N: *Shinx and Eevee are exploring many levels in the video game*
Eevee: You are quite a worthy rival, it's almost like we're equal
L: Shinx: "It's definitely pretty close... Pretty sure I'm the better of the two of us, though."
N: Eevee: We still got more levels to do to proof ourselves, I wonder what's next
L: "Suppose we'll just have to keep going to find out... Hope it'll give a good way for us to prove who's better."
N: *They soon reach the jungle level*
Eevee: Ah, looks like a jungle level
L: Shinx looks around, taking in the sights. "There hasn't been one of these yet... Nice, I always like this sort of theme."
N: Eevee: I bet it makes you feel like a jaguar
L: "Heh, I wasn't gonna say, but... A little bit, yeah."
N: *They soon come across some water*
Eevee: Ah, we got some water
L: "Hm... You know, water hasn't shown up at all until now... Ah, just got an idea! How about we do a breath holding contest? That'll help us prove who's better!"
N: Eevee: Sure, let's hope it's not one of those video game where we can't swim and drown instantly
L: "Ugh, I hate when that's a thing..." Shinx cautiously gets into the water... And, thankfully, is able to swim. "Okay, good."
N: *Eevee swim in the water as well*
Eevee: Wonder how deep it goes?
L: "May as well find out while we're at this. There might be something cool down there waiting for us!"
N: Eevee: Let's find out as we test our limit
L: "Yep, I bet this'll be fun! Nice that we don't really have to worry about going too far, too..."
N: Eevee: Let's dive
*They dove underwater*
L: Shinx swims deeper and deeper with Eevee, determined to stay down longer than them, while also hoping to find something interesting. A breath meter appears above each of them, slowly draining.
N: *They keep swimming deeper as it goes pretty far down*
L: Shinx wonders how deep the water here is going to go... And he wonders if he and Eevee will even make it to the bottom at all.
N: *They keep swim deeper and deeper*
L: By now, the two have each used up a quarter of their breath. Shinx is still confident he'll win, though.
N: *They reach the bottom as they look around for something interesting*
L: Proud to have gotten all the way down, Shinx starts swimming along the bottom to explore.
N: *They keep exploring as their breath meter are half drained*
L: Shinx is getting uncomfortable now, but certainly isn't about to surface unless Eevee gives up on the contest.
N: *Eevee keeps holding it in as they continue searching*
L: Eventually, Shinx is having some trouble focusing on searching, occasional grunts leaving him as his chest heaves.
N: *Eevee feeling the same as their air meter are only a quarter remains*
L: Shinx knows he likely won't surface without breathing water at this point... But he keeps holding his breath as well as he can, trying to outlast Eevee.
N: *Eevee keeps holding it in as they make no effect of resurfacing knowing that they won't make it in time*
L: Shinx looks over at Eevee and watches her breath meter as he covers his mouth, hoping hers will be the first to run out.
N: *They are nearly out of air as they starting to feel pain on their chest*
L: Shinx squirms as his lungs burn and he starts to get a purple blush, continually losing bubbles now.
N: *Their air meter is completely drained as they both starting to lose health from drowning*
L: There's a gasp coupled with a slurp as Shinx inhales the water, and he grabs his neck as he thrashes in drowning, coughing up clouds of bubbles.
N: *Eevee does the same as their lungs are filling up with water*
L: The bubbles eventually stop coming from Shinx, only water now being in his airways. He gurgles painfully as he keeps involuntarily gasping, his blush now blue and spreading across his face.
N: *They both release one big bubble as their vision begins to fade*
L: Shinx goes limp after letting out that bubble, sinking down to the bottom and passing out...
...Before respawning back on shore, breathing heavily for a moment.
N: Eevee: W-Whoa, that was something...
L: "Y-yeah, I didn't think drowning would feel like that... Ugh, I wasn't paying attention, I don't know who held their breath longer!"
N: Eevee: Feels like we were pretty equal
L: "It did seem that way, at least. Guess we didn't get a whole lot out of that dive after all..."
N: Eevee: At least it was a nice experiment, that drowning doesn't feel so bad
L: "That was better than I expected, yeah! At least now we know we don't really have to be afraid of water, right?"
N: Eevee: Yeah, this will make water levels more exciting
L: "Sure will... Heh, now it might not actually be terrible if there's any of those, huh?"
N: Eevee: Let's keep exploring some more
L: "Yep, let's get back to actually working through the level."
N: *They soon arrive at the area with many leaves covers the ground*
Eevee: This looks dangerous
L: "We'd better take it slowly, there might be some kind of trap covered by all that..."
N: Eevee: Yeah, I'm betting that too
L: Shinx brushes leaves aside as he starts slowly making his way across that section, being very careful.
N: *Soon the next step cause them to fall into the pit*
Eevee: Ouch, that was a misstep
L: "Ow, dang it... Now we have to climb out of here..." Shinx starts looking for a way out.
N: *The two starting to sink*
Eevee: Umm, is the wall getting higher?
L: "It... Sort of seems like that..." Shinx looks down. "Oh jeez, we're sinking! This is quicksand!"
N: Eevee: Oh my, that's a first time we come across one
L: "I guess we don't really have to worry that much, since we know how drowning here feels. Still, this is kind of annoying."
N: Eevee: Yeah... feels rather soft
L: "Does feel kinda nice, yeah... Maybe we could just hang out here for a little while."
N: Eevee: It kinda feels like taking a mud bath
L: "Never had one of those before, but if they're like this, think I might want to try one out at some point."
N: Eevee: You are weak to ground I just realize
L: "Well, apparently not in this way! Hopefully that won't end up changing once I go under."
N: Eevee: Care to find out?
L: "Yep, I'm gonna let myself go under in this and see how it goes. Shouldn't be TOO bad."
N: Eevee: This should be a interesting mud bath
*They sink to thier underbelly*
L: Shinx relaxes as the quicksand slowly covers more of his body. "Mmm, this feels pretty good..."
N: Eevee: The one time being weak to ground is a good thing to you
L: "Yeah, I had no idea something like this could ever actually feel good to me!"
N: *They sink to their chest*
Eevee: Mmm, this is so relaxing
L: "Good way to unwind after that drowning earlier, for sure."
N: Eevee: Indeed, I am looking forward to sink under
L: "Wonder how it's gonna feel to be entirely under all this..."
N: *They sink to their neck*
Eevee: Getting closer now, better take in some breaths
L: "Yeah, time to get ready!" Shinx starts tilting his head back as he takes some deep breaths.
N: *Eevee does the same as they slowly sink under the muddy quicksand*
L: Shinx holds his breath just as he goes under, his breath meter soon appearing once again.
N: *They slowly sink deeper as they start bubbling under the mud*
L: Just like Shinx expected, being under the surface feels even better than just being at the top, and he happily lets some bubbles out.
N: *They eagerly sink deeper as their breath meter is quarter of a way drained*
L: Shinx doesn't even care that he's not entirely sure he'll be able to climb back out, fully willing to let himself drown in the quicksand.
N: *They keep bubbling as they sink deeper and deeper, hoping for a bottom*
L: Shinx continues to relax regardless, wondering whether he and Eevee will be able to reach the bottom in time.
N: *They pay no attention to the breath meter as they keep sinking, they stop bubbling to hold it in for the bottom they hope to reach*
L: Even without letting out air any more, Shinx isn't sure the two will make it down... But, he feels that he wouldn't mind it going either way.
N: *They both starting to feel the strain as their breath meter is more then half way drained*
L: Shinx covers his mouth to better hold in his air, unwilling to give up even as his chest heaves.
N: *By the time they reach the bottom their air meter is only at quarter left*
L: Shinx smiles, but by now he's losing bubbles despite his efforts, struggling to keep holding his breath.
N: *They both let the bubble escape as they lay at the bottom*
L: Getting a purple blush once more, Shinx fights to not inhale, squirming on the bottom.
N: *Their air meter soon rans out as they start inhaling mud*
L: It feels a lot different from breathing water, and Shinx instinctively struggles again as he coughs up all his air, but it's still not all THAT bad to him.
N: *Their lungs is slowly filling up with mud*
L: As Shinx's body begins to go numb from the lack of oxygen, the pain slowly fades, and he starts to relax again over time.
N: *They soon release a big bubble before they fully drowned under the quicksand*
L: Shinx manages to force himself to inhale one last time before he passes out...
Just like before, he and Eevee respawn outside the pit they'd fallen in. "Man, I think drowning in that felt even better than water!"
N: Eevee: Yeah, I think I'm starting to love it
L: "Man, I totally forgot to check how close our breath holding times are again... Well, we can always do another at some point."
N: Eevee: Yeah, maybe we can find the sandy version at the desert level
L: "Yep, and hopefully I'll remember to actually check at that point. For now, let's keep going. Shouldn't be as hard now that we know where the pit is."
N: Eevee: Indeed, let's wrap up this level
L: Shinx and Eevee safely manage to get past the pit they'd previously fallen into, and finish the level without much issue after that.