes and then after a couple more training you will be ready to join the team as a full train member. I'm wondering why you so upset at you.” Rider looked at nathan. And Nathan looked it back at him.”I don't know I did what I had to do if I didn't she wouldn't have been rescue in time and she could have burnt up in that building. That's all I can possibly known. I did what I thought was best and he even said so in training that that was not a wrong or right answer to certain things. So I'm not sure why he's so mad.” Rider he looked it up and he looked it down and began to patted back and forth on the ground. And then he began to think and then he gave an answer”to tell you the truth I've been noticing the attention between you two. I'm not quite sure why. Marshall out of everyone else around here usually the cool headed on. Yeah he can be goofball. But that's what makes him who he is. Usually that don't bother him most of the time he just do stuff just so he can get a laugh. But he does take his job seriously and that's one thing that he does. He don't like anyone who don't take fire safety seriously. It gets on his nerves. And I can understand he is the best fire well pup that we have if you want to say it like that. So I guess that's why he probably gets upset a lot. When it comes down to anything of fire safety. But it's funny I never told him to use live training.”
Nathan shook his head”no it was not live training it was actually for real. It was a building on the other side of town that caught a fire at the same time we always call out. And that's how the story started.”Rider with it in shock”oh boy is it beginning to be a pattern around here. I wonder who is doing this I can't keep thinking that this stuff is done by accident. Whatever it is we have to get to the bottom of this quickly and keep this from spreading. We don't need a fire every single day we want to have a building left. But anyway that's not your problem to worry about. Once you try making it up with Marshalls on time. You have to learn to get a loan. You going to be seeing each other a lot since you is the one that's going to live inside of the lookout tower. I made up my mind a long time ago. That will be you who will be second underneath me. They don't know that yet. So don't go around saying that. You could make things a little bit awkward. But if you keep training and proving yourself maybe then we won't have to keep hiding it. but I believe in you and I know you have a lot to bring to the team nathan. But try to do things by the book. And understand that most of the pups here are very well trained and we'll get upset if you step in their territory. And try to take things seriously too. Do not think that you're a one-man team it is a team effort to get things done.”Nathan took everything in. And he realized maybe you did do some things a little bit off but at the same time how many lights would have been taken today if he didn't jump the gun. He knew he had to find a way to make it up with marshall. But how in the world are you going to do that. We shall see
This is the end of this particular story art. More might be worked on later on.