For my next adventure, i decided to spend some time in San Francisco. It's a beautiful city! And why not pay a visit to Levi's Stadium while I'm here? I donned a 49ers uniform and had someone toss me the pigskin...or what should have been pigskin...but was actually a very expensive-looking golden egg! I jumped up in delight as I found myself bursting free from my football uniform as I transformed into Hareweald! Meanwhile, the field started changing around me...into a cave where i could store and protect my hoard of gold!
Part of a series of NFL mascot transformations drawn by BinturongBoss! I took some liberties with this one. Sourdough Sam is a human, and who wants to turn into a boring human? So why not a dragon, since the 49ers are named after the 1849 Gold Rush, and dragons like hoarding gold?