You followed Spyro out of the Swamp past the temple and past one of money bags holo shops or portable shops.
You then exited out of the entrance where you came.
You got onto a floating rock that feels like it took ages.
In no time you was back at Dragon village.
Ember was not there which was a extra bonus for Spyro.
But what Spyro didn't know is by been as childish as he had been to Ember it would have consequences.
"Come on Poofy butt, don't worry about Ember, she does this thing all the time" Said your friend Spyro.
Poofy butt was Spyro's nickname for you since you was a dragon with a poofy nappy.
You say that something doesn't feel right about all of this to Spyro.
Spyro shrugs it off.
"Hay um... not to embarrass you or anything, but I think we should buy some more nappies for you at Money bags shop. I will pay. It is the least I can do for putting you though today."
You blushed at Spyro's comment.
"Come on Poofy butt I will race you" Said Spyro waving his tail in the air ready for a friendly competition.
So you and Spyro ran and ran and just as you was about to get to the shop Spyro pinned you before leaping off.
Oh no you don't you said as you used your two claws to grab Spyros foot and he landed on the ground with a thump.
You pranced away until you noticed you could not move and you looked behind you and Spyro had a hold of your dragon tail.
"Maybe next time poofy butt!" Spyro said in a mischievous way as he tried to get to the shop only for you to stop him in his tracks by tickling him.
Spyro roared in laughter as you tried to sneak away to the shop.
"Oh no you don't!"
Spyro says playfully as he tickles you to the ground.
You both was in a tickling fight infrount of Money bags, happily laughing and playing as you both tickled each other.
"This is all well and good, but would you mind doing it elsewhere unless you want to spend some of those nice gems."
Stated Money bags.
Spryo rolled on his feet.
"Ha ha ha ha ah OK, OK. May I have a pack of nappies please. Once that can be made pocket size for my inventory.
You see it is for my friend Poofy butt." Explained Spyro.
"I am Sorry Spyro but I am sold out.
A customer bought the last three packs."
You turn white as a sheep when hearing this news.
"OK, who was the customer?"
Asked Spyro not wanting to see his friend, you out of nappies.
He puts a wing around you for comfort.
"I am sorry Spyro, I can not tell you GPDR and such" He said before coughing and holding out his hands.
Spyro rolled his eyes and gave money bags a green, purple, red, blue and yellow gems.
Money bags put the gems in his pocket.
"The customer was heading to the nursery"
Money bags said.
"OK, thanks" Spyro said as he quickly dashed off leaving you running after him trying to catch up.
Spyro what is your plan here? You ask.
"Well knowing what situations I usually get in I would ether have to pay more gems to get them back.
Or I will have to help them get someone or something back. Or I will have to give them a certain number of light gems in extange for your nappies."
You and Spyro ran into the nursery only to find nobody their.
"That cheap sket double crossing bear! I have just been coned out of my gems!" Spyro said
It wouldn't be the first time you replied to that Spyro just said.
"Shut up!"
All of a sudden the doors to the nursery closed giving both you and Spyro a fright.
Out from another door Ember walk in.
"Ember? What us this all about!?" Snarled Spyro as he walked infrount of you for protection.
"I told you not to take that bridge to the swamp Spyro, then you acted like a baby." She said pulling out a pack of nappies that she bought from Money bags.
She took one out and fluffed it up.
"And if you're gonna act like a baby, than I will treat you like a baby."
Ember said sitting down fluffing up the nappy.
Spyro looked quite sheepish.
Since you are the same size as Spyro. He knew that your nappies would defently fit him.
"Ha, ha, ha, nice one Ember, but I prefer to keep my tail free and unencumbered." Said Spyro trying to laugh it off.
He tried the door only to get tripped over by Flames tail.
He took a tumble on the floor and landed on his back.
Ember pranced over Spyro in a nappy.
You would do something you really would. But the sight of the great purple hero, been changed and put in a nappy was quite funny.
You could not help a snigger.
"There, there Mummy has got you Spyro" She said as she inserted the nappy on Spyro. It was a white nappy but has some pastle baby print designs on it.
"Mummy!?" Said Spyro both confused and concerned.
"Yes I was able to find someone to play babies with" Ember said as Flame taped the tail part and Ember sorted out the wings.
"Then why didn't you play babies with Flame!?" Asked Spyro.
"Silly Spyro, Flame is not a baby, he is your Daddy."
She said as she finished tabbing the tabs.
Spyro managed to get up quickly only to look down with embarrassment.
A dragon that could glide, hover and breath fire reduced to a nappy wearing hatchling.
"Sorry Spyro I could not help it. When I heard Embers little plan for revenge I just had to see it for myself." Flame replied.
"OK, if we are playing house what would that make Poofy butt?" Spyro said concerned.
"Oh he is your sibling" Ember said before turning to you.
"We are you Mummy and Daddy [Your name here], and Spyro is your big brother, yes he is yes he is, he is your big bro.
But like his younger sibling he is not potty trained yet, oh No!" She said doing a fake gasp.
"But that is OK, because you look out for each other and Mummy and Daddy love you both very much." Ember said.
You look at Spyro and it looked like he was hatching a plan.
"PU Poofy butt you really had to go didn't you. I can smell it from here" winked Spyro.
Oh yeah, I knew I shouldn't have had that bean bareto. You said going along with Spyro's plan.
"Well I best change them. I mean I am the older brother right." Spyro said.
Flame looked at Ember and Ember looked at Flame and they both look at You and Spyro.
"Alright, I will grab the baby powder" Ember said.
"And I will grab the baby wipes" Flame said.
What are you- you said before spyro cut you off.
"Quiet and follow me lead." Spyro said.
The two dragons put the wipes and the powder next to spyro.
"Lay down Poofy butt" Said Spyro and you did what he said.
"Now the first thing we are going to do is..." Spyro said with a pause and a nod of the head.
"...RUN!" He said as he knocked over the baby powder causing Flame and Ember to caugh in a powder of baby powder.
You and ran out of the open door past the professor's ball gadget.
Unfortunately Ember and Flame caught you and escorted you back in.
You look as Spyro gets away.
"Don't worry poofy butt me ans Sparx will get help!" Spyro said before sparx flew on top of Spyro and flew him back to the nursery.
You saw Sparx bringing Spyro in but how he was able to carry Spyro was a diffrent question all in all.
"Sparx how could you betray me." Spyro said.
"Bzzzt well when I seen how funny the idea was of you two been siblings in a game of baby, I had to lend a wing bzzzt"
Sparx said.
"Sparx" you and Spyro said in unison.
"Thanks Sparx but Mummy and Daddy can take it from here."
Ember said as Ember tells you and Spyro off!
"What you just did was very naughty poofy butt. And you, You should be setting a good example for them Spyro." Ember said.
"Fat chance" Spyro said quickly to you.
"So no playtime for today!"
Ember said.
"Oh, wow real original" Spyro said but you was kind of upset about this.
At least play time would help you to take your mind of this situation that You and Spyro found yourself in.
Your tummy suddenly started to rumble.
"I think it is food time" Ember said in a sing songy voice.
Ember got out two bibs and applied them to you and spyro.
Spyros said little piddler and yours said little stinker.
They got a big bowl and two plastic pink bowls.
Ember poured out the chocolate oats added milk and breathed fire onto it to make it warm.
She happily mixed the bowl as Flame got the two plastic bowls ready.
Sparx was watching you the entire time.
Finally it was done and Ember poured each Portion into yours and Spyros bowl.
Ember decided to feed you and Flame was feeding Spyro.
They both scooped some of the chocolate oats up and they fed you both with holding the spoon in their mouth and feeding you the contents.
Ember purposely smeared it around your face and on your bib.
You could see the same happening to Spyro.
"What a messy eater" Ember said to you.
"They get it from their big bro" Chuckled Flame.
The food was sweet and yummy however you would have preferred not to eat this was.
Still it kinda made you feel like a hatchling in this place. Which kind of was a bonus.
After food was done Ember said.
"I think we should wash it down with a drink of milk"
She took it out of her inventory and her and Flame swapped so now Flame was looking after you and Ember was looking after Spyro.
You drank the milk sucking on the bottle enjoying it.
Flame had your head resting on his claw as he bottle fed you.
The milk tasted so good.
Why did you want to run away from this place again.
Soon though the bottle was empty.
"All gone little hatchling" Flame said.
"All gone!" Said Ember in a patronising way to Spyro.
Suddenly you feel the milk and oats flowing though your system.
You had to go and they was nothing you could do to stop it.
You started wetting your nappy infrount if Ember, Flame and your friend Spyro.
You give a relief look after you had finished.
"Bzzzt looks like baby had a accident" Sparx said.
Ember got a glass of water and poured it down the back of Spyros nappy.
"And so did Spyro" Ember said.
As a eek comes from Spyro.
Ember and Flame lay you down and grab the changing supplies.
They then slowly take off your nappy.
Something about been taken care of like a hatchling this was really resigned with you.
They undid the tabs and wiped you up.
As they did that they put the discarded wipes in the nappy.
They then wiped your personals before grabbing another nappy.
Flame fluffed it and Ember inserted it.
Ember taped the tail hole and both Ember and Flame did the two tabs together.
While they changed you they would coo at you and reasure you that all hatchlings need nappies including your big bro.
"OK I think it is time for bed time" Ember said to you and Spyro.
"You both had a very busy day" Flame said to you and Spyro.
Is it that time already, it is evening, well I best be off with my pal Spyro. You said but your pleads was ignored ad Sparx picked you up and placed you in the cot as Ember and Flame did the same for Spyro.
Suddenly you hear a thud like someone was landing.
This caused you to wet your new nappy that you just got changed into.
You was about to see who was that made that thud.
It was Nanny.
"What are you younge dragons doing in here.
This is no place to play baby" Mrs Snoutfire also known as Nanny said before noticing You and Spyro in rocking cradle.
"Sorry Mrs Snoutfire but we was helping Spyro with his potty issue" Lied Ember.
"I see, oh Spyro you thought you could hide the fact that you need nappies but don't worry. Nanny knows what to do with two little hatchlings."
Nanny said.
"How long did this start?" Nanny said.
"About a month ago bzzzt!" Sparx lied.
"Sparx!" Wined Spyro.
"OK now you two dragons run along and play, me and Sparx have some hatchlings to take care of!" Nanny said as she shoed Ember and Flame out of the nursery.
She closed and locked the doors.
"Please Mrs Snoutfire I am not a hatchling I am a hero! I don't need potty training or nappies-" But Spyro was silenced with Nanny inserting a dummy in his mouth.
You try and tell her that this was all a big misunderstanding but you got a dummy inserted into your mouth too.
She took both of you to a changing table and changed Spyro into big poofy nappy that could give your nickname a run for it's money.
She then did the same to you by undoing your tabs and wiping you up before lifting your legs and sliding the nappy out.
She then wiped your legs and bits before lifting your legs one more to insert a big poofy nappy.
She tabbed it.
Spyro tried to set fire to yours and his nappy but it didn't work.
"I can't have my hatchlings setting fire to things. That is why most dragon nappies are fire proof or in your terms fire poof" Giggled Nanny
She picked you up and put you both in a rocking bed.
"Now I am going out for some milk and cookies. Sparx could you watch the baby dragons while I am gone." Nanny said
"Sure thing" Sparx said exited.
You and Spyro look at each other.
Spyro spits out his dummy.
"How am I supposed to go potty when I can't even get this thing off!"
You said you don't know but you have a feeling that she will not let you leave until you have learned it.
"Bzzzt. It is evening and baby dragons should be asleep. I know I will sing the dragonfly lullaby"
Sparx said in excitement.
"Please no, anything but that!" Spyro pleaded.
You got confused.
What is the dragonfly lullaby?
"It is not a lullaby. It can be many lullabies. Some dragonflies have the ability to cause dragons to fall asleep if they get too aggressive with their dragonfly companions."
Spyro explained.
"La la la la la la la la la la la laa laa laa laa laa laa laa... laa... laa... laa... laa-"
You could hardly stay awake with Sparx lullaby and the last thing you remember before nodding off is Spyro fast asleep.