Ahya, as a tailmaw, tends to feel some degree of sensory stimulus whenever Taylor feels it. If there is pain, Ahya gets some of that. If it is pleasure, she also gets that too and enjoys it well. Least to say, when Taylor got her cherry popped and engaged sexually with partners, Ahya was very much on board with all this stimulus! Unfortunately, this sort of unprotected intimacy results in consequences that Ahya was smart enough to learn could be quite painful for the both of them. She wanted all of the pleasure and none of the pain that was to come months later. However, life, as they say, finds a way.
Well, that's what fan art is for. XD I have my own designs and canon art pieces (plus fun ones like this), but I've been given some.... very interesting pieces of fan art. I don't post them personally, but they are nice to receive regardless.
Well, that's what fan art is for. XD I have my own designs and canon art pieces (plus fun ones like