Yup the Liger's gone and made a few new Mass Effect characters. This time a pair of Quarian brothers. ^^ Took some liberties with them such as differing hair and eye color but hey we don't know the full spectrum that the Quarians have so I'm sticking with this. ^^
It was a long day on the great station. The Citadel. Home to many millions of people of many species. Among them a pair of Quarians. Kenn and Vonn Zolvern Nar Pathfinder Vas Rannoch. Siblings were a rarity among Quarians but these brothers were an exception. It'd been a bad Year for the Quarians and the ban on single births lifted. Vonn was quite happy to have a brother and made a point of looking out for him. Kenn for his part admired his elder brother and stives to be the best he can. The two brothers moved to the Citadel Over 2 years ago. Shortly after the Reaper War. They had never felt at home among the fleet. Their great grandfather was an exile who had tried to contact the Geth. The Stigma of being the descendent of an exile stayed with them. On top of that both boys like their parents shared views on the Geth which were in the minority. "Our ancestors were fools. They tried to wipe the Geth out. Tried to commit genocide. At least the Geth showed mercy. At least one Admiral understands that." Vonn would often say. Kenn rarely spoke up save to state. "We're all machines. Quarians are simply machines of organic compounds rather than inorganic ones." Kenn had a gift for living things. Biology and genetics came to the lad well. Where as Vonn. He tried tech and combat skills. He was a supreme Sniper and knew how to fix or crack anything. Vonn's arm and eye were the result of his first combat experience. Their ship was scouting when a pirate ship attacked them. Mostly Vorcha lead by Batarians. That battle saw their father die defending his sons and his ship. Their mother passed a year later from an illness that swept the ship. The Reaper war was unpleasant. Kenn's secret got out. Kenn was an exceptional rarity among Quarians. He was a Biotic. With their suites and life style Biotics were rare but their mother was an Engineer working on the ship's drive core and closely around eezo. The captain kept pressuring Kenny to follow in his brother's foot steps and train to be a troop. Finally that ended when a Peace was finally made wit the Geth and their homeworld resettled. Both brothers were among the first to volunteer for the Geth's treatments and such among the first to be able to safely live without their suites. It wasn't along after that when they moved to the Citadel. Vonn first started out fixing the damage caused by the Reaper attack and Kenn as an aide in Heurta Memorial. Today Vonn's part of C-Sect's Sharp Shooter group while Kenn's skills have seen him working as a diagnostician and working with a few genetics projects as well.
Of course that wasn't what was on the boy's minds right now. Both had just returned home from a long day. Vonn was the first to get out of his uniform and get his by now rather ripe diaper changed. Like many Quarians both brothers had worn all their lives or at least as long as either had been wearing suites. It was much easier most of the time.
"Could you give me a hand big bro?" Kenn asked walking over to his freshly changed brother holding a new diaper.
"Sure Lil Bro." Vonn smiled. Of course Kenn could do it himself but Vonn never minded being asked and never said no. As mature as Kenn was he was still a good four years his brother's junior and deserved to be babied a bit.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
12 years, 3 months ago
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