Imagine you’re a furry of any species babysitting two little cubs for a few nights. He is a cute arctic fox kit named Ethan. He’s playing downstairs, with his favorite train set. He just got adopted, so he’s extremely clingy, though he’s really kind. He’s four.
On the fridge door, you see a couple rules.
1. No use of magic
The little cub supposably cannot control it yet, though you’re more intrigued that he can do magic in the first place.
2. He’s still in diapers. Do not put him into undies, and do not put him into disposable ones.
That rule was normal due to his bladder problems, except for the last bit. Maybe it had to do with said magic
The rest were normal rules like the bedtime, routines and a kiwi allergy.
The other cub wasn’t really a cub, but human, at least for now. His name is Theodore, but prefers to be called teddy due to it being a nickname given to him by his parents. He’s more skittish and reserved, though you can still notice his excitement from being near a friend of his. You check the rules for him.
1. No using metal cutlery
2. Has no curfew
3. Due to rule number two, he has to take naps during the day.
Seeing those rules, it confirms your suspicions that you were indeed stuck babysitting both a werewolf and a magical fox. The werewolf was five
The rest of the rules for Teddy were fairly normal still, like his favorite foods, curfews (except that those were daytime curfews rather than nighttime ones) and his bladder problem. Rather than his vulpine friend, he wore regular undies, but could not keep them dry. He also preferred wearing dresses, which took you a bit by surprise, and so did it for Ethan, as he teased his friend slightly for it. Unlike Teddy, Ethan only wore his undergarments, flat cloth diapers fastened with a safety pin, with nothing over it being necessary due to his thick fur.
As you finish the rules, you smile widely and make some lunch for the kids, and as you cook the oatmeal, you can overhear them slightly.
“Hehe, you’re a little baby!” Ethan joked.
“Hush! You are!” Teddy said in reply, sounding embarrassed.
“Well at least I’m not a sissy!” Ethan chuckled, and Teddy replied in mock offence.
“Well at least I’m not in diapers,” The human child responded.
“You can only talk like that when you can keep your undies dry!” The foxkit argued. “Plus at least I’m not named after a baby toy!”
“You mean the baby toy you can’t go a night without before calling for your mommy?”
You chuckle at their back and forth, though decide to stop them, not wanting it to go too far. Once the porridge has been done cooking, you make the cubs plates, before finally turning around to see what all the antics were about in the living room.
1. They were playing pretend-wrestling, and roasting each other during it
2. Teddy and Ethan were in a tickle fight, and Teddy had wet himself due to it (would make the werewolf’s argument the most ironic
3. Teddy managed to convince Ethan to wear a dress, and after too much teasing and the fox getting flustered, Ethan pointed out how Teddy was still shorter and smaller than him despite being older, as a weak defence.