In his Napoleonic War-inspired universe called Rust, the Kosnian Empire is attempting a hostile takeover of several countries, using drones supplied by the Alum Corporation. Resisting countries have formed the Independent Coalition of Nations to fight back against the drones and those who joined them.
Inspired by his boyfriend Dieter's success on the mainland, Bobby rallied his town in Gregoria to join the fight as well. He was placed into a mainland position to help take down base construction happening on the coastline. He makes it a point to also check in on the Laumnan Army and Dieter specifically.
At first glance it appears Bobby's stomach is exposed, but it's actually a new material designed by the Gregorian R&D to work as clear Kevlar.
Will they fight alongside the Coalition, or join the Empire? The uniform you choose decides their fate~
Purchasing an Egg Adopt determines the outfit the character wears. The buyer can decide on body type, gender, and choice of weapons/accessories. As a furry universe, the characters are designed without shoes (those in colder climates will get protective sock-like wear), and can have paws or feet depending on buyer's preference.