Literal Naked Eye
An FranPaul fanfiction
Harvey Beaks belongs to C. H. Greenblatt, Nickelodeon and Paramount
Fanfic written by ArchieFox203
It was a sunny day here at Littebark Groove, Francois along with his best friend Paul were fully recovered from their last adventure in the Wild Woods area, the dangerous part of Bigbark Woods are walking together enjoying their fun time in the outside, but they hear a voice telling FranPaul to follow it, Francois warned his friend “Paul, i don’t think we can trust that voice, what if it is a stranger?”, “Relax, we’ve suffered the worst back on our last adventure,” explained Paul as they entered the mysterious tent. The thing introduced itself as an traveling merchant who wandered around the world seeling bunch of weird but cool stuff and asked the duo of foxes if they’re interested in something the merchant is selling today, after looking at some products Paul saw an invisible spray and asked his friend “look Fran, an can of invisible spray. Can we buy it please?” then the merchant said to the fox boys “ahh… I see that you kids are interested in the best invisible spray ever made? You guys can take it for free”, “for…”, “free!!!” Both Francois and Paul are very surprised at a free can of invisible spray, as they get the can, the merchant tries to warn the kids saying “be careful boys, this spray can affect clothes as well… kids these days and their phones” said the merchant after FranPaul went outside to test the spray.
After acquiring the invisible spray, Francois wondered how they could test this product, Paul then asked him “what if we go to the littlebark playground and make the swings invisible? So people think we’re flying in the air?”, “that will sound funny and cool, great idea pal. Anyway let’s head to the playground” said Francois as Paul takes off his shirt “okay Fran, now i’m ready” confused he asked Paul “any reason you took your shirt off?”, “the spray can affect clothes too, so i’m taking it off to avoid it getting sprayed on”, “you’re right, give me a sec” said Francois as he takes off his clothing as well leaving the two fox boys bare naked… again.
Now bare naked and ready to test the spray he gently askes Paul “okay pal, now give the spray back”, “uh no, since it was my idea take off our clothes i’ll keep the spray” said Paul, “Paul, the merchant gave the spray for both of us so SHARING IS CARING!!” said Francois as he begins to fight Paul for the spray but they end up accidentally making their clothes invisible, and to make things worse, a group of tourists visiting liitebark groove was passing by and started to laugh at both Francois and Paul as two naked fox boys fighting over a can of spray, after being embarrassed Francois then covers himself while saying to Paul “oh crud now my image is getting ruined, quick Paul let’s search for our clothes” then Paul sprays on Fran’s arm making it invisible “oh no my arm!”, “sorry, at least you can get a hook”, “well see about that *takes the can from Paul’s hand and sprays on his belly making it invisible* looks like you’re feeling empty literally and metaphorically?”, “oh yeah? *takes the can from Fran’s invisible hand and sprays on half of the fox’s head* i guess you’re half a mind away to remember who asked your opinion”, “okay now i’m mad *takes the can from Paul’s hand again and sprays on his crotch making it invisible* no nuts, no glory” several bad puns later and lot’s of spraying, Francois and Paul are now two invisible foxes “oh great now the spray is empty”, “at least when we wash off, i hope i can see your cute face again” even invisible, Francois starts to blush and said to his friend “wait, you think i’m cute? Even if we’re invisible?”, “yes, since our first adventure, when i was about to die from drowning you saved me by kissing me on my mouth” this makes the fox blush even more despite still being invisible “I WAS DOING CPR TO SAVE YOU, YOU… you… baka…”, “leave the literal blind dating for later as we’re planning to turn us visible again, a-ha i think i found my shirt *hears a rippp realizing it was Fran’s shirt* oh… now i realized i tried to dress your shirt”, “our clothes does not matter now, we need to get into my house and take a shower because it says that the invisible spray dissolves on water” explained Francois, “hey Fran, can you check the time?”, “ugh half past invisible, i’ll try asking this guy *taps on willy* Hey, can you check the time?”, “sure it’s 14:35 PM” replied willy even without seeing both the two foxes, “thanks” then willy gets scared “who said that? AHHHHH GHOSTS!!” as willy ran away, both Francois and Paul had another idea that is pretending to be ghosts and scare all the littlebarkians.
After scaring everyone on Littlebark Groove Francois and Paul think they have scared everyone including their friends, until Technobear makes an announcement saying “everyone, i’ll catch those ghosts and kick their spectral butts in technobear style, while i plan to do a party for you guys while i fight the ghosts”, they forgot to scare Technobear so the two foxes thinked of a plan to scare him as well.
Later that night, Technobear was ready to fight the ghosts, Francois then whispered to his friend “are you ready Paul?”, “sure i’m ready Fran”, “okay, just follow my lead” said Francois as they tried to act like poltergeists thinking it will work “meh, i’ve seen some scary movies that happen this paranormal event. Is that your best?”, “ooooooohhhh… why aren’t you afraaaaiiiiid?” then Technobear snaps out of reality “aw c’mon this trick is very old *grabs a bucket of water and splash into Francois and Paul making their invisibility effect disappear* i knew it all along, you guys don’t scare me anymore”, “be caaareful what you-”, “uhhh Fran… our invisibility is gone” then both the fox boys screamed at each other by being naked, then Technobear grabs them at their tails and demanded an explanation “why did you guys scare everyone in Littlebark? And why are you guys naked?”, “it was the invisibility spray, it can affect clothes too”, “so please don’t bust us” begged both Francois and Paul to not get caught by Technobear then he apologizes the foxy duo “it’s okay guys, at least it was kinda fun being invisible *takes them to the exit* you guys need to go back home and put some clothes on” said Technobear while Francois and Paul were leaving backstage because Technobear had planned to prank the duo after everyone in Littlebark Groove was scared and everything was all according to his prank. Francois and Paul were at a dark room, until the night lights turn on revealing that he was pranking the duo while saying “and for tonight event is the nude foxy duo, stari-i-i-ing the ghosts of Littlebark Groooove” and everyone started to take pictures of Francois and Paul being naked while trying to cover themselves… and having their dignity ruined.