21 November 2007
After a wild trip in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, United Sates, Cucumber takes a journey to St. Petersburg Russia with her assistant Pickles. Pickles is quite enthused going to Russia because he heard they have alcohol and magnificent buildings in that country. As they landed in St. Petersburg Russia, Cucumber and Pickles look around to see what they should take photos of. Cucumber has found a bear named Anastasia, a talented balalaika player in St. Petersburg. Cucumber was filming her skillful balalaika playing and Pickles was amazed with her skills. As she stopped playing, the crowd was applauding to her very talented balalaika playing skills.
Anastasia: Спасибо! Спасибо! (Thank you! Thank you!)
Pickles: Wow! Lady! You are very.. talented!
Anastasia: Thank you sir! Know how to play the balalaika?
Pickles: It's like playin' guitar, my daddy played it and would sing Bunny Cash to me when I was a toddler.
Anastasia: Bunny Cash? Never heard of him.
Pickles: Oh he's just a southern rock singer in my country.
Anastasia: Want to give this balalaika a go?
Pickles: Do I?? (Tries it out and performs a neat tune, it blows Cucumber's mind because she didn't know he can play an instrument so good)
Cucumber: Pickles! You didn't tell me you play an instrument so good!
Pickles: Never asked!
Anastasia: Impressive!
Pickles: I'm Pickles by the way, And that's Cucumber, the photographer.
Anastasia: Sidekick?
Cucumber: He's more of my assistant.
Anastasia: So nice to meet you two! I'm Anastasia! I'm a balalaika player. Since you like my skills, Care to tip me?
Cucumber: I would love to but, where?
Anastasia: In my.. bag?! (Notices her bag of tips is missing)
Cucumber: Something wrong, Anastasia?
Anastasia: о, нет! о, нет! (Oh no! Oh no!) My bag has been stolen!!
Pickles: Who took it? What does it look like?
Anastasia: My bag has red sequins and it sparkles. I just hope the money is safe too.
Cucumber: Don't worry, Anastasia. We'll help you find it. Let's look in a bar so we can find out who did it.
Cucumber, Pickles & Anastasia head to the nearest bar to try and find out who took Anastasia's bag with all her tips in it. They look around but they don't see someone with the bag in their hand.
Cucumber: Nope, no bag. Pickles, see anything? Pickles?
Pickles: (Chugging vodka)
Cucumber: Pickles?? Do you see anyone carrying a bag?
Pickles: (Plastered) *Hic* Does it have loose change like that chick on the *burp* picture over there?
Cucumber: Great.. Pickles is drunk.
Anastasia: нет Pickles, It's red and sparkly.
Cucumber: (Looks again) A-ha! I see someone carrying a sparkly bag!
Anastasia: You do?
Cucumber: Over there! Hey you!
Bag Theif: (Sees Cucumber and he runs off)
Cucumber: Get back here you son of a bitch!
Cucumber and Anastasia chase the bag theif but Pickles was too drunk to run so he was left alone at the bar. But that'll give him time to sober up after drinking a lot of vodka. Vodka contains a lot of alcohol more than what he drinks, beer. In the middle of a great chase, The bag theif trips and falls and drops the bag on and it falls into the open manhole.
Anastasia: Oh нет!!! My bag!!
Cucumber: Relax, Anastastia. I'll find it for you. But first, we gotta interogate this theif!
Bag Theif: что ты хочешь?! (What do you want?!)
Cucumber: What did he just say?
Anastasia: He said, What do you want?
Cucumber: Tell him that you stole my bag and we're trying to get it back from you.
Anastasia: ты украл мою сумку, и мы пытаемся вернуть ее у тебя.
Bag Theif: Мне нужны были деньги, чтобы помочь моему брату получить деньги на обучение в колледже. (I needed money to help my brother get his college funds)
Anastasia: He said he needed money to help my brother get his college funds.
Cucumber: Well then, he ain't getting his college funds fulfilled for robbery of your bag.
Anastasia: Where's your assistant?
Cucumber: In the bar, Drunk. We'll just go get him.
After Cucumber has interogated the Bag theif, they head back to the bar to get Pickles. Thankfully, he's not as drunk as he was before so he should be good to go. Cucumber asks if Pickles can walk and he said he can. So they continue their search for Anastasia's bag in the sewer where it fell into after the theif trips and it flew out of his hand. The 3 jump down in the sewer so they can search for the stolen bag.
Pickles: Oh hell no! Really? A sewer?
Anastasia: That's where my bag fell! Catch me as I jump down!
Pickles: (Puts his arms out and Anastasia jumps down and he catches her 95 percent)
Anastasia: I have never seen a boy like you catch me that good!
Pickles: I'm not a boy, I'm a man.
Anastasia: I mean, I have never seen a man like you catch me that good!
Cucumber: Come on guys.
They starts to wonder around in the sewer to look for a bag but it was too dark to do so. So Cucumber pulls out a flashlight and gives it to Pickles for him to hold it so Cucumber can look for clues.
Pickles: Ohhh man! It smells like a baby's ass!
Cucumber: Stinky!
Anastasia: I know it smells but, try and hold your breath or breath out your mouth.
Pickles: What? So I can eat the smell?
Anastasia: Do what you have to do.
Minutes has passed and they are still searching for the lost bag. It could be moved by the river that's been flowing for a while.
Pickles: Found anything yet?
Cucumber: Not yet.
Pickles: Damn it!
Anatasia: Easy now, Pickles. Be patient.
As they searched all around for the bag, they finally found it, it's stuck on the vent where it filters the sewer water to get the medium to large debris.
Anatasia: My bag!
Cucumber: Piece of cake! It's within reach! (She reaches for the bag to grab it until a swarm of spiders come crawling behind the bag and she starts screaming)
Anatasia: SPIDERS!!! HELP ME PICKLES!! (Hides behind Cucumber)
Pickles: Spiders? I ain't scared of these buggers! But I am disgusted and it's making me.. throw up..
Cucumber: What do we do now?
Pickles: Go away spiders! You disgusting little freaks! Scram! Shoo! Get ou- (Throws up on the swarm of spiders)
Cucumber: Gross!
Pickles: Damn.. Looks like those crawlers can't crawl no more.
Cucumber: You can say that again.
Pickles: (Grabs the bag and hands it to Anastasia)
Anatasia: Oh Pickles! Thank you! (Kisses his cheek and he is flushed)
Cucumber: You are more than clumsy... you're so heroic. What's brought up on this change?
Pickles: I dunno, it popped up suddenly.
Cucumber: Come on guys, Let's get out of here.
Cucumber, Pickles and Anatasia find a way out of the sewer by climbing on the ladder that leads to the path of freedom from the stinky sewer. But they come out with a unpleasant odor as they were wondering around in the sewer for quite some time.
Cucumber: Now we smell bad. Yuck!
Pickles: Stinky!
Anatasia: I have an idea. Come to my place so you guys can shower there. But I only have two bathrooms so you two are gonna have to share.
Pickles: Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh-share??
Pickles was surprised to hear that he is going to get naked with Cucumber in the shower. Cucumber had no room to make demands so she said it wouldn't be much of a problem if he showered with her.
Pickles: I p-p-p-p-promise I won't look at ya, Cucumber.
Cucumber: Thank you so much Anastasia. Your bag has the tips in place.
Anastasia: You're welcome, Cucumber. And Pickles, You are sweet.
Pickles: (Blushes)
Cucumber: Come on, Pickles. Let's go wash up in her place.
Anastasia leads Cucumber & Pickles to her house so they can use her shower. Anastasia is using the 1 bathroom and Cucumber is sharing the 2nd bathroom with Pickles. Cucumber begins to turn the shower on to the ideal water temperature for them to get comfortable with while Pickles is closing his eyes trying not to see her naked to be more respectful to her. Pickles then washes her back for her to be a little helpful and kind to her. He got carried away and decided to massage her back for her.
Cucumber: Ahhhh... That feels so good...
Pickles: You like that, dontcha?
Cucumber: Keep going..
Pickles: On it! (Keeps massaging her back)
Cucumber: Mmmmm... Pickles... you are hell of a massager... Where did you learn all that?
Pickles: My mama used to to the same to me when she gives me a bath to make me feel good.
Cucumber: Nice to hear.. let me help you out. (Turns around to Pickles' back and she starts washing and massaging him)
Pickles: Ahhhhhh.... Yes...
Cucumber: That feel good?
Pickles: Yes... keep going...
Cucumber: On it! (Keeps washing and massaging Pickles' back while Pickles is closing his eyes to not see her naked)
Pickles: So relaxing.. I never knew a photographer from Africa can be a massager from Africa..
Cucumber: It's obvious.
After the two get done with their shower, they get out one at a time so they wouldn't see each other naked. Cucumber was the first to step out of the shower to dry herself. After she's done drying herself, she walks into the other room so Pickles can dry himself in private. He still can't stop thinking about the best part, getting a massage from a lady travel photographer.
After the 3 got done with their shower, they go back to their mission by taking pictures of St. Petersburg. Cucumber filmed another performance by Anastasia and her tip bag is present and no one stole it. Cucumber and Pickles both tip her for such amazing performance on the streets.
Next up, Cucumber and Pickles will travel to Istanbul.
The End.