Some say he's a virus created by an embittered Dev as a means to troll the universe. Others say he was a game AI infused with its creator's consciousness who went insane after losing his body in an explosion in his office. Yet more still claim he's the embodiment of the negative side of many Internets across the universe purged once they became sentient enough to connect to the Omninet. But most agree on just one thing...He's really FERGING annoying and they just want him to go away!
After hours searching the internet via the Data Zone, Jade begins to feel defeated. "This is getting us nowhere!" Jade groaned, "Ector, what did you say we were looking f-?" When he attempted to tap Ector on the shoulder, Jade's hand went through him. Suddenly, he realized something. "...No..." The world around him began distorting as if he were inside a TV losing its reception. "...No-no-no...!" The area suddenly went blue all around. "CONGRATULATIONS!" a loud, obnoxious voice rang out. A now confounded and angered Jade looked around and finds a series of shapes forming overhead. As the shapes got into formation, the resulting entity continued, "YOU JUST WON A FREE MP3-PLAYING PROGRAM FOR YOUR SUBNET! CHECK HERE FOR LOW, LOW RATES!" "Cut the crap, Meamiton" Jade snapped at the creature, "Where's the kid!?" He then realized Ector trapped in a pink, translucent orb that from our hero's perspective had the consistency of thin gelatin. "JADE! Thank the Developer your here!" is what it looked like he said, barely audible as he was. "Alright, what do you want, you overgrown spamvertisement?" Jade asked, seemingly calmed down. "It's simple, m'boy" Meamiton replied, changing into a rather dark, twisted dummy-like appearance, "I want to play a game!" Jade, sighing in begrudging agreement, folds his arms. "I win, you let my little buddy up there go and ferg off!" he demanded. "And when I win, I get to leak some rather JUICY secrets from your little mind!" Meamiton added, reverting to his previous form, "LET THE GAMES BEGIN! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!"
boss monster
boss fight
jaden von grujaka iv
digital entity
4 months, 1 week ago
23 Oct 2024 01:13 CEST
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