Sometime in the future, the commander will choose to undergo even greater anatomical changes than she did during her Architype years. Zero, who is a specialist at undertaking insane experiments like these, granted Eight a shape that provides her with significantly more benefits than the last. This is still her body; no cloning or body transfers were performed to carry out this metamorphosis; but, such significant modifications are not without consequences.
During her first months in the lab, she exhibited notable signs of psychosis and behavioural instability, both cognitively and physically. She had previously experienced this effect when her human self was converted and enhanced, nearly killing another person, but the effects this time appear to be significantly more serious, and she must temporarily stay under Zero's monitoring until she is stable enough to rejoin the crew. Her behaviour could be described as strange, even wild, with random outbreaks of anger as well as hormonally induced outbursts. Zero finds these outbursts intriguing, though, because she is essentially his first willing (and still alive) subject to experiment on.
/// There is a cause for Eight's transformation, and it will be explored later in the plot, when we work on our official comic. Don't worry, I'll still draw Eight as a humanoid (she could technically transform back if she asked, so both designs are canon). This is not a permanent change! Consider this as a more dangerous alternative to the „soft“ version. I personally tend to enjoy the tame and mysterious design more than something feral-looking, but that‘s just a personal preference of a main character. I enjoy exploring the realm of possibilities and tend to have mood swings when it comes to design choices. Those who followed me since my early years as a sci-fi artist know it best, but instead of completely scrapping my designs now, I simply „transform“ them, as I found getting rid of the old very unfortunate.