pika pika! My wheel of draw has chosen pikachu as my next drawing, so here it is. I'm trying to do more lineless things for backgrounds... if you can call this a background.
This looks like you're tracing ai art. And the way you're asking for money on all your websites while not even being honest about your own work is really obvious. So many people think they can get away with it, as if we don't know what ai stuff looks like.
This looks like you're tracing ai art. And the way you're asking for money on all your websites whil
I use ai art as drawing refs, I don't trace the images though, if I did that I'd have no right to call myself an artist. And I ask for money, but require no money to view my art. I can see where you're coming from, but I draw my art on paper before doing it digital. I'll add the tag so people know ai was involved, if you have any more questions or things I should do, please tell me.
I use ai art as drawing refs, I don't trace the images though, if I did that I'd have no right to ca