This one came to me last night a few hours after listening to this: It fits because my target humor for Crossfire is equivalent to "Shrek, but with Video Games". And yes, I'm well aware it doesn't look like a real barrel with duck features, but I made this one on the fly.
Scene-setting time!
Jade and Ector had made their way to the area specified by the client. Both of them look around for a bit and realize how quiet it is. "Isn't this supposed to be the part where some kind of boss comes out to fight us?" Ector asked, expecting this given how man missions he's been on with the Lone Brother up to this point. "Yeah" Jade replied, "Kind of a let-down huh? Heck, I'm so disappointed at this subversion of expectations that I'll take on the stupidest, most ridiculous thing the universe can cook up!" Suddenly the sky turns overcast with the sound of flapping overhead. Our heroes look up and see a massive, winged, cylindrical object flying up the adjacent hill from where they were standing. The wings retracted and the object slammed onto the hilltop. "A giant barrel?" Ector pointed out. The barrel slowly turned to reveal a duck-like bill. The creature slowly opened its eyes, standing on its webbed feet and the wings popping out again. Upon looking at the massive beast...Ector shoots a glare at Jade as if he's saying "You had to ferging tempt the universe, didn't you!?". "My name is Kwacker Barrel!" The monster squawked in the most duck-like voice you've ever heard, "AND YOU ARE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY!"