S: It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, I was at Dan's house for the day hanging out, I was watching Dan play Spyro the Dragon for a while as we both really loved that game, I turn to him with a smile
"This is so great...there's nothing like relaxing and hanging out with a good friend like you!"
L: "Yeah, this is fun! Even though the game's single player only, I'm having a good time with you!"
S: "Me too!" I continue to watch Dan play "Wouldn't be awesome if Spyro was actaully real?? I would totally be down to meet him!"
L: "So would I! Meeting any new dragon would be great, but Spyro would be especially cool to actually talk to!"
S: "Totally! I'll be awesome!" as we continue to play and talk with each other, there's a knock at the door
"Hmm? Sounds like somebody's at the door, I'll go get it..." I get up and walk over to the front door, opening it up to see who it is
L: And, surprisingly... It's Spyro! And even Sparx is with him!
S: my mouth immediately drops as I see Spyro and Sparx at the door
"W-w-what the what?!!? Dan!!! Dan get over here!!! Your not gonna believe this!"
L: "Wait, what's going on?" I quickly come over as well, and I'm briefly left speechless at the sight of them.
Spyro: "Hey there, you two! Heard you're big fans of me!"
S: Sparx - "Yeah!"
Me - "I-i-i uhhh what..." I was a bit too starstruck to speak for the moment, all I could do was nod my head yes
L: My tail is constantly wagging behind me. "Y-yeah, we think y-you're cool!"
Spyro: "Glad to hear it!"
S: my own tail was constantly waging behind me as well
"Yeah! Super duper cool!"
Sparx - "We're really glad your fans! It's so nice to meet you!"
L: Me: "W-we were, um... W-well, I, was just playing one of your games, actually!"
Spyro: "Nice, hope you were having fun with that!"
S: Me - "Yeah, even tho it's single player it was nice to watch him play it! It's funny because he was coming up to an underwater in the game right before I came to the door!
Sparx - "Hehe, I see!"
L: Me: "I always really like seeing you underwater... H-hope that didn't sound too weird."
Spyro: "No worries! I definitely like BEING underwater as well!"
S: Me - "Really? That's surprising! Cool! I always get jealous how long you can hold your breath and everything"
Sparx - "I've lately been trying to like being underwater too, I know I always summon a bubble around me so I can breathe whenever Spyro submerges, but just seeing Spyro underwater made me wanna actually go in the water without the bubble! And it's actually kind of fun!"
Me - "No way for real? Wow!"
L: Spyro: "Yep, and he's been getting pretty good too! He's got a long way to go before he can match me, but still!"
Me: "Nice! Can't be easy to do, I don't imagine bugs are usually very good at holding their breath."
S: Sparx - "Heh... no definitely not, I struggled the first time I went under without the bubble, but Spyro was a huge help to me and I got way better overtime!"
Me - "That's really neat, man this is has been a dream to get to hang out with you two! Oh, almost forgot to tell you my name, I'm Emilio!"
L: Me: "And I'm Dan! And yeah, it's so great to meet you guys!"
Spyro: "It's nice to meet you two too!"
S: Sparx - "Yeah! It's great to meet ya Emilio and Dan!"
Me - "Well, the only logical thing to do is hang out with each other right? So I say we should do that!"
L: Spyro: "Yep, exactly what I had in mind!"
Me: "Awesome! I bet we're gonna have fun together!"
S: Sparx - "This should be a good time!"
Me - "All this underwater talk has suddenly put me in a mood for swimming, heh"
L: Me: "Same here! You know, there's a pool that's maybe about a 15 minute walk from here, how about we head over there?"
Spyro: "Sure, sounds good!"
S: Sparx - "Alright!"
Me - "Lemme just put on my swim stuff then we can get going, good thing I brought it over" I quick step away and change into my swim shorts with a pair of goggles resting on my forehead as I come back
L: Me: "One sec, I'll get my stuff too." I leave for about half a minute, returning with my own swimwear. "Alright, I'm ready!"
Spyro: "Then let's get going!" Everyone starts heading for the pool.
S: I was acting giddy the whole way over there, super excited to hang out with Spyro for real, eventually we get to the pool, luckily nobody was there
"Alright, we're here!"
Sparx - "Perfect! This should be great!"
L: Me: "Nice, lots of room for all of us!"
Spyro: "Yep, here we go!" He jumps into the deep end, surfacing after a couple seconds.
S: sparx jumps into the water after spyro, coming up to the surface next to him and giggling
Me - "Well I ain't gonna just stand here!" Putting on my goggles I happily jump into the water as well and come up next to both Spyro and Sparx
L: I put on my goggles and jump in too, surfacing next to everyone else. "Always nice to get to swim again... Especially with friends!"
Spyro: "Sure is, it's been a little while since I've been in water."
S: Sparx - "Same here"
Me - "Yeah this is definitely nice, I'm enjoying myself already!" I couldn't help but give spyro a hug
L: Spyro: "Oh!" He's surprised, but soon smiles and hugs you back.
I laugh a little, and join in on the hug.
S: Sparx - "Awww!"
I giggle myself
Me - "Sorry spyro, I'm a hugger...and I just couldn't resist! Your adorable!"
L: Spyro: "Hey, I don't mind! You guys are pretty cute too!"
Me: "Aw, thanks!"
S: "Aww really? Thank you!"
Sparx - "I agree with Spyro! Hehe!"
L: Me: "Anyway, everyone ready to head down?"
Spyro: "For sure! Get some deep breaths, guys!" He and I start doing some deep breathing.
S: I turn to sparx with a smile
Me - "Ready Sparx?"
Sparx - "Of course!"
me and Sparx do some deep breathing as well, I was starting to wonder in the back of my head, how long spyro can really hold his breath, and how long sprax can hold his breath too
L: Spyro doesn't seem to be taking his preparation all that seriously, likely assuming he won't have anything to worry about with staying under.
Eventually, Spyro and I are ready, and we both dive under with one last breath.
S: after they dived, me and Sparx take a last deep breath and dive under as well, Sparx's little cheeks puffing up
L: Spyro and I stay just a couple feet below the surface for now, happily looking around.
S: Sparx and I look around as well happily, my tail still wagging as well as I let a couple of bubbles loose
L: After a bit of time, Spyro starts to swim deeper, and I follow him down, still wagging my tail too.
S: I follow both of them down as well, sparx following too... both of our faces already turning a bit red
L: I still seem to be doing just fine, as is Spyro. The two of us settle onto the bottom of the deep end together, both sitting down.
S: sparx and I get to the bottom of the deep end as well, I have a seat next to Spyro as well, with sparx just floating nearby and letting some bubbles loose as our red blushes grow a bit more
L: I'm starting to blush just a little, but I'm clearly still enjoying myself, watching everyone around. Spyro smiles at you and Sparx.
S: I happily wrap an arm around spyro, letting out some bubbles as I try to ignore my need to breathe
sparx pinches his little nose shut as his face turns visibly red now
L: I put an arm around Spyro as well, and giggle out some bubbles at seeing Sparx holding their nose.
Spyro drapes his wings across both our backs.
S: as I notice Sparx holding their nose I giggle out bubbles too, my face slowly turning more red but I continue to ignore it, pinching my own nose shut with my free hand
sparx looks at us with a blushing smile, a tiny little grunt being audible from him as he still wasn't the greatest breath holder yet
L: My blush is continuing to expand as well, just slower than yours and Sparx's. Spyro still doesn't have one yet, and he watches us to make sure no one goes too far.
S: eventually I grunt from strain as my whole face turns red, looking nervously at Spyro, but as that happens, something....strange begins to happen to both me and Dan's bodies, and we couldn't tell what exactly was happening
sparx notices this and gets confused, he looks up at the surface and wonders if we head to the surface
L: Spyro soon picks up that something's happening too... I start swimming up, a bit nervous about whatever this is.
S: sparx was too and i swim up as well along with dan, and eventually everyone surfaces and gasp for breath...me and Dan's bodies start to weirdly glow
Sparx - "Emilio? Dan? Are you guys ok?!"
Me - "I-i-i...I don't know...what's...going on?!"
L: Me: "I-I don't know either!" I look over myself, starting to get scared.
Spyro: "Try to stay calm, we're gonna figure this out!"
S: I look over myself as well, getting just as scared
Sparx - "It's gonna be ok! I promise!" spyro and sparx's voices sound almost muffled to me and dan
the lights get brighter from both of us...and then... darkness...
The real me and Dan wake up hugging each other as the Spyro video game music was playing in the background back at Dan's house, the whole meeting of Spyro was all a dream
L: I look around, trying to shrug off the remaining sleepiness from having just woken up. "...Aw, it was a dream..."
S: "...what?! It was a dream?! Awww rats... I wish that was real" I blush a bit when I realized I was hugging Dan, looking over at the Spyro game still playing, yawning as I shake off my sleepiness
L: "Sounds like you had a pretty good one too... Oh well I guess, not the first time for me..."
S: "Same for me, ugh! But it's still sooo annoying!"
L: I let out a sigh... A few seconds later, there's a knock at the door. "Man, this is even how it started... One sec." I get up and head for the door. When I come back, I'm looking notably happier, carrying a package with me. "I didn't think this was coming this soon! We are SET!"
S: "Huh? What is it? What is that?" I notice the package your carrying, looking at it with confusion
L: I set the package down and open it up, taking out a weird device with what looks like a camera as well as a couple clamps. "This is a Game Diver! They were just released a week or so ago, and if you hook one onto a game console, you can actually go INTO the game!"
S: "What?! No way! Are you serious??? So that means..." I look over at the game console with Spyro the Dragon in it
"Please tell me this isn't another dream!"
L: "I'm pretty sure this is real! So, quick question... Did that dream you had involve swimming with Spyro? Because we can actually do that now!"
S: "Yeah! It did! And Sparx too! There's no way we can actually do that!? I don't believe it..."
L: "Well, this SHOULD work, I read up on how to use these beforehand..." I attach the Game Diver to the console and turn it on, various bits of it lighting up. Finally, it beeps a little tune. "That means it's working! Now, you see that camera-looking thing? Apparently we just touch that to head in!"
S: "Whoa... this is trippy...ok, well you go first then, I'm not about to be the guinea pig here, heh"
L: "Okay, here goes..." I reach out a little nervously, and touch the camera-like part. There's a flash... And I disappear! The TV screen flickers a bit, and I'm suddenly just behind Spyro in the game!
S: "What the?! It actually worked??? H-hey wait for me!" I touch the camera like part as well as with a flash I disappear as well and appear in the game as well behind spyro and next to you
L: I give you a wave once I see you. "Hey dude! This is so cool, huh?" Spyro doesn't seem to react to me talking...
"Oh, I should mention: With the standard settings, everything in the game behaves like it normally does in the game, but we can change it so it's realistic."
S: "Uhh yeah, this is awesome! I happily wave back at you. Sparx was right next to Spyro who also didn't react to us talking
"Well obviously I want it changed so it's realistic! I actually wanna talk to Spyro and Sparx and all that!"
L: "Alright, hang on. The menu should open like this..." I clap the backs of my hands together, and a menu opens in front of me. "Okay, good." I navigate through it and turn on realistic AI. "That should do it."
S: "Whoa...that's so cool! Hurry up and save the setting so spyro and sparx can see and talk to us finally and for reals!"
L: "Alright, and..." I save the setting and close the menu. "Hey, Spyro!"
Spyro turns to look at me. "Oh, hello! Don't think I've ever met a lizard before..."
S: "Hi Spyro! Hi Sparx!"
Sparx turns around as well as sees us
Sparx - "Oh Hi! Yeah I don't think I've ever met lizards before either! Cool!"
L: Me: "So, what are you two up to?"
Spyro: "Not really a whole lot, we were just kind of hanging out."
S: "Yeah, me and Spyro have had a long day of battling bad guys, we decided to take break yknow?"
Me - "Makes sense, I'm sure your making the most of your break then"
L: Spyro: "Well, we're trying. Can't really come up with something to do right now."
Me: "What about swimming? I always like that, myself."
S: "Me too"
Sparx - "Hey that's not a bad idea, I know Spyro loves swimming... as a dragonfly, I'm happy to stay inside my bubble...never really got a chance to actaully swim and all that, heh"
I think to myself that in the dream sparx did try swimming and loved it, something different which I thought was cool
L: Spyro: "Yeah, perfect, we could go swimming! Do you guys want to come along too?"
Me: "Sure, that'd be great!" It does occur to me as well that it's a little different, but I don't think much of it, just assuming that it's because it's just copying how the game is.
S: Me - "Yeah that sounds fun!"
Sparx - "Alright! Spyro and I know a good spot where we can go swimming!"
L: Spyro: "Yep, right this way, just follow me!" We all go with Spyro.
Me: "So, Sparx... You've really never done any swimming? You always use that bubble?"
S: "Heh, yeah... never really tried it before, I've always summoned a bubble around whenever Spyro dives underwater, it's sort of a natural reaction at this point"
Me - "Have you ever thought of trying it? Maybe you will end up liking it"
Sparx - "Haven't really thought of that... although Spyro mentioned about it a few times to me I think"
L: Spyro: "He's only ever used the bubble, but I've been trying to convince him to try diving without it sometime."
Me: "It'd be really cool if you did, Sparx!"
S: Me - "Yeah! It'll definitely be cool!"
Sparx - "I don't know... I mean I'm not necessarily used to the water since I'm nice and dry in my bubble, but maybe I should give it a try someday..."
L: Spyro: "And I'll be ready to help you out when that time comes!"
Me: "If I happen to be around, so will I!"
S: Me - "Same with me!"
Sparx - "Well thanks guys" sparx is starting to think to himself deep down if he wants to try it when they get to their favorite swim spot right here right now, which after a bit they get to
L: The group arrives at a large lake.
Spyro: "Here we are! I always really like swimming here, and testing how long I can hold my breath too."
Me: "I can already tell I'll like swimming here too!"
S: Me - "Yeah same! I bet you can hold your breath for a long time Spyro!"
Sparx - "Heh, he most certainly can, that's for sure..."
L: Spyro: "Long enough I don't have to worry: My record is 38 minutes!"
Me: "Woah! I wish I was anywhere NEAR that good!"
S: Me - "Good grief! That's a long time! Jealous..."
Sparx giggles at me and Dan's reactions to spyro being able to stay under for a while, while also thinking about speaking up his desire to try being in the water without a bubble, you can tell on sparx's face he has something he wants to say
L: Spyro looks over at Sparx. "What's up? You look like there's something you want to say."
S: I look over at sparx too
Me - "Yeah what's up?"
Sparx - "O-oh..." sparx blushes then sighs, deciding to speak up to spyro "I've just been thinking about trying to be in the water without my bubble...now that these two mentioned about it, sorry I don't know your names..." he's gesturing to me and dan "I wanna give it a try, right here...right now"
L: Spyro: "Oh, nice! Yeah, I'll do everything I can to help you out!"
Me: "Same here! Oh, and my name's Dan, by the way."
S: Me - "And I'm Emilio! I'll help you as well!"
Sparx - "Aww thanks guys, maybe this'll go well for me"
L: Spyro: "Well, to start out, how about you try just swimming on the surface without your bubble? That ought to be pretty easy."
Me: "Yeah, that's what I'd start with too."
S: Me - "Yep"
Sparx - "Well uhh, ok then...I'll try it" sparx then hovers above the water, then lowers himself into it slowly without his bubble, with his years of watching spyro swim, sparx manages to start moving his little legs to swim on the surface
L: Spyro: "There you go, that's a good start!"
Me: "Yeah, good job! Take some time to get used to that, then at some point we'll see if we can get you okay with diving."
S: I jump in the water myself to watch sparx swim around
Me - "Nice job sparx!"
Sparx - "Thanks, this isn't as hard as I thought it would be"
sparx spends the next few minutes swimming around and getting used to being in the water
L: Spyro and I get into the water during that time as well.
Spyro: "Let us know when you feel like you're ready, Sparx."
S: sparx nods his head and continues swimming around, eventually he stops... floating near the rest of us
"I think...I'm ready now...I got the hang of swimming"
Me - "Good!"
L: Me: "Alright! This won't be hard, just a second or so would still be a pretty big step for you."
Spyro: "I'll be right next to you, Sparx, so don't worry."
S: sparx looks down at the water nervously
Sparx - "I-i-i know I've been underwater before, but not without my bubble, I'm scared..."
Me - "Hey...It'll be ok sparx, I promise!"
L: Me: "We're all ready in case you end up panicking!"
Spyro: "Just go at your own pace, we'll head under right when you do."
S: "Yep!"
Sparx - "Ohh... I at least know I have to hold my breath and all that... this is gonna be scary"
after a lot of hesitation, Sparx brought up the courage to take a deep breath, holding it in and plunging underwater without his bubble
I quickly follow sparx down when he dove to make sure he's ok
L: Spyro and I both quickly dive as well to watch Sparx, both of us smiling at him.
S: I smile as well
sparx's eyes are tightly closed as he's loosing air pretty fast, his face is red already not even a full 3 seconds in, whimpering as he comes to the surface gasping heavily for air
I come back back up as well
Me - "Nice going sparx! I could tell you definitely struggled through that..."
L: Spyro and I also return to the surface.
Spyro: "Yeah, that really didn't look easy for you... But still, that was good for your first time!"
Me: "It definitely was!"
S: Sparx - "Hah...hah...hah, y-yeah...that definitely was a big struggle, and I don't think I liked it too much, it was so scary..."
Me - "Poor Sparx... I'm sorry you felt that way"
L: Spyro: "Well, at least you tried it out. You can just go back to using your bubble if you want."
Me: "It'd be cool if you did more, but yeah, if you're too uncomfortable with it you can just go back to that."
S: Me - "Yeah same here, it would definitely be cool if you did more, but I understand if your getting uncomfortable"
Sparx - "Well... I could, but now I'm starting to realize something, what if my bubble pops unexpectedly while underwater? I can only make one every few hours...and if I find myself deep underwater with spyro...then I gotta get more comfortable with doing this in case something like that happens"
L: Me: "Oh, I didn't know there was a limit on how often you can make them."
Spyro: "Yeah, that's come up a few times in the past... We'd better keep going then, as much as it might suck."
S: Me - "There's a limit on them? Yikes!"
Sparx - "Yeah, I totally forgot... ugh..." sparx clearly isn't looking forward to this
L: Spyro: "Maybe next, we should try to have you open your eyes underwater?
Me: "Yeah, I saw you had them closed that first time."
S: Me - "I did too..."
Sparx - "I don't think if I could do that...what if my eyes sting? I don't want that..."
L: Spyro: "You won't know unless you try!"
I realize something, and whisper to you. "When we went under, my eyes felt fine... Do you think that's a thing with being in a game?"
S: I look at you and whisper back
Me - "Yeah my eyes felt fine too... it has to be the game or something..."
Sparx - "Ugh...I don't really wanna go back under there...but I get the feeling I have no choice..."
L: I look back at Sparx. "At least just go under one more time, so we know for sure whether having your eyes open down there hurts."
Spyro: "And if it does, we can see about finding some tiny goggles for you."
S: Me - "Hehe, I bet that'll look so cute on you!"
Sparx - "Oh...alright fine...I'll try one more time then..."
L: Spyro: "Okay! Just like before, go whenever you're ready and we'll follow you under."
Me: "Yep, take as long as you need."
S: "Okay..." sparx hesitates again, but eventually takes a deep breath again and goes back under as I quickly follow him down, sparx's eyes closed yet again
L: Spyro and I follow him under as well, hoping he'll actually try to open his eyes this time.
S: Knowing well that sparx doesn't have a lot of time, he slowly begins to open his eyes and immediately his eyes stung and he yelped out bubbles before closing them and surfacing again, gasping for breath...
I follow him up as well
L: Spyro and I quickly surface too.
Spyro: "That definitely hurt you, I can tell..."
Me: "Man, where are we gonna find tiny goggles for you?"
S: Sparx - "Awww man..."
Me - "Finding tiny goggles might be a challenge..."
L: Spyro: "Not sure there's much we can do right now... Thanks for at least trying, Sparx."
Me: "Yeah, at least you gave it a shot."
S: I look over in a direction and swim to the edge of the lake
"Huh...I guess we got our wish" I pick up a pair of tiny swimming goggles and show it to everyone
L: Me: "Wait, what? That just happened to be here?"
Spyro: "That's pretty convenient, look at that!"
S: "Now how did these get here, oh well...here sparx!"
Sparx - "Oh!" sparx flies over and takes the goggles in his tiny hands, before me and him return to spyro
"Now how do I put these on?"
L: Spyro: "You just put those transparent bits over your eyes, and the strap around your head."
Me: "I can help you with it if you want."
S: "Yeah could you help me? I don't think I could do this on my own, heh" sparx flies over to you so you can help put on the goggles
L: Me: "Alright, one sec." I take the goggles and gently put them onto Sparx for him.
Spyro: "Looks pretty good on you!"
S: once the goggles get lowered onto sparx's eyes, I smile and giggle
Me - "Hehe! I knew it! You do look adorable in them!"
Sparx blushes a bit
L: Me: "Yep, I was thinking that too!"
Spyro: "Now you're definitely good and ready for a dive! If you're up for one more, anyway."
S: Sparx - "Well, I guess knowing I have protection does make me feel better about diving, so what the hey I may as well try again then"
Me - "Cool!"
L: Me: "Nice! I bet you're gonna start feeling way better on this one!"
Spyro: "Me too, this'll probably be the one that makes you change your mind about always diving with that bubble!"
S: Sparx - "Maybe, who knows I guess, I better take another deep breath and find out then huh?"
Me - "Yep, and just like before we will all go under when you do!"
L: Me: "Exactly! Ready whenever you are!"
Spyro: "And maybe we can head deeper after that, if you're up for it."
S: Sparx - "I suppose I could try... see how well I can handle it... even tho I'm still scared
Me - "Hey I get that your nervous, I too was scared of diving deep, but thanks to some help from my good friends I've gotten a lot better at it now, heck I went from not being able to swim at all to now handling swimming really well!"
L: Me: "I was kind of nervous trying out goggles for the first time too, but it went great! You've got nothing to worry about!"
Spyro: "Yep, your eyes are going to be perfectly fine."
S: "Yep! Now that you have that protection"
Sparx - "Well, I guess your right... I do feel a little bit better about this...thanks guys"
L: Me: "No problem! It's gonna be great to finally go under with you!"
Spyro: "Especially to get to see you down there without a bubble!"
S: Me - "Yeah that'll be interesting! Hehe!"
Sparx - "Yeah...well, I guess I'll give this another shot then...." after a bit more hesitation sparx takes a deep breath again and dives back underwater while I quickly follow him down after a deep breath myself
L: Spyro and I join you two underwater once more, hoping it'll go better this time.
S: sparx once again has his eyes closed at first, but he slowly opens them up as his eyes don't sting this time with his goggles on, he smiles a bit, but he's still constantly losing air from his nose and mouth, having a hard time keeping it in
L: Spyro and I both smile at Sparx, and I give the dragonfly a thumbs-up, happy for him.
S: I smile at sparx as well and give him a thumbs up
with how quick sparx loses air his face is already red, but he gives a thumbs up back
L: Spyro gestures for the surface, seeing how low on breath Sparx is already getting, and he and I resurface.
S: sparx nods and resurfaces as well, gasping in a bit heavily for air as I too come up as well
Me - "Good effort Sparx!"
L: Me: "Yeah, you've finally got it!"
Spyro: "You just need to find some way to not let out so much air..."
S: "Yeah...that's definitely gonna be an issue..."
L: Me: "You could probably hold your nose shut, but I saw you losing bubbles from your mouth as well, and that's a bit harder to do something about..."
Spyro: "Maybe just covering your nose will be enough for now."
S: Sparx - "Guess I could give that a try, doesn't sound hard to do"
Me - "Yeah, give that a try! It may help!"
L: Me: "And hopefully we'll be able to have some fun after that!"
Spyro: "Yep, I'm sure we will."
S: "Definitely!"
Sparx - "Well I hope so...guess that means I gotta try this again huh? Ugh..."
L: Me: "One more time, yeah. I'm sure you know the drill by now."
S: "Yeah...I do"
sparx doesn't hesitate as much as he was doing the first time, only after a few moments he takes another deep breath and dives underwater, I quickly follow him back down as well
L: Once more, Spyro and I dive as well to watch Sparx.
S: following what you suggested Sparx uses his little fingers to pinch his nose shut, now losing less bubbles
I smile and giggle a bit as sparx pinches his nose
L: Spyro and I smile at how cute Sparx looks like that, and we hope that them pinching their nose will be a big help.
S: sparx blushes embarrassingly at us as he pinches his nose, and it does seem to help him out
not wanting him to feel silly doing it alone, I pinch my own nose shut
L: I join in as well, as Spyro soon does too. He and I laugh out some bubbles at that.
S: I giggle out bubbles as I watch you both hold your noses shut
sparx couldn't help but giggle a tad too, his face turning less red then before
L: Seeing that Sparx is doing a lot better this time, Spyro swims to them and offers to let them hold onto him while he swims around the lake.
S: sparx notices spyro's offer and nods, holding onto spyro while trying to stay calm, but his fears are slowly bubbling up inside him
L: Spyro swims around with Sparx, making sure to not go any meaningful distance deeper, and I follow the two.
S: I follow them as well, trying to take my mind off how deep this lake goes when I looked down, getting scared myself deep down
sparx whimpers as he let's a few bubbles loose from his mouth, his face flushing visibly red already
L: I get a bit nervous from the lake's depth as well... But, Spyro and I soon notice Sparx is getting low on breath again, and we both surface.
Spyro: "So, how was that?"
S: sparx and I gasp for breath when we surface as well
Sparx - "Definitely better then before, the goggles helped ease my nerves"
Me - "That's good!"
L: Me: "Nice! Yeah, I could tell you were having a way better time!"
Spyro: "Guess we can finally all go on some dives together then, huh?"
S: Sparx - "Seems that way!"
Me - "Yeah I guess so!"
L: Me: "Alright, deep breaths everyone! Let's finally do this!" Spyro and I start getting ready for the upcoming dive.
S: sparx and I look at each other and nod, taking deep breathes to prepare
L: After a little while, Spyro and I are ready, now just waiting on you and Sparx.
S: I was feeling ready as well, and sparx nods as he was ready as well
L: Spyro: "Deep breath, Sparx!" He gasps one more time and dives, making sure to give time for Sparx to hold their breath. I dive under with them just after.
S: sparx quickly gasps and holds his breath as spyro dives underwater, pinching his nose shut as well as I take a last breath and join them underwater
L: With us all underwater once more and finally ready to have some fun, Spyro and I happily swim together, though we still don't go deeper since we both know Sparx probably won't like that.
S: sparx was at least relieved they aren't going deeper as he continues to hold onto Spyro
I happily swim alongside you guys with a big happy smile, my tail wagging as well
L: I'm wagging my tail too, excited that this is actually happening for real this time! I keep looking over at Spyro to watch him swim.
S: I do as well, wrapping an arm around him as we continue to swim throughout the lake as a let a few bubbles loose
sparx is actually generally enjoying himself now, even as his face is already red again he doesn't mind, just enjoying being submerged without his bubble in the way
L: Spyro blows out some bubbles of his own, knowing it won't matter a whole lot for him since he more than likely has the best breath hold of the group. I keep my air in though, wanting to stay down as long as possible.
S: I watch spyro as he blows some bubbles, deciding to keep my own air in as I wanted to stay for as long as possible too
sparx keeps his nose pinched, grunting a bit from his need to breathe as his whole face is red, it's clear he's definitely got some room for improvement when it comes to breath holding
L: I decide that we can probably wait on helping Sparx learn to hold their breath longer until next time we meet up. For now, I intend on just enjoying the dive, and Spyro seems to think the same.
S: I was thinking that way too....but, seeing sparx with such a short breath hold time makes me kind of sad as I see sparx's face turn blue, he taps on spyro frantically as he whines out bubbles
L: Spyro looks at Sparx and nods, quickly swimming back up, and I do as well.
Spyro: "You okay, buddy?"
Me: "You were getting a bit blue there, yeah..."
S: I quickly swim up as well and exhale my held breath while sparx gasps heavily for air
Sparx - "Hah...hah...hah.... oh jeez! That was scary! But yes i'm fine"
Me - "Least your ok..."
L: Spyro: "Do you want to try going deeper next time?"
Me: "I definitely do, as intimidating as it is."
S: "Yeah that depth is scary...even for me, but I wanna try too"
Sparx - "I-i don't know...I guess I kind of have to if I end up deep underwater without a bubble with you spyro"
L: Spyro: "We do tend to go pretty deep sometimes, it'd be a good idea to get a feel for that without your bubble."
Me: "It'll be good practice for me as well..."
S: Me - "Yeah same here..."
Sparx - "Well...then I guess I should give it a try then, as much as I'm not looking forward to going down deeper without my bubble..."
L: Spyro: "We'll take it slow, so we can stop whenever it starts being too much for you."
Me: "I was thinking that too, yeah."
S: Me - "Definitely a good idea... even I'm nervous about this"
Sparx - "Ok...l-lets try it then"
L: Me: "Alright, let's get ready again." I do some deep breathing, while Spyro doesn't this time, not seeing a whole lot of reason to.
S: me and sparx do some deep breathing as well, both of us trying to calm ourselfs down
L: After about the same amount of time as before, Spyro holds his breath and starts going under, as do I.
S: as sparx was still holding onto spyro, holding his breath and submerging with them, however I couldn't bring myself to go down knowing how deep I was gonna go, and soon sparx got scared underwater not even 5 feet in and got off spyro before returning to the surface
L: Spyro and I quickly head back up once we realize what's happening.
Spyro: "You guys okay?"
Me: "Think they're too scared to go deeper right now..."
S: Me - "I-i don't know what happened, I guess the depth was too intimating..."
Sparx - "Yeah...I got so scared myself!"
L: Me: "Maybe if we go find a more shallow area? The depth here has got me a bit nervous too..."
Spyro: "That ought to help, actually! How about we have a look around for somewhere not as deep?"
S: Me - "I suppose that's a good idea..."
Sparx - "Oh...a-alright then..."
L: Spyro: "Alright, let's see..." He and I swim with you two for a little while, before we come to a spot that's only about 12 feet deep.
Me: "Hey, I bet this'll work!"
S: Me - "That should work for me, what about you sparx?"
Sparx - "12 feet? Well, guess that'll be ok..."
L: Spyro: "I think this'll be better on you guys, yeah. Don't have to be intimidated by it being really deep."
Me: "I definitely feel better about this than where we were before!"
S: Me - "Same here!"
Sparx - "Yeah, I guess I do feel a little better about it not being as deep"
L: Spyro: "Then how about we try this again? I'm pretty sure it'll go better for everyone this time."
Me: "Sounds good to me!" I start deeply breathing again.
S: "I'm still a little scared, but I'll try my best to stay calm"
Me - "Me too..."
we both start to deeply breathe again too
L: Once he feels that Sparx is most likely ready again, Spyro holds his breath and starts slowly diving like before, as do I.
S: I slowly start to dive under after one more deep breath, while sparx holds his breath and pinches his little nose again
L: Spyro takes the dive slow, gradually going down toward the bottom of this section. I get down there no problem, and look up to watch you and Sparx.
S: I eventually get down there myself while I look up to watch spyro and sparx come down
sparx was still feeling nervous as they go deeper, but stays calm for the most part
L: Soon enough, Spyro settles onto the bottom, clearly proud of Sparx for staying with him this far underwater.
S: I was just as proud as I smile warmly at sparx
sparx's cheeks puff with air as bubbles escape him, his face turning red again as he grunts a bit in strain
L: I wag my tail at the sight of how much better Sparx is already doing.
Spyro decides to walk on the bottom with Sparx for a little while, figuring it might help them get more used to being a bit deeper down, and I follow him.
S: my own tail gives a happy wag as well as I follow them too, letting some bubbles loose as my cheeks turn a bit red
L: I blow some bubbles as we stroll around on the bottom, swaying my tail back and forth. Spyro is having some fun as well, despite seemingly not being used to walking underwater.
S: I sway my own tail back and forth as well
sparx looks around and tries to keep his mind off being so deep underwater, but he's constantly looking up at the surface worringly
L: After a little while, Spyro feels that it's been enough time, and he hops off the bottom to swim back to the surface. I follow him back up.
S: I quickly follow them back up as well and we all surface, I gasp for breath a bit while sparx does as well
L: I gasp a little too. "Seems like that went a lot better!"
Spyro: "Sure did, yeah!"
S: Sparx - "It felt weird being deep underwater without my bubble, but I tired to have fun with it"
Me - "Definitely seems like it went better!"
L: Spyro: "Do you want to try again with a deeper area? Still not TOO deep of course."
S: Sparx - "I-i don't know if I wanna go any deeper, 12 feet was already pretty rough for me..."
Me - "I did sense that in you sparx, I'm sorry you were struggling a bit..."
L: Me: "We don't have to go deeper, I think that was an okay depth to be at."
Spyro: "Alright, yeah, we don't have to keep working on that with you if you don't want to."
S: Sparx - "I know we've been deeper then that but I wanna try and have fun for once, cause that hasn't been happening so far"
Me - "Oh...I see"
L: Spyro: "Yeah, pretty much all of this so far has just been getting you to feel better about diving! Let's actually have some fun!"
Me: "Sounds good to me!"
S: "Same here, and I think I know how we can have some fun... you guys wanna try doing some tag underwater? I heard that's getting more popular now..."
Sparx - "Tag...underwater? That actually sounds....kinda fun"
L: Spyro: "Hey, I've never played that underwater before!"
Me: "Neither have I, that might be fun!"
S: Me - "I never have either, but I saw a lot of videos about it and it looked pretty fun...so let's give it a try! Taking a childish game and making it more fun"
Sparx - "Alright alright you gave me another excuse to dive back underwater then, haha!"
L: Spyro: "Then let's try it out!" He starts deeply breathing for once, and I start getting ready as well.
S: Me and Sparx - "Ok!"
we do some deep breathing as well
Me - "How are we gonna decide who's gonna be the one "It" first?"
L: Spyro: "Well... Like this!" Spyro taps you on the nose. "You're It!" He laughs, and takes a deep breath before diving and starting to swim away, which I do as well.
S: sparx decides to swim on his own as he too took a breath and lifted off of spyro to swim away
Me - "Hey!!! Grrrrr!! That spyro was a trickster! I'm gonna get him!" I take a deep breath myself before diving underwater after them
L: Spyro laughs out some bubbles as he keeps away from you. He seems pretty good at swimming, though he holds back a bit so it's fair.
I do my best to stay away from you as well, smiling back at you.
S: sparx stays close but not too close to us
"Gblet....bacblk hblere!" I chase after spyro at full speed
L: Spyro keeps trying to get away, but you're gaining on him. "Coblme obln, gblo foblr soblmeoblne elblse!"
S: "Nblope!" I eventually tag spyro and swim away immediately "Yblour it!"
L: Spyro: "Arblgh!" He quickly turns and decides to go after Sparx, while I still keep my distance.
S: Sparx - "Ahhhbl!" sparx swims away as fast as he can as he sees spyro going after him, his face red already but he doesn't care for the moment
Me - "Ha ha!"
L: I'm starting to blush some as well, but I'm fine with it too.
Spyro: "Coblme hblere, Spblarx!"
S: I too was blushing as well, but I didn't mind
Sparx - "No! Gblo awblay!" sparx tries to speed up his swimming some
L: I swim down to the bottom to hide behind some fairly big rocks, pinching my nose so I don't give myself away with any bubbles.
Spyro slowly closes in on Sparx... And soon tags them! "Hbla, goblt yoblu!" He quickly starts swimming away.
S: I swim down to the bottom as well, finding you hiding behind some rocks, so I join you...pinching my own shut and covering my mouth, I made sure to show you in some way that I wasn't it so you wouldn't freak out
Sparx - "Hebly! Ublgh!" Sparx immediately swims after spyro after not seeing anyone else for now, his face fully red
L: Getting the message, I give you a thumbs-up.
An idea occurs to Spyro about how he might be able to help Sparx continue getting better with deeper water... He swims to a deeper section, wondering if the game might distract them from being scared.
S: I give you a thumbs up back before giving you a little side hug, a tiny grunt being audible from me as my face turns more red
sparx doesn't even seem to think about for now, too distracted on getting to Sypro as he swims deeper too
Sparx - "Gblet back hblere!"
L: I side hug you as well, and you can hear a little grunt from me too.
Spyro smiles more as he sees his plan working. "Yoblu're noblt goblnna cabltch mble!"
S: hearing the little grunt, I use my free arm to give your chest a rub to hopefully help you out a little
Sparx - "Oh ybleah!?" sparx boosts forward and touches spyro but barely "I gblotcha! Mmm!" sparx covers his mouth and nose as his face turns a little blue, but swims away regardless before spyro could see
L: I smile at that, and close my eyes for the moment.
Spyro: "Ablw, mabln!" He turns around and starts swimming for Sparx again.
S: I smile as well and rest my head against yours for a bit, enjoying our little moment
sparx is nowhere to be found, he went up to the surface to go breathe before coming back down, but spyro can't find him anywhere
L: Spyro quickly looks around... And sees us, heading straight for us! With my eyes closed, I don't see him coming...
S: my eyes were thankfully still open as I happen to notice spyro coming!
Me - "Uh oblh...dabln! It's spyblro! Hbles comiblng!"
L: I immediately look over at him. "Obl-oblh crblap!" I jump off the bottom and start swimming away as Spyro goes after me.
S: "Geblt oubltta thblere dblan!" I quick jump off the bottom myself and swim away too
Sparx is currently hidden somewhere close by to where you are swimming to
L: As I keep swimming and Spyro keeps closing in, I happen to pass above Sparx. Spyro notices them, but decides to just keep going for me as he gets closer and closer.
S: sparx looks up and notices spyro chasing you, he giggles at the sight letting out a few small bubbles before he pinches his nose shut
meanwhile I find a new hiding spot a little deeper down so hopefully nobody will find me, my face was full red tho, so at some point I had to find a spot to stop and go breathe
L: Before much longer, Spyro finally tags me.
Me: "Dablrn iblt!"
Spyro: "Hbla, fiblnalbly!" He swims away, and I make a quick trip to the surface to breathe before I head back down, looking for you.
S: in the midst of that, I also went up to the surface to go breathe and come back down, still in my hiding spot, I did notice in the distance that spyro tagged you, so I stayed cautious
sparx needed to breathe again a bit as his face is back to red, but he stays still in his spot
L: Spyro is finally starting to get a blush of his own as he stays away from me.
I look around the area, trying to find you or Sparx. "Whblere arble yoblu gublys?"
S: sparx makes a little grunt sound that's barely audible from his need to breathe, but he knows if he moves he's gonna get caught, so he stays where he is
L: I keep on searching, looking for any bubbles... Even Spyro has hidden while I wasn't looking at this point.
S: even tho the bubbles are so tiny, sparx's bubbles are a bit visible behind a rock, but only for a short time as he manages to stop them all
I was still hiding in my spot
L: Me: "Ablh, Ibl seble thblose bublblebls!" I swim over to roughly where they came from, looking for the source of them. Spyro peeks out from his own hiding spot to watch me.
S: Sparx - "....whbly do I gblet the febleling sombleone's watcblhing mble..." sparx looks around, not seeing you just yet
I peek out from my spot too
L: Seeing the extra bubbles from Sparx talking lets me figure out exactly where he is, and I rapidly swim toward him. "Foblund yoblu!"
S: "Oh nblo! I've beblen spotblted!" sparx immediately swims away as fast he can, even if his face is fully red again, and he's also swimming right to me!
Me - "No! Nblot ovbler here!" I hide back in my spot
L: Once I get close to where you are, I switch to going for you instead. "Ibl seble yoblu thblere!"
S: "Ahhhbl! No!" I immediately swim away as fast as I can, hoping you won't be able to catch me
L: But before much longer, I do manage to tag you, and I start swimming away. "Hblahbla, yoblur tublrn noblw!"
Spyro smiles as he watches us go.
S: "Grrblr! Yblou get bacblk hblere!"
for a few hours we all played tag underwater together and had a lot of fun, of course we all got air in between, and soon all of us get really tired and come to the surface, resting on the edge of the large lake
L: Spyro and I are breathing heavily both from being tired and having been low on breath before surfacing.
Spyro: "M-man, never thought I'd have so much fun with people I just met!"
Me: "That went even better than I was hoping, yeah!"
S: sparx and I were breathing heavily as well, settling onto the edge of the lake
Me - "Yeah that was a lot of fun! I never would have dreamed of playing tag with spyro and sparx!"
Sparx - "Hah...I have to admit, that was a ton of fun! That's probably the most fun I've had in a long time!"
L: Spyro: "And we got you feeling a lot better about diving without your bubble, too! Don't know if you noticed, but at one point early on I went deeper than we did in your practice, and you followed me down!"
S: "Wait...what?? I did??"
Me - "Yeah, I did notice that myself! That's awesome that you did that sparx!"
L: Me: "Ha, that's pretty clever! Sparx was having too much fun to notice!"
Spyro: "Yep, that's exactly what I had in mind!"
S: Sparx - "Wow, yeah I never even noticed I went deeper! I was so focused on the game and all that!"
Me - "Pretty clever indeed, but yeah that was so much fun, we should 100% do it again sometime!"
L: Spyro: "Definitely! Maybe we'll be able to go deeper next time!"
Me: "I'd be up for that, it'd be cool to see the bottom."
S: "Yeah me too"
Sparx - "Maybe someday, but I'm pretty tired after all that, I need a nap..."
L: Spyro: "Same here, we really ought to rest for a while... You guys are welcome to stay for that, if you want."
Me: "Think we ought to head home for now, actually. What do you think, Emilio?"
S: I let out a yawn
Me - "I'm too lazy now to go back to our world, let's just rest with spyro and sparx for a while"
sparx yawns a little himself
L: Spyro: "Your world, huh? Well, I guess we can talk about that later..." With a yawn of his own, he lays down, and I lay next to him.
Me: "Yeah, we're not from here. It's a bit complicated..."
S: "Yeah..." I lay down next to him as well, wrapping an arm around spyro
sparx lands onto spyro and immediately drifts off to sleep
L: Spyro: "Heheh... Good night, guys..." He drapes his wings over us, closing his eyes.
Me: "Good night..." I close my eyes too, and Spyro and I soon fall asleep too.
S: "Good night..."
I fall asleep as well as I close my own eyes, getting a little closer to spyro as I smile