What can I say I'm a Mass Effect nerd so I thought I'd get around and sketch up my Core Shepard. Course this guy will be a bit more generalized should I wanna use him in the ME verse for a story or something. ^^
Name: William McCollen "Shepard"
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Homeworld: Terra Nova
Affiliation: Systems Alliance
Rank: Commander
Commendation: N7
Specialization: Vanguard
Weapons Specialization: Heavy Pistols, Assault Rifles, SMGs
Psyche Profile: Confident and determined with a strong sense of justice and equality. Negotiating Skills marked exemplary. Avoids Lethal force when able though will be brutal when the situation calls for it.
Background: Investigated Collector and Cerberus activities before the Reaper war and fought in the Skillion Blitz. Father died in an incident involving an asteroid Batarians attempted to drop onto Terra Nova. Participated in multilateral missions with Turians and continued to fight with Turian Special operatives during the Reaper War.
And now for a lil something extra. A breakdown of my Shepard's actions through the games.
"My Shepard was born on Mindquar and was a hero of the Skillion Blitz. He was a Vanguard. He was the first human Specter and as a paragon of what humanity could be. He saved the colony on Feros and he helped make Noveria a little less corrupt and spared a Rachni Queen. He saved an Asari and was there when her mother died. He talked down a Krogan and destroyed a rogue specter's base where he sacrificed Ashely Williams to accomplish the mission. He made his way ti Illos against the odds and spoke with a ghost of a dead people. He saved what was left of a Specter and allowed him to die on his own terms. He saved the Council and helped defeat Sovereign. He suggested Anderson for councilor.
Then my Shepard was killed by the Collectors. Against his better judgement he worked with Cerberus to find out what was happening to human colonies. In his journey he met many people. Some old faces and some new. He helped them all work through things as they helped him on his mission. He chose to change a people rather than destroy them. He told the Quarians not to yet again make war with the Geth. He went through the Omega 4 relay and destroyed the Collector base Without loosing a single soul. He discovered the ShadowBroker or two. With a heavy heart he kept the Reapers at bay by sacrificing a star system.
He went back to Earth and stood trial for his actions. When the Reapers hit Earth he went to find the blue prints for a weapon and then went to go get help for Earth. He revived the last of a dead people. He cured the Genophage and brought peace between the Quarians and the Geth. His actions amassed the largest fleet ever seen and united a galaxy. He fought on Earth and freed the mind of a lost Human. And finally when he was given the options he chose to Control the Reapers and repair the damage done before finally ending them once and for all. All this and more is what my Shepard did."
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the info and such. ^^
12 years, 2 months ago
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