After doing this for a little over a month now, with all due respect, I think it's time I drop the default act. So I put my new fursona to good use. Hope you like it!
Thank you! It'll likely be a slow integration, I think I just have an addiction to the other two (can you blame me tho?). I am gradually working towards a time where I will have more OCs, I just want to sharpen my skills more before I get into that endeavor.
Thank you! It'll likely be a slow integration, I think I just have an addiction to the other two (ca
I started in exactly the same place as you a mere four years ago so I know where you are coming from in this - so just keep going, and keep drawing! Eventually it'll just flow out of you as if you've been doing it all your life (and I'm sure that thekzx will agree with me 200% on that!)
Who doesn't have that Izzyaddiction?! I started in exactly the same place as you a mere four years
That's the plan, chief! Also it's really cool to have encountered someone who went through the exact same process. It makes me feel more reassured that I am on a good path. Glad to have you around!
That's the plan, chief! Also it's really cool to have encountered someone who went through the exact