A few months ago I was spurred on to write extensively about how we are to continue navigating and existing on shared online spaces as furries; but more specifically, furries with tastes that might run afoul of overly-restrictive, and in some cases frankly hypocritical, Terms of Service and Acceptable Upload Policies.
This post originally went up on cohost, which was about to be closed from further uploads at the end of that month. Posting it just to be frozen there until the site's full closure at the end of 2024 felt poetic, and on the off chance that it could get archived, I figured it was worth rushing to get done in time.
I didn't want it getting lost entirely either, though, and so scheduled a reupload on my own site for future reference. I hope that more might read and take advice from my experiences, thoughts, and opinions on the issue.
furarchiver.net and waybackmachine may help u obtain anything u missed, furarchiver can even hack in and retrieve user images that were banned in some occasions
furarchiver.net and waybackmachine may help u obtain anything u missed, furarchiver can even hack in