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Sinktember 2024 2 - Drenched
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Sinktember 2024 3 - Arctic

Sinktember 2024 4 - Record

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by lolboy4
Sinktember 2024 2 - Drenched
Sinktember 2024 4 - Record
"Chilly chillin'"

Exploring the arctic on a trip one day, you find a hole in the ice you look down through, seeing movement after a moment... Then there's a puff of air as someone surfaces through it - an anthro narwhal, wearing nothing but swim trunks. He smiles and waves to you, joking that the water is warm today. You wonder what sorts of things he's seen down there below the ice...

male 1,156,055, water 16,488, swimsuit 14,831, ice 3,761, arctic 2,913, waving 1,114, swimming trunks 709, narwhal 80, sinktember2024 22
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 2 weeks, 4 days ago
Rating: General

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2 weeks, 4 days ago
easy for him to say
1 week, 3 days ago
Did an RP based on this with squirtlerocks07

S: It's a sunny and...well cold day here in the Arctic, snow everywhere and most of the lakes and ocean's are frozen over because on how cold this place truly is... but it appears it has a visitor today even with it being so cold...a cinderace walking around, searching for anything interesting, even with its warm body it's still shivering, so they brought a scarf to keep itself a little extra toasty, they happen to wander close to where a frozen lake is, looking around curiously

L: There's a hole in the lake's ice nearby, maybe about 10 feet wide. As the cinderace passes it, there's a puff of air from its direction as someone surfaces from it - an anthro narwhal. He's breathing a bit heavily to catch his breath after what was presumably a lengthy dive.

S: "What the!?" the cinderace jumps a bit in fear as they heard someone gasping in for air, then eventually notice the anthro narwhal, their eyes widening at a creature they never saw before

L: He looks over at them, their exclamation making him notice them. "Oh, sorry, did I scare you? Didn't think anyone else would be out here."

S: "Y-yeah... you got me alright, man I didn't expect anyone would be up here" the cinderace comes a little closer to investigate "What kind of creature are you?"

L: "I could say the same for you... I'm a narwhal, what about you?" He puts his arms on the ice to keep himself up.

S: "A narwhal huh? Interesting I've heard of those before, they are pretty rare to find so I scored! As for me, I'm called a Cinderace! I'm a fire type, but even in the arctic I still get pretty cold, which is why I brought this scarf with me so I can be a little bit more warm"

L: "You must be one of those Pokemon I've heard of... Kind of a surprise you're cold, being one of the fire ones. I'm lucky I don't have to worry about that myself."

S: "Yeah, I thought I could handle the cold, but I guess it's a bit too much for me heh... anyways, whatcha doing?"

L: "Just swimming under the ice, looking to get myself some fish to eat... It's warmer than usual down there today, haha!"

S: "Ha! Your quite the jokester! I'm sure it's freezing down there in those icy depths, heh..."

L: "Ha, yeah, it is. I would NOT recommend going in this water, I hear that folks who aren't made for that kind of cold can only handle it for a few minutes..."

S: "Well considering my warm body I may be able to handle it a bit longer then anyone else, but uhhh...I've never been in water in general before so I don't even know what's it's like"

L: "Makes sense, fire doesn't do well in water... Well, if you want to check, you can just reach into the water and see what it's like."

S: "Well, I guess I could try that..." cinderace kneels down next to the hole where the water is, slowly they put their arm in the water, they shiver a first from the intense cold of it, but eventually it goes away
"Hmm, interesting...doesn't feel as bad as I thought it would be"

L: "Oh, for real? Maybe you'd actually be able to come down here for a while then..."

S: "Whoa, you mean like actually go down underwater?? Uhhh I don't know about that... that sounds pretty scary to me..."

L: "You don't have to, and I definitely don't expect you to. Being under ice is kind of intimidating, even to me."

S: "Yeah..." cinderace looks around a bit and sighs "Then again, I've pretty much explored most of this arctic, I just didn't know there was water here, heh... but not only am I scared of submerging here but I can't even swim!"

L: "Then you probably haven't seen much of what's under the ice... I don't mind carrying you if you end up feeling like going underwater."

S: "Carrying me? Nah I'm kind of heavy so I don't wanna give you a full blown workout, maybe you could...I don't know, teach me?"

L: "I could probably do that... Alright, you should be able to see me below the ice, so come over and look down and I'll do my best to demonstrate.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: "Sure thing..." the cinderace comes closer on the edge of the ice, taking care not to accidently fall in

L: The narwhal takes a deep breath and dives, swimming under the ice. He waves up at the cinderace, then tries to show off how to swim, pulling with his arms and kicking with his legs.

S: the cinderace watches closely, trying to take note on how to swim properly, he couldn't help but see how good this narwhal is at swimming, a little smile appearing on his face

L: After a little while, the narwhal surfaces again. "What do you think? Would you be able to copy that?"

S: "Well... I'll be rough, but...I think I could do it...I just need a little luck that's all, I guess I should take my scarf off so it doesn't get wet" cinderace does so, putting it away safely

L: "Yeah, that thing's gonna get frozen solid if it gets wet out here. Anyway, if you feel like you're ready, climb on in." The narwhal holds out his hands to the cinderace, angling his head away a little so his tusk won't be in the way.

S: "Okay...here goes nothing..." cinderace then takes the narwhal's hands and gently climbs into the water, his body shivering for a while at the cold, but it slowly goes away...you can tell on his face that he's nervous

L: "You're already doing a lot better than I expected... Whenever you want to go under, just let me know."

S: "Oh man... what do I even do down there?? I don't wanna inhale water!"

L: "Well, you have to hold your breath! With you being this stressed out though, you might not be able to do that very long..."

S: "Hold my breath?? I-i never had to do something like that before! It sound scary"

L: "It's harmless, I do it all the time. You just breathe in and then don't breathe out for a while, like this." He takes a deep breath and holds it for a couple seconds, then exhales.

S: "Hmm... I guess it's not hard...it's just kind of scary for me to do it..."

L: "There isn't much I can do to help with that... But I promise, just holding your breath while you're still able to safely breathe is entirely harmless."

S: "...I guess I should give it a try then..." cinderace then takes a big deep breath in and holds it, managing 5 seconds before releasing the breath
"Well...I did it..."

L: "There you go! Easy enough, right? It's just that you're gonna have to do that a lot longer if you want to explore underwater."

S: "Longer??? Oh man...I think I only managed like 5 seconds before it was too much for me... ugh"

L: "Before we go any farther with this, maybe you should see if you're even okay with diving at all. I'll be right here with you in case anything happens."

S: "I guess that would make sense, I do need to see if I'm gonna be ok with even going underwater, cause I haven't even tested that yet..."

L: "Doesn't have to be for long, you can just dip under for a couple seconds whenever you feel like you're ready. Just remember not to inhale while you're down there."

S: "Oh man... i-i don't know if I can handle it..." cinderace looks down at the water fearfully "It seems scary, I don't wanna accidently inhale the water..."

L: "You could try covering your mouth and holding your nose, that'll make sure you don't get any water in you."

S: "...worth a shot I suppose, oh boy..." cinderace continues to look down at the water, but eventually, he takes a deep breath, holding his nose shut with one arm and covering his mouth with the other, and shutting his eyes as he plunges underwater, only managing 3 seconds before popping back up, gasping heavily for air

L: "Nice, you did it! What do you think of being underwater?"

S: "I-its unlike anything I've experienced before, just being somewhere where I can't breathe, its....weird... I'm not sure I like it 100% yet..."

L: "You could try being down there longer, that'll help you really get a feel for it."

S: "Longer? I don't know... maybe if you do it with me it wouldn't be so scared? Cause I'm not sure if i can go longer then 3 seconds"
1 week, 3 days ago
L: "Yep, I can go down there with you! I probably should've the first time, but I definitely will this time." The narwhal holds Cinderace's hand.

S: cinderace blushes a tad when the narwhal held his hand, but relaxes after a bit
"Thank you, I appreciate you very much, I hope this is what I need for help"

L: "Even though we've only just met, I really do want to help you with this. Whenever you're ready, go underwater and I'll come with you."

S: "Thanks again... alright, hopefully I can do this" after a lot of hesitantation, cinderace takes another deep breath, pinches his nose and shutting his eyes as he dives down under again

L: The narwhal quickly takes a breath and dives with Cinderace, smiling at them and watching to make sure they don't panic.

S: cinderace's eyes were closed and he couldn't open them, he shivers at the cold since its much cooler down here, this time he manages 10 seconds before it was too much and he surfaces, gasping heavily for air once again

L: Surfacing with them, the narwhal calmly exhales. "That was a lot longer than last time, good work!"

S: "Thanks, I guess... it doesn't help that my eyes sting down there...I could probably go longer if I could see what I'm doing..."

L: "Yeah, I hear goggles are a thing, they'd probably help... Don't know where you'd find any, though."

S: "Ugh... wait hang on, I didn't know what these were at the time but my friend inteleon gave me these a while ago as my birthday gift, they said if there's a water emergency or something that I should get these" cinderace pulls out a pair of green swim goggles
"Is this what your referring to?"

L: "Oh, yeah, that's actually it! That's really convenient, and pretty nice of Inteleon too!"

S: "Yeah, me and inteleon have been buddies for a long time, but I haven't seen him in a while... I sure do miss him... he's pretty adventurous too, so if I found him in the arctic I wouldn't be surprised, heh"

L: "I bet he'd be a big help in convincing you to dive longer... But I think we're already making pretty good progress just on our own."

S: "I definitely think so, heck he's been trying to convince me to swim and dive with him for ages, so I think if he found out that I was finally doing it, inteleon would be pretty dang happy" cinderace sighs "Maybe arecus will give me a bit of good luck on finding inteleon..."

L: "Even if he doesn't happen to come by here, you're still going to have quite the surprise for him the next time you see him!"

S: "That's true, but I'm not giving up hope... all I need a little luck that's all, hehe" cinderace smiles a bit

L: "I do hope he shows up, it'd be cool to meet him out here. I'd certainly be fine with him joining in on the swimming as well!"

S: "Oh totally! Inteleon is an amazing pokemon! And keep this between us but, I sort of had a little crush on him too for a bit" cinderace blushes when he said that

L: "Haha, don't worry, I won't tell him. Don't exactly know what Inteleon is like, but I bet he feels the same about you!"

S: "I think I have a picture of us together..." cinderace looks through his pockets and indeed finds a selfie of him and inteleon together, they both look pretty adorable here
"Here it is" he shows the picture to the narwhal

L: "That's what they look like... Don't know much about Pokemon. He does look like a fun guy to hang out with!"

S: "Oh yeah, he's a lot of fun! He can turn a simple thing into being 10x more fun then it actually is! And, he's so adventurous he'll take any dare you give him! That's why I said if I found him here in the arctic, I wouldn't be surprised, hehe" little does cinderace know, he may stumble into inteleon sooner then he realizes

L: "Man, he'd make this way better for both of us! I bet he's off doing something cool right now!"

S: "Maybe, he could be ANYWHERE by now, I thought I may have a shot of him being here, but I've checked everywhere and I haven't see anything...oh well"
1 week, 3 days ago
L: "Yeah, it's kind of hard to find... Well, ANYTHING out here. Don't lose hope!"

Some distance away, just coming over a snowy hill, is someone wearing a wetsuit of some kind... Cinderace immediately recognizes them - Inteleon!

S: cinderace's mouth drops open when he sees inteleon coming over the snowy hill
"Wait....i-i-is that??? No...it can't be! I must be imagining things again..."

L: Narwhal: "Wait, what's up?" He looks where Cinderace is looking.

Inteleon seems curious at the sight of the two of them at first... Then he's just as surprised as Cinderace when he recognizes them, and he starts running over.

S: "They are coming this way! T-theres no way that's actually...." cinderace watches as the inteleon starts to run over to them

L: Inteleon starts waving. "Cinderace! I had no idea I'd be seeing you out here!"

Narwhal: "That's gotta be him, then!"

S: cinderace immediately climbs out of the water to greet inteleon
"I-i-inteleon...it's actually....you?"

L: Inteleon: "Sure is! And don't think I didn't see you in that water, are you finally managing to be okay with swimming?"

S: "Heh heh.... uhhh, maybe? But that's beside the point!" cinderace immediately hugs inteleon tight, a few tears welling up in his eyes "I missed you so much! I thought I wasn't gonna see you again!"

L: Inteleon hugs Cinderace as well. "Same here, it's been so long since we met up!"

The narwhal smiles as he watches the reunion, relaxing on the ice like he had earlier.

S: "It's been too long, oh I'm so happy to see you inteleon!!" cinderace keeps hugging in inteleon "What are you doing here anyways?"

L: Inteleon: "Just exploring around, looking for ways to challenge myself. This suit's heated, so I've got nothing to worry about in terms of cold. I can even swim here with it on!"

S: "Hehe, that's inteleon for you, always looking for a challenge... I decided I wanted to be a bit adventurous myself, so I headed here to the arctic... I made a new friend, this narwhal over here"

L: Inteleon looks over at the narwhal, who waves.

Narwhal: "Hi! I was helping Cinderace get used to water before you came by."

Inteleon: "Oh, thanks for that! I've always wanted to dive with Cinderace, but I never could."

S: "Yeah... you yap about that all the time, maybe today is the day you'll finally be able to dive with me, at least that's my hope, I haven't fully gotten comfortable with submerging yet, but I still have these goggles you gave me" cinderace shows inteleon the green swim goggles

L: Inteleon: "Ah, glad you're still hanging onto those! Looks to me like you're all set to try diving!"

Narwhal: "He's already gone under a couple times, he's getting better pretty quick!"

Inteleon: "Aw, I missed your first? Oh well, I guess..."

S: "Hey, you could still witness it yknow... you said it yourself that I was too scared to go underwater, heck I'm sure you don't even believe that I have gone under a couple times! I should prove it...heh..."

L: Inteleon: "...I'll admit, I don't really believe you went underwater. It's just not really something I feel like you can do willingly."

Narwhal: "Well, you're gonna be pretty surprised soon enough!"

S: "I think I should show inteleon that I can go underwater before we go any further, see what he's been missing!" cinderace slowly climbs back into the water, putting his green goggles over his eyes, making him look just as cool as inteleon

L: Inteleon gets into the water as well. "Can't wait to see this... I hope you were telling the truth."

Narwhal: "He was, just watch!"

S: cinderace takes a breath and let's it out slowly
"Alright, time to prove to my bestie that I can be adventurous too!" he then takes a deep breath and holds his nose before plunging underwater, staying down for 6 or so seconds before coming back up, giggling as he releases his breath "How about that!?"

L: Inteleon is stunned for a moment. "...W-wow, okay, you really CAN dive now!"

Narwhal: "Haha, told you!"
1 week, 3 days ago
S: "Hehehe.... yep! I can, well for a few seconds at least" cinderace giggles nervously

L: Narwhal: "I've been trying to convince him to stay under longer than that."

Inteleon: "That's still way better than I've ever seen from you!" He happily hugs Cinderace.

S: cinderace blushes and hugs inteleon back
"Thank you inteleon, I guess I could say you inspired me to be like this, trying new things and all, hehe!"

L: Inteleon: "Guess I must have, huh? Hopefully I'll be able to give you the confidence to stay under even longer, too!"

S: "Well, I won't know until I have both of you helping me, I just didn't expect to see you all the way out here! And I thought I searched this place pretty well"

L: Inteleon: "I've been on a couple dives around here, so that's probably why it took so long for us to meet up."

Narwhal: "Plus, this is a pretty big place."

S: "I guess that's a good point, you must have been underwater when I was passing by or something, heh"

L: Inteleon: "I think I might've actually heard you walking above me at one point, I just didn't manage to see you. It's kind of funny if that was you, we were so close to meeting up!"

S: "Huh, that it pretty funny... I wish you needed air then you could have surfaced right next to me haha!"

L: Inteleon: "Well, can't open holes in the ice on my own, not much I could've done but go back to where I went under."

Narwhal: "I can make holes, my tusk is pretty good for that. It does take a while though."

S: "Well I guess that would be nice, but now that I have my bestie back maybe now I'll be able to stay down under and explore the icy depths for once"

L: Inteleon: "And I can blow bubbles for you to breathe, so we'll be able to stay underwater a pretty long time!"

Narwhal: "As long as you're comfortable with being there, at least."

S: "Again, I won't know until I try it... who knows maybe I'll actually like being down there..."

L: Inteleon: "Well, how about we find out? No time like the present!"

S: "Oh alright...I guess we should find out huh? Hehe"

L: Narwhal: "Whenever you're ready, we'll do another dive, and this time I want to see you go under the ice for a little while instead of just staying put."

Inteleon: "Same here! Trust me, this is gonna be fun!"

S: "Oh boy.... I hope this will be "fun" cause I don't know" cinderace then tries to focus on calming down so he doesn't get scared during this

L: Inteleon puts a hand on Cinderace's shoulder. "It'll be fine, we're not gonna be going far from the hole."

S: cinderace smiles, feeling inteleon's hand on his shoulder "Thanks inteleon...I just hope ill be able to do this thing, cause I really wanna explore down there"

L: Narwhal: "You got this, I'm sure you're able to hold your breath plenty of time."

Inteleon: "And hopefully you'll be able to stay calm too."

S: "Because your here inteleon, I know you'll use your unique methods to keep me calm, it works pretty much everytime I got myself in a stressful situation, heh"

L: Inteleon: "Of course! Whatever you need me to do, I'll do it."

Narwhal: "And I'll do my best to help out too!"

S: "Thanks I really appreciate that!" cinderace smiles happily, so thankful he's got someone around to help him out

L: Inteleon: "Alright, now take some deep breaths, that'll help you hold your breath longer."

S: "Deep breathes....got it" cinderace proceeds to do some deep breathing, hoping I'll indeed help him hold his breath longer

L: Narwhal: "We may as well too, huh?"

Inteleon: "Yeah, couldn't hurt." He and the narwhal also start breathing deeply.

S: cinderace continues to take some deep breathes, deep down inside him he's very nervous to go down longer then what he's been doing, but he's still gonna at least try to attempt this

L: Inteleon: "Whenever you're ready, just go under, and we'll follow you down."
1 week, 3 days ago
S: "Okay..." cinderace keeps taking deep breathes, but does it longer then usual, it almost seems like he's trying to delay the inevitable, he really is scared to go down not only deeper but longer too

L: Inteleon and the narwhal are still keeping themselves ready, waiting for Cinderace to finally want to go underwater.

S: cinderace keeps breathing, too scared at the moment to go under, wondering if he could even bring himself to stay down longer then before

L: Inteleon: "...Are you okay, Cinderace? We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

S: "H-huh...oh I'm sorry... I wanna do this, my body is just holding me back, it doesn't wanna go under... ugh I don't understand I was doing it just fine moment ago"

L: Narwhal: "Must be because you know it'll be different..."

Inteleon: "It's gonna be okay, just try to relax..." He hugs Cinderace and starts humming, one of his usual strategies to help them calm down.

S: cinderace's ears perk up at inteleon's familiar humming, he hugs inteleon back as the humming seems to help soothe cinderace a bit

L: The narwhal just watches as the two hug, smiling at them.

After a little while, Inteleon looks at Cinderace. "Do you feel any better?"

S: "Yeah...a little bit, I forgot how much I missed it when you hummed like that..." cinderace smiles a tad, his face blushing a bit too after he said that

L: Inteleon: "And I've missed doing it for you, it's really calming for me too..."

S: "That's right I forgot about that...your humming is so peaceful... it's probably one of the best strategies you use to calm me down!"

L: Narwhal: "Even I was really enjoying that, I can see how it'd help someone relax!"

Inteleon: "Never really knew how good I am at that until I first did it for you, Cinderace."

S: "Right I remember that day very well, you were trying to calm me down somewhere and I guess you tried to hum at me, and I just never knew you were so good at it... it's peaceful and relaxing, I can almost feel myself humming along with him...that's just one of many strategies that inteleon has used for me"

L: Inteleon: "It's kind of funny to think I was just guessing at things to do at the time, and I just happened to try humming..."

S: "Yeah... that is pretty funny, glad you actually different start humming and all, I never knew it would help calm my nerves so much!"

L: Narwhal: "Hopefully it'll have been enough that you'll be okay with diving here..."

Inteleon: "I'm sure that'll have at least been a big help."

S: "Yeah, it did help...but I'm still kind of unsure, like I'm not 100% ready... I'm like...85% ready, heh heh"

L: Inteleon: "Definitely better than before, that seemed more like 50%!"

Narwhal: "Guess we've still got some work to do, huh?"

S: "Just a little bit... I guess, heh heh" cinderace rubs the back of his head nervously

L: Inteleon: "Hey, no worries, we can take as long as you need. Right?" He looks at the narwhal, who nods.

Narwhal: "Yep, I don't mind waiting."

S: "Thanks guys" cinderace continues to hug inteleon to help calm himself down further

L: Inteleon rubs Cinderace's back some as the hug goes on, and the narwhal comes over to join in on the hug.

S: cinderace hugs both of them back, he also purrs slightly when inteleon rubs his back, calming down even further

L: Both Inteleon and the narwhal close their eyes, smiling as they relax with Cinderace.

S: eventually cinderace speaks up
"Ok, I think I'm finally ready this time...I feel pretty calm...least right now"

L: Inteleon and the narwhal let go of Cinderace.

Inteleon: "There you go... Let's hope it stays that way this time."

Narwhal: "Alright, let's all get some deep breaths again." He and Inteleon do so.

S: adjusting his goggles, cinderace takes some deep breathes too, planning on actually submerging this time

L: Inteleon: "Just like I said before, we'll follow you down once you're ready."
1 week, 3 days ago
S: "Okay..." eventually after some more deep breathes, cinderace takes a big breath, holds it while pinching his nose shut and diving underwater again

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both take one last breath and dive under at the same time as Cinderace, both smiling at them.

S: by now cinderace has gotten used to the cold of the water, their cheeks puffing up as they submerged, just when cinderace was gonna go back up again and be scared, seeing the smiling faces of his two friends made him stay put for now

L: Inteleon hugs Cinderace again. "You finallbly did it, it's moblre than just a fblew seconds this tiblme!"

S: cinderace hugs inteleon back, and while he is happy he stayed down a bit longer, he's looking at the hole above them, whimpering a tad as constant bubbles escape his mouth

L: Narwhal: "It's gonblnna be fine, Inteleon's goblt plenty of aiblr for you."

Inteleon nods, demonstrating by blowing a large bubble into his hand before sukcing it back in.

S: while cinderace did see that, he's still staring at the surface, hugging inteleon fearfully...the anxiety of being submerged like this is starting to get to cinderace a bit

L: Inteleon starts humming again, hoping that'll still work to keep Cinderace calm even down here.

S: it does indeed reduce cinderace's anxiety a little, closing his eyes and trying to relax, even humming along himself... his legs are still shaking with fear but he's about 50% calm now

L: The narwhal joins in on the hug again, trying to help out Inteleon with calming Cinderace.

S: cinderace smiles a tad and hugs the narwhal as well, all 3 of them in a warm group hug, which definitely helps cinderace, his legs stopped shaking...now he's calm... however his face is fully red since he's not the best breath holder

L: Inteleon quickly notices Cinderace's need for air. "Hblere, you may as webll try out breathing thblis." He blows out a big bubble and offers it to them.

S: cinderace takes the bubble, being careful not to pop it...but he doesn't know how to use it so he just looks at it
"Hbluh? Mmmm!" he covers his mouth as he just spoke for the first time underwater

L: Narwhal: "No idea hblow to do thblat either..."

Inteleon: "Just press it tblo your mouth and inhblale. Careful not to geblt any water wiblth it."

S: cinderace looks at inteleon still confused, but decides to try it, he puts his mouth on the bubble and carefully inhales it, managing it first try as his lungs feel refreshed! He smiles happily

L: Inteleon: "There you gblo! I can probably do another 3 oblf those on this diblve."

Narwhal: "So, hblow about we stblart swimming around down hblere?"

S: "Yeblah!!!" cinderace seems pretty excited to see if he could actually swim around, so using what the narwhal taught him, he kicks his legs down and pulls with his arms to swim around, surprisingly pretty good for the first time doing it, which is probably gonna shock inteleon even further

L: Inteleon: "Wh- You cabln already swim too!?"

Narwhal: "Thanks to me! Tablught hblim a little while befblore you came by!"

S: "Mmhm!" cinderace continues to swim around in the same place, he's actually looking like he's enjoying himself despite being somewhere where he can't breathe

L: Inteleon and the narwhal stick fairly close to Cinderace, not wanting them to freak out about not having their friends nearby.

S: "Thibls is kblinda fubln!" eventually cinderace comes to a stop, just floating in place for now as he looks at his two friends...he's also thinking to himself when he wants to tell inteleon about his little secret

L: Inteleon: "It is! It's evblen more fun than eablrlier since you're hblere!"

Narwhal: "Totally! Swimming down hblere is always better wiblth friends!"

S: cinderace smiles, then smirks as he gets an idea from something they used to do for hours on end when they were little, he touches inteleon
"Tblag, yblour iblt!" he swims off, trying to speed away quickly
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon: "Oh, you're on!" He chases after Cinderace, holding back on his swimming speed some so they actually have a chance against him.

The narwhal smiles and backs away a little, wondering if he's part of the game as well.

S: "Yblou cablnt catcblh mble!" cinderace bravely swims deeper to get away from inteleon, giggling the whole time

L: Inteleon: "Yes I will, coblme hblere!" He laughs some as well.

The narwhal follows the two, not wanting to get too far from them.

S: "Neblver! Hablha!" eventually cinderace finds a hiding spot behind what appears to be a sunken boat, he hides there just before inteleon could see where he went, covering his mouth and giggling

L: The narwhal hides there as well, trying to help Cinderace keep from losing bubbles that would give away where the two are.

Inteleon, actually not having seen where Cinderace went, starts searching inside the boat instead of outside. "I'm gonna find yoblu soon!"

S: "Phblew.... heblhe..." cinderace looks at the narwhal and smiles, hugging him as well

L: The narwhal hugs them back. "Still good on aiblr? I don't know hblow to do that bubble thing hble did..."

S: "I'm fiblne, thblanks foblr askbling thblo" cinderace is indeed still ok, his face only the a tiny bit red, he peeks a little through a window in the boat, watching inteleon struggle to find cinderace, quietly giggling at the sight

L: Soon, Inteleon leaves the boat, checking the outside and the area nearby. "I know yoblu're around hblere somewhere!"

S: "Ublh oblh..." cinderace moves away from his hiding spot, instead going inside the boat through a different entrance where inteleon never looked at

L: The narwhal carefully swims in as well, leaving Inteleon confused outside.

Inteleon, to himself: "Maybe I missed hblim in the boat..." He swims in through the entrance he'd taken before.

S: "Yikbles!" cinderace sees inteleon enter the boat again and quickly swims out before inteleon could catch him

L: Inteleon just barely managed to hear that, swimming right for Cinderace! "I hbleard that! Come hblere!"

S: "Shbloot!" cinderace quickly swims away as fast as he could, trying to hide behind a different spot outside the boat before inteleon could get them

L: But, Inteleon manages to just get close enough to tap Cinderace! "Hbla! You're it!"

He and the narwhal quickly swim away from Cinderace, both holding back on how fast they swim.

S: "Grrrblb!!!! Hble goblt mble!! Comble bacblk heblre yblou twblo!!" cinderace quickly chases after both of them, swimming as fast as he can, his face is fully red by now from all the swimming he's doing, but he doesn't care for the moment

L: Inteleon and the narwhal split up so Cinderace can only chase one of them.

Inteleon: "Nope, not hblappening!"

Narwhal: "Gotta actually cabltch us!"

S: "Whbla?? Hebly! Oooh I gblonna gblet ybla nblow!" cinderace swims after the narwhal first, growling in determination

L: The narwhal laughs out bubbles. "You're not goblnna catch me!"

S: "Webll sblee aboblut thblat!" with a sudden burst of energy cinderace rushes towards the narwhal, and manages to touch the narwhal just barely
"Ahbla!! Gobltcha! Yblour it!" cinderace swims away towards inteleon's direction

L: Narwhal: "Ah, dang it!" He quickly turns and starts chasing after Cinderace.

Inteleon: "Don't bring hblim over to me!"

S: "Thblats thble poinblt! Hblaha!" cinderace eventually catches up to inteleon, starting to swim past him away from the narwhal

L: Inteleon: "You still okay, Cinblderace?"

The narwhal switches targets to go after Inteleon instead of Cinderace.

S: "Yblep, I'm..." cinderace suddenly gets nervous, stopping his swimming when he realizes he's not being chased anymore, he whimpers as his face starts to go blue

L: As Inteleon passes Cinderace, he blows another big bubble for them to breathe, hoping they can just catch it. Letting out that air makes him start to blush, though.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: cinderace sees the bubble and immediately inhales it, his face returning to normal, he does glance at inteleon and notices his slight blush, which does concern him a little but shakes it off and focuses on the game of tag

L: The narwhal just barely misses tagging Inteleon.

Narwhal: "Come on!"

Inteleon: "Nope, not goobld enough!"

S: "Na nbla nbla nbla!!!" cinderace sticks out his tongue and continues to swim away

L: The narwhal keeps going after Inteleon, and both go at their full speed to actually challenge each other.

Inteleon: "You're not gonna gblet me, just give ublp!"

Narwhal: "I'll tag you eventblually!"

S: cinderace stands back as he watches them chase each other, feeling pretty much safe since the narwhal has ignored the cinderace, swimming off somewhere to go hide and explore

L: Inteleon and the narwhal are so occupied with each other that they don't notice Cinderace swimming off on their own.

S: cinderace meanwhile swims deeper, curious what's around in these icy depths, maybe he'll find another shipwreck somewhere

L: The narwhal does eventually tag Inteleon, who decides to go for Cinderace...

Inteleon: "Wait, where's Cinderace?"

Narwhal: "...Um..." They both quickly start looking around.

S: no sign...however they do notice air bubbles floating down deeper which indicates that cinderace went down deeper

L: Putting the game on hold for now, Inteleon and the narwhal head down from the bubbles, following where Cinderace had gone.

S: eventually they find yet another shipwreck, cinderace is hiding behind it, but isn't doing a good job at doing that, his long ears perking up a bit that the narwhal and inteleon could see

L: Inteleon smiles, and swims next to Cinderace, not tagging them yet and pretend to be hiding with them for the moment. "This is a goblod spot..."

S: "Whbloa! H-hoblw dibld finbld mble?? Yblou stblill havblent gblotten tablgged yblet? Hbleh..."

L: Inteleon: "Make sure to keblep your ears down, otblherwise you're gonna be foublnd and tagged..." He taps Cinderace's shoulder. "Like that!" He bolts away while laughing.

The narwhal was checking out the boat while he could, but upon hearing Inteleon's laughing, he gets ready to quickly swim again.

S: "Whblat?!?! Yblou triblcked mble!!! Whbly I oubltta!!! Gblet bablck hblere!" cinderace rushes after inteleon, swimming pretty fast after him

L: Both Inteleon and the narwhal have returned to going a bit slower so Cinderace actually has a chance.

Inteleon: "Didn't expect that, dibld you?" He laughs again.

Narwhal: "Hblahbla, nice!"

S: "Yblou triblckster!" cinderace growls out some bubbles and continues to swim after inteleon "Iblm gblonna gblet yblou!!"

L: Inteleon: "No you're not!" He and the narwhal swim into the shipwreck to try to hide from Cinderace.

S: "Grrbl whblere dibld thbley gblo??" cinderace looks around, trailing bubbles from his mouth as he goes inside the shipwreck too "Comble oublt comble oblut whblerever yoblu ablre..."

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both hide in different parts of the ship, though both of them are now blushing at this point.

S: "Hmmm..." as cinderace swims through the ship, he finds the very tip of inteleon's tail sticking out, he giggles then reaches out and touches inteleon's tail "Gotblcha!!" he swims away

L: Inteleon: "Dang it, nblo!" He comes out of hiding and tries to go after Cinderace, while a giggle from the narwhal can be heard.

S: cinderace quickly hides, unaware that he's hiding in the same place as the narwhal when he heard the giggle

L: The narwhal quickly notices Cinderace next to him, but stays quiet, not wanting to give away where the two are.

Inteleon is searching the wreck for them. "You've gotta be hblere somewhere!"

S: noticing the narwhal cinderace comes closer to them, hugging him once he gets close enough and staying quiet as well, pinching his nose shut and covering his mouth so his bubbles won't give away their hiding spot
1 week, 3 days ago
L: But, soon, Inteleon manages to find the two anyway! "Hbla, there you are!" He tags Cinderace and swims off, the narwhal quickly trying to get away as well

S: but before the narwhal could cinderace tags him! "Noblt sblo fablst!" then cinderace swims away quickly

L: Narwhal: "No, come obln!" He chases after Cinderace, while Inteleon hides outside the wreck.

S: "Hbla hbla!" cinderace swims outside the the wreck, managing to move quickly enough so the narwhal couldn't see them

L: The narwhal soon leaves the wreck as well, looking around for either of the Pokemon. "I know you're boblth out hblere!"

S: eventually cinderace finds inteleon, giggling at what he did just... and hiding with him as well, planning to use the same strategy he used last time

L: Inteleon looks over at Cinderace, whispering "We might wablnt to go get aiblr soon..."

S: cinderace whispered back
"Wblhat mablkes yblou sblay thblat? I feblel finble beblacause yblou gablve mble thblat bubble earlieblr"

L: "We're kind of fblar from that hblole at this point, anbld I'm starting to nebled air myself..."

The narwhal is still searching around, but he notices the bubbles from the two talking, and starts sneaking toward them...

S: "Oh shbloot, yblour riblght..." cinderace notices their bubbles and almost gasps in the water at them, he seals his mouth shut with a paw and uses his other one to cover inteleon's "Shhhhh!!"

L: It's quiet for a few seconds... Then Cinderace feels a tap on their shoulder!

Narwhal: "Got you!" He and Inteleon both try to get away.

S: "Dblang iblt!"
but using the same thing as last time cinderace tags inteleon "Uh uh uhbl! Haha!" he swims away "Onblce agblain fiblre kiblcks watblter tyblpe intbleleon's bubltt! Haha!!"

L: Inteleon: "Aw, really!?" He turns around and starts going for the narwhal again.

S: cinderace takes this chance to start swimming up towards the hole, he could use a fresh breath after being down here for a while

L: Inteleon and the narwhal are beginning to get a bit uncomfortable from holding their breath for so long, so they decide to put the game on hold and head up with Cinderace.

S: cinderace surfaces first in the hole gasping for air, thankful that the ice didn't freeze over it and once he finishes that, he finds someone in the distance... it looks like an Ivysaur, it's definitely cold and it seems pretty lost, cinderace gasps at the sight and even hears the ivysaur whimpering...feeling so bad for it before taking a breath and diving back down to alert the others, unaware they were going up too

L: The two slow for a moment as they get close to Cinderace.

Narwhal: "We're just pausing foblr now to breathe."

Inteleon: "I'm still it, bublt I won't tag riblght now."

S: "Gbluys! Wble havble a situatiblon! Leblts hublrry!" cinderace's voice sounds urgent as he rushes back up to surface in the hole

L: Inteleon: "O-okay!" He and the narwhal quickly surface as well, gasping as their blushes fade.

Narwhal: "What's going on?"

S: "Look!" cinderace points to the ivysaur in the distance, their body shivering and their whimpering getting louder, almost sounding like a cry for help

L: Narwhal: "That poor guy... We can't just leave them, come on!" He climbs out of the water and starts heading toward the ivysaur.

Inteleon: "Yeah, of course!" He gets out as well, helping Cinderace do the same before following the narwhal.

S: "Right!" cinderace gets out and runs over to the ivysaur, eventually they all get there

Ivysaur - "Brrr.... it's so c-cold out h-here..." the ivysaur notices the trio approaching, hoping they will help them in some way

L: Inteleon: "Hey, are you okay? I hope you're not lost..."

Narwhal: "I'd offer you a hug to warm you up, but I just got done swimming."
1 week, 3 days ago
S: Cinderace - "I'll hug it, my body is still warm" cinderace gently hugs the ivysaur which seems to help him with being cold

Ivysaur - "I-i am lost...someone randomly dropped me off here and now I have no idea where I am!" ivysaur notices the narwhal
"Wait, is that a...narwhal???"

L: Narwhal: "Yep, hi!" He waves at them.

Inteleon: "Cinderace and I know the way to somewhere safe, so you don't have to worry."

S: "Oh thank goodness..." ivysaur looks closer at the narwhal "I've always wanted to meet a narwhal...you guys are so cute"

Cinderace - "Heh, yeah he's pretty cool huh?"

Ivysaur - "...um, if you don't mind me asking, what were you guys doing before you saw me?"

L: Inteleon: "We were playing tag down there below the ice."

Narwhal: "Never done that underwater before, it's pretty fun!"

S: Cinderace - "Oooh yes 100% it's awesome! And I'll warm you up pretty fast"

Ivysaur - "Tag?? Man I love playing that... it's such a childish game but I can't help to enjoy it so much...that sure does fun after what I've been through..."

L: Inteleon: "May be kind of childish, yeah, but it's a lot of fun!"

Narwhal: "I certainly wouldn't judge someone for wanting to play it."

S: Cinderace - "Same here"

Ivysaur - "I would love to join in... but, cold water? I don't know about that... I mean I can swim fine and all..."

Cinderace - "Hey it's not as bad you think, once you've move around enough you'll warm up"

L: Inteleon: "I wouldn't blame you if you didn't want to swim here, it definitely takes some getting used to."

Narwhal: "Yeah, I've heard that as well."

S: Ivysaur - "Maybe I can least try? I'm pretty warmed up now thanks to this cinderace, thank you again"

Cinderace - "No problem!"

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, you can give it a shot. We'll be giving you some hugs to warm you up after if it doesn't go well."

The narwhal nods.

S: Ivysaur - "Ok then...it's been a long time since I've been in the water, but I still remember how to swim at least"

L: Narwhal: "Other than with the temperature, pretty sure you're gonna like swimming here!" He starts leading the group back to the hole in the ice.

S: Cinderace - "I think so too!"
eventually they make it back, ivysaur looks down at the water below as cinderace climbs back into the hole

Ivysaur - "This is it huh?"

L: Inteleon: "Yep. A little bit small, but it'll fit all of us at once."

Narwhal: "I could probably make it bigger, but it'd take a while."

S: Cinderace - "I don't mind waiting, maybe you could make it a little bit bigger for us"

Ivysaur - "Yeah I don't feel like getting cramped while trying to get my swimming going"

L: Narwhal: "Alright, I'll break up the ice some." He starts jabbing the ice below him with his tusk.

Inteleon: "Cinderace, maybe you could melt some of the ice to help out?"

S: Cinderace - "Ah good idea! I didn't think about that!" cinderace uses a weak flamethrower attack to help melt the ice, adjusting the power of it a bit so he can melt the ice quicker

ivysaur watches the narwhal dreamily, he's definitely always wanted to meet one, and he's very happy about that

L: The narwhal watches Cinderace for a moment. "Ha, you're probably gonna be doing most of the work here!" He keeps working to separate chunks of the ice.

S: cinderace gives a wink and continues to melt the ice, eventually they get a more decent sized hole, now they have plenty of room as cinderace stops his attack
"That's better!"

Ivysaur - "Yep good job!" ivysaur very slowly climbs into the water, he struggles the first few seconds but eventually manages to keep himself afloat and swim, shivering at the cold a bit too

L: Inteleon and the narwhal get into the water as well, with the narwhal giving Ivysaur a hug.

Narwhal: "This ought to help you warm up now..."

S: ivysaur smiles and sighs happily at the narwhal's hug, using his little legs to hug him back
"Thank you, that feels really good..." ivysaur smiles happily

Cinderace - "Awww..."
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon joins in as well, hoping the heat from his suit will also help out. "This wetsuit is heated, you should be able to feel it."

S: ivysaur does in fact feel the heat, smiling a little more

Ivysaur - "Oh that feels really good, yeah I can totally feel it! It's very warm! Now it's like I'm just in room temperature water!"

Cinderace - "Plus my body is also naturally warm so that'll also help you!"

Ivysaur - "Right! Yeah!"

L: Eventually, Inteleon and the narwhal let go of Ivysaur.

Narwhal: "Feeling ready for a dive now?"

S: Cinderace - "I'm definitely ready to dive!"

Ivysaur - "....shoooot.... I've never dived underwater before...I've really only been on the surface and swimming around there, I don't remember ever going under..."

Cinderace - "You too huh? Heh"

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, I was just gonna say... But hey, not a big deal!"

Narwhal: "Yep! We convinced Cinderace to dive, we can do that with you too!"

S: Ivysaur - "Well, I guess if you could then...it's worth a shot"

Cinderace - "Once you do it a couple times it's not bad at all! Trust me!"

L: Narwhal: "How about we start with some quicker dives? Just staying under for a few seconds or so. That's what I did with Cinderace."

S: "Mmhm"

Ivysaur - "Ok...I guess I'll try that then... I have no idea what I have to do for these dives tho, I'm super rusty at water knowledge..." ivysaur giggles nervously

L: Inteleon: "And it doesn't look like you have goggles either... I don't have any on me since I don't need them..."

S: Cinderace - "Hmm... wait didn't I have a back up pair of these goggles..." cinderace searches his pockets and finds another pair of goggles, this one a much lighter green then the pair cinderace has one "Aha yes I do! Here you go" cinderace gives the goggles to ivysaur

Ivysaur - "Thank you, but mind putting them on me? I'm gonna struggle"

Cinderace - "Of course" cinderace puts the goggles on ivysaur, lowering them over his eyes

L: Inteleon: "Right, forgot I gave you two pairs!"

Narwhal: "Definitely a good thing you did!"

S: "Yep, you never know when I need a back up pair"

Ivysaur - "Whoa...this feels weird, I've never worn swim goggles before, how do I look?"

L: Narwhal: "You look good!"

Inteleon: "Yeah, the color fits you pretty well!"

S: Cinderace - "It sure does, I love it!"

ivysaur blushes
Ivysaur - "Thanks you guys that means a lot!"

L: Inteleon: "Those goggles should make this a lot easier on you..."

Narwhal: "They were a big help for Cinderace as well."

S: Cinderace - "Yep they were! Plus I really like wearing these in general, makes me look cooler!"

Ivysaur - "Well...I guess being down there without having to worry about getting my eyes stinged is pretty nice"

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, hard to have fun underwater if you can't see!"

Narwhal: "Feeling ready to try diving now?"

S: "Well...." ivysaur looks at the narwhal, a tiny blush on his face as he's already starting to grow a connection with them "....Sure"

Cinderace - "Alright!"

L: Narwhal: "Perfect! Get some deep breaths in you, it'll help you both relax and stay under longer." He and Inteleon start doing so.

S: "Yep!" cinderace takes some deep breathes too

Ivysaur - "Umm...ok sure..." ivysaur takes some breathes as well

L: Inteleon: "We'll go under when you do, does that sound good?" He and the narwhal keep themselves ready.

S: "Yeah... I guess" ivysaur still takes some breathes

Cinderace - "Remember to hold in your last breath when your ready to dive"

L: Narwhal: "Ah, of course, yeah. Don't want you breathing in down there!"

S: "Definitely not!"

Ivysaur - "O-ok, thanks for the heads up" ivysaur keeps breathing for a while, trying to convince himself to try and dive

L: Inteleon and the narwhal continue breathing deeply, waiting for Ivysaur to dive.

S: cinderace continues to breathe deeply too while ivysaur looks at everyone with a guilty look

Ivysaur - "S-sorry guys, I'm having a little trouble diving for the first time..."
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon: "No worries, we can wait a while."

Narwhal: "Do you think there's anything that'd help you be more comfortable with this?"

S: "I don't know" ivysaur swims closer to the narwhal "Maybe being with you would help since I like narwhals so much"

L: The narwhal swims next to Ivysaur, putting a hand on them. "Well, I'll stick right with you then, alright?"

S: ivysaur smiles
"Thank you, I would love that"

Cinderace - "You can do this ivysaur!"

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, you've got this! Grass types do pretty well with water!"

Narwhal: "We all believe in you!"

S: Ivysaur - "Thanks everyone... say um, you think we could all go under at the same time? It might help me out further"

Cinderace - "Thats a good idea!"

L: Narwhal: "Exactly what I had in mind! Take as long as you need, I'm pretty much always ready."

Inteleon: "Same here, don't worry about me."

S: Ivysaur - "Ok..." taking a couple more breathes eventually ivysaur nods his head "I'm ready..."

Cinderace - "Let's do it!"

L: Inteleon: "Alright, let's go!"

Narwhal: "Yep! 3, 2, 1..." He and Inteleon both take deep breaths and start going under.

S: cinderace takes a deep breath and starts to go underwater as well

ivysaur looks around a bit then takes a deep breath and holds it in, eventually everyone submerges at the same time

L: The narwhal gives Ivysaur a hug once they come down. "There you go! Noblt so bad down hblere, right?"

S: ivysaur looks around nervously, the feeling of keeping his air in and not breathing is definitely strange to him, he looks up at the hole above them unsure if he likes this, blowing bubbles from his nose and mouth

Cinderace - "Awwblw...hble seblems scblared..."

L: Inteleon: "Maybe this'll work foblr them too..." He swims to Ivysaur and hugs them, starting to hum like before.

S: "Ooh..."

Ivysaur - "....hbluh..." ivysaur suddenly feels calmer then before as he heard inteleon hum, hugging inteleon back a bit and smiling

Cinderace - "Itbls woblrking..."

L: Narwhal: "Guess it's not jublst Cinderace that likes thblat, hbluh?"

Inteleon nods as he continues.

S: "Woblw, intelbleon ibls goblod!"

Ivysaur - "Mmm...." eventually ivysaur calms down, letting some small bubbles loose from his nostrils and his tiny tail giving a little wag

L: A little bit after that, Inteleon and the narwhal let go of Ivysaur.

Inteleon: "Feeling better now?"

S: "Ybles" ivysaur smiles at them "Thblank yoblu..."

Cinderace - "Alrblight!"

ivysaur's face is already deeply red as he's not quite used to holding his breath like this, already feeling low ivysaur goes back up to the surface and gasps for air heavily

L: Inteleon and the narwhal surface with him.

Narwhal: "Not bad for your first dive!"

Inteleon: "On future ones, I can give you bubbles to breathe if you want."

S: Ivysaur - "Huh? I could breathe in bubbles down there? How do I even do that without the risk of inhaling water?"

Cinderace - "It's actually not as complicated as it may seem"

L: Inteleon: "It's pretty easy to do, you just have to be careful. Just press the bubble to your mouth and suck it in, that's all."

S: Cinderace - "Yep pretty simple!"

Ivysaur - "Well, I guess I could try it then..."

L: Narwhal: "Yeah, let's just do a quick dive so you can practice that."

Inteleon: "We could definitely still stay down after that, though."

S: Cinderace - "True..."

Ivysaur - "I rather practice that first and see the surface one more time before I stay down..."

Cinderace - "Hey, your choice!"

L: Inteleon: "Alright, we'll just be under for about 10 seconds or so, that'll be enough. Whenever you're ready!"

S: Ivysaur - "Ok..." ivysaur looks down at the water, determined to dive a second time, he takes a deep breath and holds it as he dives underwater again

cinderace quickly gasps a breath before diving down as well

L: The others follow them, and Inteleon stops as he blows a big bubble, holding it with his hand and offering it to Ivysaur.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: ivysaur looks at the bubble, then holds the bubble with his front legs gently so he doesn't pop it, using what inteleon said, he puts the bubble to his mouth and gently inhales it, managing it successfully as he smiles afterwards

L: Narwhal: "Nice, first try! Ibl'd say you're pretty mublch ready to go debleper!"

Inteleon: "Maybe with a qublick trip to the sublrface first though, right?"

S: Ivysaur - "Mmhm mmhm!" ivysaur swims up to the surface again and lightly gasps for breath

cinderace soon comes up as well gasping lightly for breath

L: Inteleon and the narwhal calmly exhale when they surface.

Narwhal: "Alright, get yourselves ready again and we'll show you around under the ice!"

Inteleon: "I can give out a few bubbles in one dive, so don't worry."

S: Cinderace - "And you'll be able to play tag with us too!"

Ivysaur - "Sounds so fun! I can't wait!"

L: Inteleon: "I was it for that when we paused after seeing you, so be ready to swim away once we go back under. I'll give you all a few seconds at that point."

Narwhal: "Alright, thanks for not being cheap about it."

S: Cinderace - "Yeah thanks for that, heh"

Ivysaur - "Oh boy! I'll be ready!"

both cinderace and ivysaur start taking some deep breathes

L: Inteleon and the narwhal start getting ready again as well.

S: Cinderace - "You ain't gonna catch me down there hahaha!!"

Ivysaur - "Or me! Hehe!"

L: Narwhal: "Same here, you've tagged for the last time!"

Inteleon: "Well, suppose we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"

S: Cinderace - "Bring it on!"

Ivysaur - "I should warn you I'm very very competitive!"

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both take one last breath before diving underwater again, waiting for the others to join them.

S: cinderace and ivysaur took one last deep breath as well, puffing up their cheeks slightly and diving underwater again as well

L: Inteleon: "Alright, everyone swblim away!"

The narwhal immediately bolts away from Inteleon. "Everyone scatter!"

S: Cinderace - "Ahhh!" cinderace immediately swims away from everyone

ivysaur smirks and swims away too, at a pretty good speed too

L: After a few seconds, Inteleon starts swimming after Ivysaur, resuming the game. "Alright, come hblere, you!"

S: Ivysaur - "Gblet awblay!!" ivysaur swims away from inteleon, going pretty fast as well

L: As he generally has been, Inteleon is holding back some so Ivysaur has a chance against him.

The narwhal is watching them while keeping his distance.

S: cinderace keeps his distance too, watching them as well

"Yoblu canblt cabltch mble!!" ivysaur continues to swim away, even going a little deeper without even knowing, bubbles constantly escaping his nose

L: Inteleon speeds up a little to be gaining on Ivysaur. "Yes I can, Ibl've almost got you!"

S: "Grrrbl!!" ivysaur keeps going, and eventually swoops around and catches inteleon off guard, swimming in another direction

L: "What!?" So surprised, Inteleon takes a couple seconds to adjust course, falling behind by quite a bit. "Man, you're really gblood at this!"

S: "Heblhe!!!" ivysaur giggles and keeps going, unknowingly going towards the narwhal's direction

L: Inteleon keeps chasing Ivysaur... But, he soon notices he's going closer to the narwhal like this, and changes targets to them!

Narwhal: "W-wait, no!" He panics and briefly flails in the water, giving Inteleon enough time to tag him. "Ugh!"

S: "Na na nbla nbla nbla!!!" ivysaur smirks playfully "Sblorry!" he then swims away from both of them

L: The narwhal quickly looks around, and decides Cinderace is his best option right now, swimming straight for them. "You've hblad it easy too loblng!"

S: Cinderace - "Oblh nblo!!" cinderace quickly swims away from the narwhal "Yblou aiblnt gbletting mble!! Gblo awblay!"

L: Narwhal: "Well someone hblas to tag you ablt some point!" Like Inteleon, he's holding back, but gradually gaining on Cinderace.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: "Thblats noblt hablppening!" cinderace swims deeper towards the first shipwreck they saw, trying his best to not get tagged, but he doesn't seem like he's gonna be fast enough, but he keeps going

L: The narwhal keeps getting closer, making a couple attempts at tagging Cinderace... Until one succeeds! "Hbla, got you!" He quickly turns and swims away, as does Inteleon who had been following them.

S: "Whbla?? Hbley!! Ugblh!" cinderace chases after the narwhal...ivysaur has also been following them and retreats as well
"Comble hblere! All 3 oblf yoblu!!"

L: Inteleon: "Nope, not hblappening!"

Narwhal: "You gotta work foblr it!"

S: Ivysaur - "Yblep! Yblou ainblt gonblba gblet mble eiblther!"

Cinderace - "Weblll seble aboblut thblat!" cinderace swims at full speed towards inteleon, already getting very close to tagging him "Goblnna gblet ya!"

L: Inteleon: "No you're not! Noblt letting that hblappen!" He tries to head back toward the wreck Cinderace was swimming to a minute ago.

The narwhal takes the chance to get some extra distance from Cinderace.

S: ivysaur does that too, his face fully red at this point but doesn't notice right now

cinderace meanwhile tags inteleon just before he could get to the shipwreck
"Gobltcha!! Hblaha!" cinderace bolts away

L: Inteleon: "Argh, no, so clblose!" He turns and goes after Cinderace again, while the narwhal tries to sneak toward the wreck.

S: "Hbla hbla!!!" cinderace sneaks around and manages to hide behind the shipwreck

meanwhile ivysaur is visible to inteleon and they also see ivysaur's red face, bubbles still constantly escaping his nose

L: Inteleon: "Ugh... Oh, hblang on, you need aiblr." He stops, blowing another big bubble and pushing it toward Ivysaur.

The narwhal hides inside the wreck while Inteleon is distracted.

S: cinderace then moves to hide inside the shipwreck as well, his own face red too as he's trying to not let so many bubbles loose

ivysaur sees the bubble and immediately goes over to inhale it, his face returning to normal...but when he sees inteleon he swims away quickly

L: Having intentionally let Ivysaur catch their breath freely like that, Inteleon waits a moment before continuing after them, unaware that Cinderace needs air.

The narwhal happens across Cinderace in the wreck. "You doing okay?"

S: ivysaur looks behind him and sees inteleon chasing after him, he kicks away quickly hoping he's not gonna catch them

cinderace looks at the narwhal
Cinderace - "H-huh? Oblh... iblm finble...I thiblnk..."

L: Narwhal: "If you need aiblr, let me know. Thblere's probably an indent oblr something in hblere I can blow inblto so you can breblathe."

Inteleon, continuing after Ivysaur: "Think it's about tiblme you were it!"

S: "Dbloes iblt loblok likble I nbleed aiblr?" cinderace said giggling out bubbles nervously

Ivysaur - "Nblo wblay! Noblt hablppening! Grrr!!!" ivysaur continues to swim away from inteleon

L: Narwhal: "A little bit, yoblur face is red. Bublt if you feel fiblne, then I won't woblrry."

Inteleon speeds up a little. "Sooner or later, Ibl'm gonna get you!"

S: Cinderace - "Iblm ok foblr nblow, bublt thblanks"

Ivysaur - "Nblo yblour nblot!!!" ivysaur speeds up too

L: Narwhal: "Alright, just leblt me know when yoblu need air."

Inteleon keeps swimming straight for Ivysaur, occasionally taking swipes at them as he tries to tag them.

S: Cinderace - "Wilbl dblo!"

ivysaur dodged each one
Ivysaur - "Misblsed mble! Hblaha!!! Iblm unbltagable!"

L: Inteleon: "You're lucky I wablnt to play fair anbld not go at fubll speed for this..."

S: ivysaur smirks and keeps swimming away, swooping inteleon again which catches him off guard, and swimming towards the shipwreck where the narwhal and cinderace are hiding

L: Inteleon: "Man oh man, Ibl just can't get yoblu!" He scrambles to turn around again, following after Ivysaur.

S: "Hbla hbla!!!" ivysaur eventually makes it inside the shipwreck before inteleon could see where he went too, giggling out bubbles
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon follows them inside. "Come out already!"

The narwhal hears that, and helps Cinderace keep their air in so there's no bubbling sounds to give away their position.

S: Cinderace - "Oblh nblo..."

Ivysaur - "Ybloull nevbler gblet me!!!"

L: Inteleon tries to follow the sound of Ivysaur's voice, hoping he can keep them talking. "Yes I will, sobloner or later!"

S: eventually ivysaur keeps quiet and finds cinderace and the narwhal, now hiding with them as he giggles quietly

L: Narwhal, whispering to Ivysaur: "You've been doing reblally good, hblave you even been tagblged yet?"

Inteleon continues searching the wreck for Ivysaur...

S: Ivysaur, whispering back to Narwhal - "Noblpe! Sbltill hablvent beebln tablgged!"

Cinderace, whispering - "Amblazing..."

L: Narwhal: "That's really impressive..."

Inteleon: "Ugh, where'd you gblo!?"

S: "Inteleblon soublnds pblretty frustratebld heh"

Ivysaur - "Mmhm, hehe!"

L: Gradually, Inteleon's voice gets closer to where everyone is. The narwhal goes silent, not wanting to be found.

S: cinderace and ivysaur stay quiet as well, cinderace pinching his nose shut so he doesn't give his bubbles away

L: Inteleon: "Not talking now, hbluh? Bet I'm close, thblen!"

The narwhal looks at the others, getting a little nervous.

S: cinderace and ivysaur look at the narwhal a bit nervous themselves, really hoping inteleon doesn't find them and doing everything to stay quiet

L: Soon, though... Inteleon appears from around a corner! "There you all ablre!" He darts forward, not caring who he tags.

The narwhal yelps out bubbles and quickly tries to swim away.

S: Cinderace and Ivysaur - "Oh nblo!!!" they also try to swim away, ivysaur briefly flapping his legs around in a panic

L: Inteleon swipes at the group, happening to tap Cinderace in the process. "Argh, no, I wanblted Ivysaur!" He quickly turns to swim away.

S: but cinderace smirks, and manages to finally tap ivysaur, laughing out bubbles

Cinderace - "Hbla! I gblot hblim! Mmmm!" cinderace covers his mouth as his face is more red

Ivysaur - "Noooooblooo!!!!!"

L: Inteleon laughs. "Hbley, that works!" He and the narwhal try to quickly get out of the shipwreck.

S: cinderace does too but ivysaur blocks their path all of a sudden!
"Nblot sblo fablst!!"

Cinderace - "Uh oblh!"

L: Narwhal: "J-jeez, um... Nevermind!" He turns around, intending to hide again, blushing a little by now.

Inteleon: "Yep, not this wably!" He splits from the group as well.

S: ivysaur tags the narwhal before they could get away

Ivysaur - "Gblotcha!" he swims away again, cinderace doing the same

L: Narwhal: "No, I was sblo close!" He starts chasing Cinderace.

Inteleon stops as he hears that, but tries to stay out of sight for now.

S: ivysaur giggles and keeps swimming away from the narwhal, eventually hiding somewhere

cinderace meanwhile hides with inteleon

L: Inteleon notices how much Cinderace is blushing. "Are you okay?"

The narwhal starts searching through the ship. "I know you're albl still in hblere!"

S: Cinderace - "mmm...i-i cblould ublse somble air..."

ivysaur giggles quietly

L: Inteleon nods, blowing a bubble for Cinderace to breathe, starting to blush in the process.

S: cinderace immediately inhales the bubble, his face returning to normal and giving a thumbs up

L: Inteleon: "Gave one to Ivyblsaur too, so I've onbly got a couple morble." He says that quietly so the narwhal hopefully won't hear.

S: "Oh...oblk..." cinderace said that quietly too, then he moves over to hug inteleon, smiling

L: Inteleon hugs them back.

The narwhal can be heard rummaging around in the shipwreck. "Are you hbliding under something?"

S: cinderace blushes more just from hugging inteleon

Ivysaur - "Uh oblh..." ivysaur is hiding under something, trying to keep quiet

L: The narwhal continues searching, eventually uncovering Ivysaur and tagging them in the process! "Ah, hblere's someone!"
1 week, 3 days ago
S: "Ahhbl! Ivble beblen cablught!" ivysaur swims out and charges after the narwhal

cinderace keeps hugging inteleon, smiling as well happily

L: Inteleon: "Nice, we might ble good for now..."

The narwhal quickly swims out of the wreck. "You're not tagging mble this soon!"

S: "Oblh ybleah??" ivysaur speeds out the wreck himself, almost catching up to the narwhal

Cinderace - "Ybleah I thblink sblo tbloo... but I wblanna stblay in hblere...w-wblith yblou..."

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, this is abl pretty good spot."

The narwhal tries to dodge around Ivysaur like they did with him.

S: "Actualblly um cblan I tablk tblo yblou aboublt somblething?"

Ivysaur - "Grrbl!!" ivysaur speeds over and just barely manages to touch the narwhal "Aha! Gobltcha!"

L: Inteleon: "Um... Alright. What's ublp?"

Narwhal: "Man, I'm nowhere neblar as good at thblat as you!" He turns and starts going after Ivysaur again.

S: cinderace blushes more
Cinderace - "Webll... thbleres somblething ivble beblen wantbling to sblay to yblou foblr a vblery lonblg timble noblw"

Ivysaur - "Heblhe!" ivysaur swims away quickly, hiding behind the wreck again

L: Inteleon: "Well, this is deblfinitely a good time foblr that, so what ibls it?"

The narwhal searches around outside the wreck.

S: Cinderace - "I.....i..." cinderace stops for a second then speaks "I...hblave a bit oblf a crublsh on yblou" cinderace turns away, covering his face as he's worried what the inteleon would say

Ivysaur - "Hble wonblt fiblnd mble...hblehe!"

L: Inteleon blushes more at that... "...I kind of feblel the same, honestly! I jublst didn't know hblow to say iblt..."

The narwhal tries to track where Ivysaur's bubbles are coming from and find them that way.

S: cinderace looks back at inteleon, smiling a bit
Cinderace - "Whblat? R-rbleally? Yblou feblel the sablme wably?"

ivysaur tries to cover his mouth, just barely managing...but his bubbles from his nose are still going slowly

L: Inteleon: "Yeah! I've feblt that ever since thble last time we'd meblt before this, and Ibl always wanted to tebll you!"

The narwhal sneaks toward where the bubbles are coming from, slowly moving to Ivysaur...

S: Cinderace - "Omg... i-i cblant belieblve it!!! Thblat mablkes mble so hablppy!!!"

ivysaur still doesn't see the narwhal, trying to not leak any bubbles

L: Inteleon: "Me too! I'm sblo glad you like mble too!" He hugs Cinderace again.

Once he gets close enough, the narwhal taps Ivysaur and immediately begins to swim away. "Hbla, got you!"

S: Cinderace - "Ybleah! Sablme!" cinderace hugs inteleon back tightly

Ivysaur - "Dblang it!!" ivysaur looks up and swims after the narwhal again, but stops and decides to go inside the wreck to see if anyone is in there

L: The narwhal sees Ivysaur go in the wreck, so he stays out of it.

Inteleon doesn't know Ivysaur has entered, and continues talking. "I really hblope we don't end ublp separated for a loblng time again..."

S: cinderace doesn't notice that either
Cinderace - "Mble toblo... I reblally likble yblou...so sblo mublch..." cinderace keeps hugging inteleon, rubbing his back too

Ivysaur - "Whblere ablre yblou..."

L: Hearing Ivysaur talk makes Inteleon realize they're there, and he goes a lot more quiet. "Crap... Do you thblink we should try snbleaking out?"

S: Cinderace - "Uh oh...ybleah goblod ibldea!"

Ivysaur - "Intebleon... cinblderace...whblere ablre yblou...I'm gonblna finbld yblou!" ivysaur's voice gets closer to where they are hiding

L: Inteleon starts trying to sneak out of the wreck as quietly and carefully as he can...

S: cinderace follows closely behind, holding inteleon's hand

Ivysaur - "I kblnow yblour in hblere! Comble heblre!!" ivysaur swims over to the spot where cinderace and inteleon were originally hiding

L: Inteleon looks back at Cinderace and smiles, then keeps focusing on getting outside, slowly working his way there.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: but ivysaur sees them trying to escape!
"I sblee yblou! Comble hblere!!" he speeds towards them

Cinderace - "Yiblkes!"

L: Inteleon: "Oh jeez!" He kicks off a wall and quickly swims toward the exit, bringing Cinderace with him.

S: ivysaur gets close to tagging either of them
Ivysaur - "Yblour noblt gebletting awblay!!!"

L: Inteleon: "Yes we are!" He gets outside with Cinderace, continuing to swim away.

The narwhal watches them from behind a nearby rock, smiling, though with a fully red face.

S: ivysaur's face is more red too, as he manages to tag inteleon

Cinderace - "Oh nblo!"

L: Inteleon immediately turns to try to tag Cinderace. "No hblard feelings!"

S: "Inblteleon!" cinderace shakes his head and dodges inteleon's attempt to tag him while ivysaur swims away

L: Inteleon: "Darn... Where's that nablrwhal at?" He starts looking around, and the narwhal quickly ducks down so he won't be seen.

S: ivysaur meanwhile goes over and finds the narwhal, swimming over to hide with him as he smiles
Ivysaur - "Hbli Narblwhal!"

L: Narwhal: "Hbli again... This probably isn't thble best spot, but itbl's working for now."

Inteleon happens to not notice any of the bubbles, swimming higher up and looking down to see if that'll make finding the narwhal easier.

S: cinderace meanwhile swims away from inteleon

"Yeblah thblats fiblne... ivysaur goes over and nuzzles the narwhal "I'm rbleally stblarting to lblike yblou..."

L: Narwhal: "You're really starting tblo grow on me toblo..." He carefully nuzzles them back after a moment, mindful of his tusk.

S: ivysaur blushes then says
"I tblhink yblour reblally realbly cublte!" he keeps nuzzles them for a bit longer, mindful of his bubbles

L: Inteleon swims back down to just above the bottom. "Man, hble's hblidden good..."

As he stays with Ivysaur, the narwhal's chest eventually heaves. "Mm... Bit low on brbleath..."

S: ivysaur's face is fully red by now, his own chest heaving
"Mm...m-mebl tbloo..."

L: Inteleon finally happens to notice the bubbles from the two talking, and quickly swims over to tag them... Before he sees their red faces, his own the same way. "Oh, do you gublys want to go ublp and breathe real qublick? I'm kinda low toblo."

S: ivysaur nods his head, not wanting to waste anymore air on talking

cinderace however is down deep underwater, trying not to get tagged

L: Narwhal: "Y-yeah, we need aiblr."

Inteleon: "Alright, we'll put thblis on hblold for a bit anbld go breathe. Hblopefully I can find Cinblderace and let them knblow too." He swims away to look for Cinderace.

S: Ivysaur - "S-soblunds gblood!"

meanwhile cinderace gets down deeper to the 2nd shipwreck, finding what looks like a bedroom and deciding to lay on it to rest a bit as he knows I'll be a while before anyone finds him

L: Inteleon swims up with Ivysaur, while Inteleon remembers that second wreck and heads for that. "Cinderace, you around? Webl're pausing the game tblo breathe."

S: cinderace doesn't hear inteleon, his eyes closed and his nose pinched as he rests on the bed he found

L: Inteleon enters the wreck to search for Cinderace, soon finding them in that bedroom. "There you are! Webl're hbleading up to breathe, dblo you want to coblme with us?"

S: Cinderace - "Hmm?" cinderace opens his eyes and looks at inteleon, letting out a bubbly yawn as he floats off the bed
"Oblh hbli intebleon, yblour nblot iblt ablre yblou??"

L: "I am, but webl're pausing for now. Gebltting kind of tired anblyway, honestly... Sort of lobloks like you are toblo."

S: "Mmhm, I hblad onble lablst ibldea wble coubld all dblo onblce wble surblface" cinderace swims over and holds inteleon's hand, ready to swim back

L: "Looking forward to fiblnding out what it ibls!" Inteleon smiles at Cinderace and swims back outside with them, heading for the hole in the ice above.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: cinderace giggles then eventually everyone surfaces in the hole, gasping for breath
"Ahh fresh air!"

Ivysaur - "I surely did miss it myself, heh"

L: Inteleon: "You guys still feel like keeping the Tag going?"

Narwhal: "I kind of want to stop, honestly. It's fun, but I'm getting tired."

S: "Same here..."

Cinderace - "Well, that's where my last idea comes into play, doesn't really require much work, plus I think I'll be unique! And of course I'll be competitive ;)"

Ivysaur - "Huh?"

L: Narwhal: "Alright, what have you got in mind?"

Inteleon: "I bet I know what this'll be just from that..."

S: Cinderace - "Well I was thinking of a breath holding contest, however...since it's pretty clear that inteleon and the narwhal are much better at it then me and ivysaur, I was thinking each of us could form two teams of two with either inteleon or the narwhal, they can blow bubbles to their teammates if they need air really badly, and whichever team is left standing, wins!"

Ivysaur - "Whoa! Hey what a unique idea!"

L: Inteleon: "Hey, that's only MOST of what I was expecting! Never thought of doing teams like that!"

Narwhal: "That's gonna be fun! I pick Ivysaur for my teammate."

S: "Yes!!!"

Cinderace - "Cool! So that means inteleon is gonna be my teammate! Perfect! I'm excited to try this!"

L: Inteleon: "So am I, I've never done this before!"

Narwhal: "Yeah, same here! Everyone get ready!" He and Inteleon start taking deep breaths once again.

S: Ivysaur - "Ooh boy, this should be good!"

cinderace and ivysaur takes some deep breathes as well

Cinderace - "Me and inteleon are gonna sweep you guys!"

L: Inteleon: "Totally, this is gonna be easy!"

The narwhal puts a hand on Ivysaur. "We've got this, don't worry... Might be a bit tough, but I'm sure we'll win."

S: Ivysaur - "Grrr! Your looking at the king of being calm! We've got this!" ivysaur smiles, determined to win

Cinderace - "Ha! Good luck then!"

It's ivysaur and the narwhal vs Cinderace and Inteleon, who will win?? Let's find out!

L: Eventually, Inteleon looks around at everyone. "Alright, you all ready?"

Narwhal: "Yep, ready to go whenever!"

S: Ivysaur and Cinderace - "Let's do this! >:)"

Cinderace - "Oh and maybe to make things a little more intense, let's go to the very bottom, hehe..."

L: Inteleon: "Perfect, I was hoping for that... Alright! 3, 2, 1...!" He and the narwhal both take one last breath each before diving.

S: Ivysaur and Cinderace - "Hmmph!" they take a last deep breath and dive under as well

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both let their partners hold onto them as they swim deeper, heading toward the bottom as requested.

S: cinderace holds onto inteleon while ivysaur holds onto the narwhal, closing their eyes to conserve their air as they swim down to the bottom

L: Soon, the group reaches the bottom, and Inteleon and the narwhal sit down, trying to relax as much as possible.

S: the pressure down here was a bit of a bother for cinderace and ivysaur but they seem to take it ok

cinderace sits down next to inteleon while ivysaur sits next to the narwhal, also trying to relax as much as possible, bubbles constantly escaping poor ivysaur's nose

L: The narwhal holds Ivysaur's nose for them so they don't lose more air, and hugs them with his free arm.

S: ivysaur opens his eyes and looks up at the narwhal, smiling as they pinched his nose shut got him

cinderace hugs inteleon meanwhile as he knows that'll help keep him calm

L: Inteleon hugs Cinderace back, closing his eyes and doing his best to not let out any bubbles at all.

S: cinderace also does his best to not lose any bubbles, although little bubbles occasionally slip past his nose, which he quickly pinches it shut

ivysaur closes his eyes too, his cheeks slightly puffing up as he calmly holds his breath

L: Some time passes as the group stays relaxed on the bottom, all focusing on lasting as long as possible...
1 week, 3 days ago
S: ivysaur is the first one to get a slight red face, but he continues to relax, nuzzling the narwhal to keep calm

cinderace whimpers a bit, he's still slightly nervous about this but he doesn't wanna let his new crush inteleon down, so he keeps going

L: Inteleon: "It's gonna be okblay, Cinderace... It probably wobln't take all that loblng..."

S: cinderace nods and keeps hugging inteleon, trying to take his mind off air

ivysaur is also pretty nervous himself, but he keeps his composure for now

L: Inteleon and the narwhal are both still doing perfectly fine right now, checking on Cinderace and Ivysaur every now and then.

S: cinderace puffs his cheeks up too to keep holding his breath tightly, small bubbles escaping his mouth

ivysaur meanwhile has a brighter red face, bubbles escaping his own mouth as well

L: Narwhal: "Still doing okay, Ivblysaur? Let me know whblen you want a bubble..."

S: ivysaur nods his head, he's ok for now and wants to keep going even with a red face

cinderace's own face is slightly red by now but continues on

L: The narwhal nods back, and pets Ivysaur some, hoping it'll help them stay calm.

S: ivysaur purrs softly at the pets, it's helping him stay calm for sure and he smiles a bit more

cinderace continues to hug inteleon, his face turning more red

L: Inteleon is continuing to hug Cinderace as well, nuzzling them some. "Hbleh, looks like you're dobling better than Ivysaur ibls..."

S: ivysaur hears that and growls in frustration a bit, quickly going back to relaxing

cinderace smiles and giggles

L: Narwhal: "Just ignore them, foblcus on staying relaxed. We'bll beat them, don't woblrry..."

S: ivysaur looks up at the narwhal with the most adorable face ever, bubbles escaping his mouth as he remains calm

cinderace's cheeks are now fully red, but he's still determined to keep going without having to use the first bubble

L: The narwhal sways his tail behind him for a moment when he sees Ivysaur's cute expression.

Inteleon keeps watching Cinderace to make sure they don't push themselves too far.

S: peeking over and noticing ivysaur's cute expression, cinderace looks up at inteleon with a cute expression of his own, bubbles escaping his mouth as well as they move their free hand to cover it

ivysaur bubbly giggles cutely, their own face a bit more red then cinderace's

L: Inteleon chuckles a little at Cinderace. "Always love that cublte face you do..."

S: Cinderace - "Heblhe!" cinderace winks at inteleon, he giggles as well at the fact inteleon couldn't make a cuter face then him

ivysaur meanwhile keeps calm as his whole face is now red

L: Inteleon smiles as he closes his eyes again, still hugging Cinderace.

The narwhal keeps watching Ivysaur and holding their nose for them.

S: cinderace closes his eyes again too and keeps hugging inteleon

ivysaur relaxes as their nose is pinched shut for them, they also grunt very quietly from the need to breathe, but it's barely audible to anyone

L: More time passes as they all relax, Inteleon and the narwhal likely having a much easier time of that than the others are...

S: cinderace soon turns fully red and even a little blue, grunting from the need to breathe

ivysaur isn't having it any easier as his face turns a tad blue, blowing bubbles from his mouth to help ease his strain

L: Inteleon and the narwhal now both watch their partners, both trusting them to know when enough is enough and to ask for air.

S: Soon both cinderace's and ivysaur's faces are really blue now, but they still keep going for now, their grunting becoming more audible

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both get ready to give their partners bubbles once they finally ask for them.

S: ivysaur is determined for him not to have the first bubble, while cinderace is feeling the exact same, their grunting gets louder as their faces get bluer and bluer, both of them covering their mouths and whining
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Getting the feeling he knows what Cinderace is trying to do, Inteleon hugs them a little tighter and starts humming again, making sure it's quiet enough that Ivysaur won't hear it.

S: hearing inteleon's humming immediately caused cinderace's stress levels to lower dramatically, but their whimpering is still a bit audible with their blue face

ivysaur meanwhile can't handle the breathless feeling anymore, looking up at the narwhal pleadingly for a bubble, not hearing inteleon's hummimg

L: Narwhal: "Hblopefully this works..." He blows out a bubble just like Inteleon has been before, and hands it to Ivysaur. "I've been watching hblow Inteleon did this, noblw I can do it toblo!"

S: ivysaur sees the bubble and immediately inhales it, his fave returning to normal, he smiles up at the narwhal thanking him for it

cinderace meanwhile still had a deep blue face, but with inteleon's soft humming it's helping the cinderace stay calm even in thos state...ivysaur looks over at the two and shakes his head in frustration

L: Inteleon smirks at Ivysaur, but doesn't say anything, keeping his humming going.

Narwhal: "Hblang in there, we cabln still do this."

S: Ivysaur - "Hblow ibls cinblderace SO cablm wiblth thablt blblue facble??? Ugh!!" ivysaur let's some bubbles loose from his anger

Soon cinderace's face is slightly purple, but thanks to inteleon's humming, he almost doesn't realize how breathless he is, but his grunts get louder

L: Narwhal: "No idea..."

Inteleon is a bit concerned about Cinderace at this point, watching them and ready to blow a bubble when they finally need one.

S: as cinderace's face turns fully purple, even with the humming he can't handle it anymore, finally looking at inteleon with a pleading expression for a bubble

ivysaur meanwhile closes his eyes to relax again

L: Inteleon nods and quickly blows a bubble for Cinderace to breathe.

Narwhal: "They finally just dibld their first, Ivysaur..."

S: cinderace then quickly inhales the bubble, his face retruning to normal as he starts to relax again

ivysaur smiles and wags his tiny little tail at what the narwhal just said, focusing on his air mostly now then anything else

L: Inteleon stops his humming for now, relaxing again with Cinderace.

The narwhal is focusing on staying calm as well, beginning to feel a need to breathe.

S: cinderace keeps hugging inteleon help both of them stay as calm as possible

ivysaur meanwhile hugs the narwhal with his tiny front legs, which admittingly looks pretty adorable to look at

L: The narwhal hugs Ivysaur back, trying to hum like Inteleon had been doing for Cinderace, but likely not doing as good a job.

S: ivysaur hears the narwhal's attempted humming, it's definitely not as good as inteleon's but it seems like it's working for ivysaur a little bit

cinderace overhears the narwhal's attempt at humming and giggles out some bubbles at it, shaking his head at how mediocre it is

L: Inteleon, whispering to Cinderace: "Yeah, even I cabln tell that's not abls good as mine."

The narwhal keeps going, able to tell it's at least helping.

S: Cinderace, whispering back to Inteleon - "Definitblely nblot..."

ivysaur eventually can't relax as the narwhal's humming isn't anywhere as good as inteleon's

L: The narwhal eventually just gives up on the humming entirely, accepting that Inteleon is better at that.

S: ivysaur frowns, he feels like giving up as he looks at how calm cinderace and inteleon are, blowing defeated bubbles from his mouth

cinderace keeps his eyes closed, really focusing in relaxing now

L: Inteleon closes his eyes as well, feeling an urge to breathe but still perfectly calm.

The narwhal sort of feels like quitting too... But, not knowing Ivysaur feels the same way, he keeps trying to relax.

S: ivysaur looks at the narwhal, frowning more, closing his eyes in a attempt to relax, covering his mouth with his front leg

cinderace is perfectly calm as well, hugging inteleon to keep being calm
1 week, 3 days ago
L: The narwhal frowns at Ivysaur, just beginning to blush a little, and he whispers to them "I don't think webl're actually going to wibln this..."

S: hearing that made ivysaur whimper sadly, even visible tears forming in his eyes

cinderace smiles as he feels like he's got this win in the bag

L: Noticing the whimpering, Inteleon looks over at Ivysaur and the narwhal. "You two okay?"

Narwhal: "I'm not really sublre..."

S: Ivysaur - "M-me nbleither..." you could tell ivysaur is pretty upset at he knows he's gonna lose

cinderace opens his eyes and looks over at the two

Cinderace - "Whblats wblrong?"

L: Narwhal: "We don't really feblel like we hblave any chance of wiblnning this..."

Inteleon: "Do you two jublst want to call iblt hblere?"

The narwhal looks at Ivysaur for their opinion.

S: Ivysaur - "Nblo!! I dblont wblanna adblmit defbleat!"

Cinderace - "Whbloa... hble sounblnds seblrious"

L: The narwhal gives the others a determined look. "We're gonna tough thblis out to the enbld!"

Inteleon: "Alright then, just dobln't push yourselves too fablr."

S: "Mmmhm" cinderace then closes his eyes to relax again, a slight red blush on his face

ivysaur gave the others a determined look too, now fired up for this as he closes his own eyes again, a bigger red blush on his face forms however

L: The narwhal closes his eyes again as he goes back to relaxing.

Inteleon does the same, just now beginning to blush a tiny bit.

S: all 4 of them continue to relax, even with red blushes they are still content to stay on the bottom

L: Inteleon keeps doing his best to not let any bubbles out, which the narwhal is having an easier time with.

S: cinderace notices that inteleon is having a bit of hard time keeping his bubbles in, he moves his hand to pinch inteleon's nose shut for it

ivysaur meanwhile keeps his mouth tightly shut with his front leg, that combined with the narwhal keeping his nose shut is definitely helping him not leak any bubbles at all

L: Inteleon smiles at Cinderace's help, and is able to relax a little bit better because of it.

S: cinderace smiles as well, rubbing inteleon's back soothingly to also help

ivysaur smiles as he notices he hasn't leaked any bubbles in a while, which is definitely helping him in winning this contest

L: The narwhal is slowly feeling better about his team's odds now, looking over at the others every now and then.

S: ivysaur looks at them as well, seeing cinderace pinch inteleon's nose, he giggles a tad at the sight before going back to relaxing

cinderace keeps rubbing inteleon's back, making sure he stays calm along with himself

L: Inteleon: "Mmm..." He leans toward Cinderace a little, enjoying the backrub they're giving him.

S: cinderace smiles and leans towards inteleon as well, their heads gently touching each other, which is a pretty adorable sight
Cinderace - "Mmm....."

ivysaur's face is a tiny bit more red, but thanks to everything sealed he's not too worried

L: There's a slight grunt from the narwhal as his breath continues to be used up, but he's still not visibly strained at this point.

S: hearing the grunt made ivysaur nervous, opening his eyes and looking at the narwhal with a nervous look on his face

when cinderace hears it he smirks at it, knowing the narwhal is slowly getting low on breath

L: Narwhal: "I'm fine, I've stblayed down way longer thblan this before..."

Inteleon, sarcastically: "Sure you're fine."

S: Cinderace, sarcastically - "Ybleah sublre... yblou knblow yblou wanblna breblathe ibln thblat niblce frblesh ablir!"

Ivysaur - "Doblnt lisblten to thblem!"

L: The narwhal, in response to Cinderace: "Don't say that, Ibl don't want reminders..."

Inteleon: "Well, that probably wobln't be the last."

S: Cinderace - "Yblou too ivyblsaur, yblou mublst miblss all tblhat frblesh aiblr abovble yblou, nblow woubldnt tblat be niblce foblr thble tblwo oblf yblou to gblo gblet thblat aiblr?" cinderace smirks

Ivysaur - "Grrrr hbley!!"
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon: "And we're still dobling fine... Bet I coubld blow a bubble awblay and we'd still wibln!"

Narwhal: "Quit it!"

S: "Knblock iblt oblff!"

Cinderace - "Hehble! Gblood onble intbleon!"

Ivysaur - "Comble on! Wble gblotta gblet thblem bablck!"

L: Narwhal: "Well, at least Ibl hblave an easier time kebleping air in than yoblu do, Inteleon!"

Inteleon, sarcastically: "Oh, wow, what a comeback..."

S: Cinderace - "Hbley! Intbleon mably havble thblat hablrd tiblme, but iblm helblping hiblm oblut!"

Ivysaur, sarcastically - "Pfft, yblou cabll thblat hblelping?? All yblour dbloing is pinblchinh hblis noblse, ivble gblot my nblose anbld mobluth coblvered! Hbla!"

L: Inteleon: "All I WANT covblered is my nose, anbld I don't NEED thblat like you do. Yoblu were practically just exhblaling when we came doblwn hblere."

Narwhal: "...I suppose that's abl good point..."

S: Ivysaur - "Dablng iblt...hbles rigblht... whblatever, yblour lublcky yblou evblen hblave hblelp wblith thblat!"

Cinderace - "Shblush!"

L: Inteleon smiles, and just wordlessly moves Cinderace's hand aside to pinch his nose himself.

S: cinderace nods, understanding what's going on, reaching up to pinch his own nose shut

Ivysaur - "Yblou gbluys loblok ridiculoubls pinblching yblour nobles liblke thblat, yblall sblhould jblust sublrface alblready!"

L: Inteleon: "Says the guy thblat hblas to uncover their mobluth to talk. We'll ble fine, I'm still goblod for a while."

Narwhal: "You sure you're noblt just pretending to ble okay?"

S: "Hmmmmmm?????"

Cinderace - "Dblont listblen to thblem intebleon..."

L: Inteleon: "Just look at mbly blush. I'm not abl chameleon, I can't jublst change the color oblf my face."

Narwhal: "Right, yeah..."

S: Ivysaur - "Surrrre"

Cinderace - "Stblop! Leblts jblust all plblay faiblr nblow, nblo moblre tablking!"

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both look at each other and nod, going back to focusing on holding their breath.

S: cinderace and ivysaur do the same, and now everyone is back to focusing on their breath holding, everyone having red faces in the process with cinderace surprisingly having the worst of it

L: Inteleon is hugging Cinderace again, and he finally grunts a little from his need to breathe as well.

S: ivysaur continues to have his mouth and nose covered as he doesn't leak anymore bubbles

cinderace notices inteleon's grunt and carefully covers inteleon's mouth for him since he's already pinching his nose

L: Inteleon smiles at Cinderace, then closes his eyes again.

The narwhal is looking visibly strained at this point, but only a little bit.

S: cinderace closes his eyes as well

ivysaur looks at the narwhal strained a bit, getting concerned but focuses on remaining calm

L: Narwhal: "I-I'm fine, don't woblrry..." He tries to relax, but he's having a tiny bit of trouble with that now.

S: Ivysaur - "Ablre yblou sblure?"
ivysaur notices his struggles, trying to hug the narwhal to help

L: Narwhal: "S-still got a loblt of time..." He hugs them back, to help both of them stay calm.

S: "Ok..." ivysaur closes his eyes and tries to relax as much as possible

all 4 of them continue to relax on the bottom, it's a tight race between our two teams

L: Both Inteleon and the narwhal do their best to keep calm as time ticks by...

S: same goes for cinderace and ivysaur, both of their faces growing more red, with cinderace having the worst end of it

L: Inteleon looks at Cinderace to check on them. "You still doing okblay, Cinderace?"

S: Cinderace - "Mmhm..." he doesnt wanna waste air om a verbal answer so he just nods his head, his whole face red

ivysaur meanwhile has a lesser red face then cinderace

L: Closing his eyes again, Inteleon pets Cinderace some, using his tail to hug them as well.

S: "Mmm..." cinderace calms down from the petting, hugging inteleon softly as he keeps his eyes closed

ivysaur uses his front legs to pet the narwhal a bit, smiling at how calm he is
1 week, 3 days ago
L: The narwhal smiles at the petting, and he hugs Ivysaur, the first heave of his chest happening to occur just after that.

S: that's when ivysaur moves up to rub the narwhal's chest, feeling their first heave, soon after both cinderace and ivysaur grunt and feel their first heave as well

L: The narwhal rubs Ivysaur's chest as well, and Inteleon hugs Cinderace a little bit tighter.

S: ivysaur relaxes as his own chest was rubbed

cinderace also hugs inteleon a bit tighter too, whimpering a tad as his face slowly turns blue again, while ivysaur's face is only deeply red

L: At Cinderace's whimper, Inteleon starts humming again, knowing how well it worked to keep them calm last time.

S: it does indeed help him again, he quickly calms down even with a blue face

ivysaur overhears inteleon's humming and growls in frustration, knowing it's helping cinderace stay calm

L: Inteleon looks over at Ivysaur, realizing he'd forgotten to keep the humming quiet this time, but he smiles as he can tell it's not doing anything for Ivysaur.

The narwhal can hear it as well, but just like Ivysaur, it's not helping him.

S: cinderace giggles at ivysaur's growling, continuing to relax thanks to inteleon's humming

ivysaur tries to relax himself despite being super annoyed at how well cinderace is doing, his own face slowly starting to turn blue as well

L: Despite his strain, Inteleon is able to keep his humming going without issue for now.

The narwhal, to Ivysaur: "Y-yeah, I wish wble could hblear that better..."

S: ivysaur whimpers sadly, but keeps his composure as he tries not to waste any more air

cinderace keeps calm even as his face turns bluer and bluer

L: The narwhal is jealous of how much Inteleon is able to help Cinderace, wishing he could do the same for Ivysaur... He just pets Ivysaur instead, knowing that's at least doing something.

S: ivysaur shakes his head, he decides enough is enough and starts to hum himself, his humming is actually way more peaceful then inteleon's, which makes himself feel calmer and relaxed even in his state

cinderace's mouth briefly drops open in shock at what he's hearing before quickly covering his mouth

L: Even Inteleon pauses as he hears that, and he decides to just listen to Ivysaur instead of doing humming of his own.

The narwhal quickly relaxes as he hears Ivysaur, though he's certainly surprised at first.

S: ivysaur notices that inteleon and cinderace are listening, so he quickly quiets down his humming so that only the narwhal could hear it

L: The narwhal nods. "Yeah, keep it abl bit quiet..."

Inteleon rolls his eyes, then resumes his own humming instead.

S: cinderace rolls his eyes too and continues to relax to inteleon's humming instead

ivysaur nods and continues his soothing humming, which is definitely gonna help him and the narwhal

L: The narwhal practically doesn't notice his need to breathe, closing his eyes and listening to Ivysaur's humming.

Inteleon isn't quite as relaxed as them, but he's doing okay.

S: cinderace is also doing ok for now, continuing to hug inteleon too as their face is fully blue, grunting a lot from the need to breathe

ivysaur doesn't notice his face is blue as his humming continues, closing his eyes as well

L: Inteleon makes sure his nose stays held shut, but even his own humming is helping him stay calm.

The narwhal is still doing just as well, leaning against Ivysaur a little.

S: cinderace keeps his own nose held shut as well, humming along with inteleon to help as his face is slightly purple now

ivysaur leans against the narwhal as well, continuing to hum as his face grows more blue

L: Inteleon doesn't notice Cinderace's face going purple, just enjoying being with them and trying to put his own need for air to the back of his mind.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: cinderace eventually can't handle it anymore, opening his eyes and tapping on inteleon as he covers his mouth with both hands, whimpering loudly

ivysaur smiles at hearing cinderace's whines, but his own face is slowly turning a little purple too

L: Inteleon blows out a second bubble for Cinderace, this one likely not being as helpful as the last. With that, his face is starting to turn just a little bit blue.

The narwhal smiles as he hears Inteleon letting out that bubble.

S: cinderace quickly inhales that bubble, and it certainly doesn't do that much, his face only returning to a slight red color

ivysaur meanwhile whines loudly in the middle of his humming, his face now fully purple...but he wants to hang on until he SERIOUSLY needs that air

L: While he's a little nervous at first, Inteleon relaxes some as he hears Ivysaur's whine.

The narwhal looks at Ivysaur, watching them to make sure they don't push themselves too far.

S: cinderace relaxes a bit too as he too hears the ivysaur's whines

ivysaur keeps on until finally he can't take it anymore, constant bubbles escaping him as he's getting very close to inhaling water

L: With that, the narwhal quickly blows a bubble for Ivysaur. Like with Inteleon though, it won't be as refreshing as the first, and his face is turning blue now too.

S: ivysaur quickly inhales the bubble, his face returning to red just like cinderace's

the competition is getting intense, now with inteleon and the narwhal's faces blue and cinderace and ivysaur's faces red, its becoming clear that the water related creatures are gonna surface first

L: Still, Inteleon and the narwhal are determined, and Inteleon tries to keep up his humming, but he's starting to falter with it some.

S: now that ivysaur has more air in him, he's able to hum more soothingly again to the narwhal

cinderace starts getting nervous as he hugs inteleon again, looking at his slight blue face worringly

L: Inteleon: "I-I'm definitely out oblf bubbles... D-don't worry ablout me, okay?"

The narwhal is still fully relaxed, Ivysaur's humming completely distracting him from his need to breathe.

S: Cinderace - "Oblh nblo..." cinderace gets worried about that, but quickly goes back to relaxing

now the tides have turned, ivysaur and the narwhal are now fully relaxed while cinderace and inteleon are panicked

L: Inteleon keeps his humming going as best he can, planning to stay until he starts to risk running out of breath.

S: a few minutes pass by and ivysaur only now has a slightly bigger red blush, still fully relaxed and humming

with cinderace getting nervous the humming isn't as effective as the first time, his own face growing more red

L: Both Inteleon and the narwhal have fully blue faces, and while Inteleon finally puffs up his cheeks, the narwhal is still calm and listening to Ivysaur.

S: cinderace notices the inteleon puffing his cheeks up, he gets a smile at the sight of it, puffing his own cheeks up so it wouldn't be as embarrassing for the inteleon

ivysaur looks over at the two of them with their cheeks puffed, he wags his tail as they seem to be getting close

L: With so much less air in them than normal, Inteleon and the narwhal don't have a whole lot of time left before they start going purple. Inteleon tightly shuts his eyes as he tries to keep humming to Cinderace.

S: Cinderace - "Intelbleon!!!" cinderace grows worried for inteleon as they see them growing purple, their own face is still deeply red

ivysaur keeps humming to stay calm despite the narwhal getting close to his limit

L: Inteleon squirms next to Cinderace as he finally has to stop humming. "Mmm! I-I hblave to gblo!" He quickly jumps up off the bottom and starts swimming back up.

The narwhal doesn't seem to notice that's happened, just relaxing with Ivysaur.

S: "Nblo intelbleon!!" cinderaces watches as inteleon swam up, frowning

ivysaur also doesn't notice what's going on, continuing to relax as well while humming
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon gets up to the hole in the ice, finally gasping. He stays there panting for a few seconds before starting to swim back down.

The narwhal's face is fully purple now, and he's finally starting to get a bit restless.

S: ivysaur's face is still only fully red, like cinderace's...he still doesn't notice the narwhal's purple face and just continues humming

cinderace meanwhile looks up at inteleon swimming back down, frowning in disappointment that now he's lost his teammate

L: Inteleon sits off to the side, knowing that helping Cinderace at this point would be cheating.

The narwhal's eyes shoot open as he finally realizes how badly he needs air! With bubbles even leaking from his now quivering blowhole, he bolts for the hole in the ice as well.

S: ivysaur opens his eyes and notices the narwhal swimming up
Ivysaur - "Oblh no!"
now that the narwhal is going to get air, it's down between cinderace and ivysaur....who's gonna win it for their team? We'll find out soon

L: After the narwhal catches their breath - barely avoiding breathing water - they return back down, sitting next to Inteleon. "Guess this is iblt, hbluh?"

Inteleon: "Yep, it's all ublp to them now..."

S: cinderace and ivysaur look at each other, glaring as well
Cinderace - "Gbluess iblts a 1v1 thblen!"

Ivysaur - "Yblep! Brbling iblt obln!!"

L: cinderace and ivysaur look at each other, glaring as well
Cinderace - "Gbluess iblts a 1v1 thblen!"

Ivysaur - "Yblep! Brbling iblt obln!!"

L: Inteleon: "You got this, Ciblnderace!"

Narwhal: You can do iblt, Ivysaur!"

S: Cinderace and Ivysaur - "Grrr!!" both pokemon close their eyes again to try and relax as much as possible, ivysaur going back to quietly humming to himself

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both silently watch their teammates hold their breath...

S: both pokemon are so calm that even with red faces they aren't leaking any bubbles...this goes on for a while, until cinderace suddenly starts to feel the need to sneeze...he tries to hold it in, but fails, and end up sneezing right there underwater, causing a lot of bubbles to escape from him...the sneeze made ivysaur look over at cinderace, wondering what happened

L: Inteleon: "Ah crap, that's noblt good..."

Narwhal: "Hblahbla, nice! That'll speed thblis up some!"

S: Cinderace - "Blblasted unblderwater allergibles!!" cinderace covers his mouth, his face now blue as ivysaur's face is still deeply red, giggling out bubbles at cinderace's sneeze

L: Inteleon: "Remember to hblold your nose too!"

Narwhal: "Right, same with yoblu Ivysaur!"

S: "Oh yeablh!" cinderace quickly holds his nose shut too, hoping to last after the sneezing incident

ivysaur tries to reach up to pinch his own nose but he can't reach! So he instead has to cover his mouth while constant bubbles escapes his uncovered nose

L: Inteleon: "Can't reach, Ivysaur? Toblo bad you can't geblt hblelp with that this tiblme!"

Narwhal: "Argh, right, you cabln't on your own..."

S: "Hbla hbla!"

Ivysaur - "Grrrr...."

with his nose uncovered ivysaur starts to lose a lot of bubbles, which quickly makes his face slightly blue, but as a last resort, he pushes his face to the ground so maybe that would help seal up his nose in someway

cinderace meanwhile giggles but quickly whines as his own face is getting bluer and bluer...

L: Narwhal: "That's it, right, prbless your nose against soblmething!"

Inteleon: "Hblang in there Cinderace, Ibl think you're gonna wibln this!"

S: cinderace smiles as he hangs on, knowing that ivysaur will probably be the first to surface as his own face is fully blue

however ivysaur manages to stop his nose from producing bubbles, pressing on the ground hard enough to seal them shut, but now his face is just about to turn purple

L: Inteleon: "Man, it's gonna ble really close..."

The narwhal nods.
1 week, 3 days ago
S: it gets so close that, eventually...cinderace and ivysaur couldn't take the breathless feeling any longer, they both start to swim up to the hole! It all comes down to who actually surfaces first

L: Inteleon and the narwhal follow them, wondering who it's going to end up being that surfaces second...

S: as they get close, cinderace notices that ivysaur is coming up too, hoping this would end in a tie...but... as cinderace gets to the surface, gasping heavily for air...ivysaur....isn't there! He stayed down just below the surface and watched cinderace surfaces, and a few seconds later comes up as well, gasping heavily as well...which means the winner is ivysaur and the narwhal!

L: Inteleon: "NO!"

The narwhal almost gasps in surprise! "W-we did it!" He and Inteleon surface alongside the others, and he hugs Ivysaur.

S: Cinderace - "W-what?!?! I thought it was gonna be a tie!"

Ivysaur - "Hahaha!!! Fooled ya!! That's what you get for messing with me!" he hugs the narwhal back, his tiny tail wagging happily

L: Inteleon: "Ugh... At least we were really close..." He hugs Cinderace.

Narwhal: "I really wasn't sure we'd be winning this!"

S: cinderace tears up at losing, but he hugs inteleon back

Ivysaur - "Me neither! But we did it!" ivysaur goes over to inteleon and cinderace "It was a well fought battle, you guys did great!"

L: Narwhal: "Yeah, you two still did a really good job!"

Inteleon: "I suppose we did... Ugh, if it weren't for that sneeze!"

S: Cinderace - "I hate myself for doing that! Ugh! How did i even manage to sneeze underwater in the first place?!" cinderace tears up a little more

Ivysaur - "Oh well, heh..."

L: Inteleon: "Hey, it's alright. That's happened to me a couple times too, I know how annoying it is."

Narwhal: "I'm lucky cetaceans don't sneeze..."

S: cinderace wipes a few tears away, still sad over losing

Ivysaur - "Man that was crazy! I think that's probably gonna be the most intense breath holding contest I've ever done"

L: Inteleon: "Same here, that really took everything!"

Narwhal: "I don't remember the last time I got that low on breath!"

S: Cinderace - "Yeah that was something else... pretty intense for my first real adventure"

Ivysaur - "And I don't recall having an adventure like this myself, and I got to meet an adorable narwhal on top of that! Today turned out to be a great day!"

L: Narwhal: "And I met an adorable Ivysaur!" He hugs them again.

Inteleon: "Guess this was pretty great for all of us!"

S: ivysaur blushes at being called adorable before hugging the narwhal back
"Really? Y-you think I'm adorable too?"

Cinderace - "Yeah, even tho we lost...I did have a lot of fun, especially when we played tag"

L: Narwhal: "Yeah, I do! Haven't met a whole lot of Pokemon, but you're definitely the one I like most!"

Inteleon: "That Tag game was awesome, never done it underwater before!"

S: Ivysaur - "Awww well thank you!"

Cinderace - "Hey! You still like me too right? Heh...and yeah it was definitely unique for sure, I most certainly enjoyed playing it with all of you!"

L: Inteleon: "Of course I still like you! It doesn't really matter that we lost!" He hugs Cinderace.

S: cinderace blushes and hugs inteleon back
"Phew, good... well, I guess are we gonna be official then inteleon?"

Ivysaur - "I want me and the narwhal to be official too, heh I like them that much!"

L: Inteleon: "Oh, totally!"

Narwhal: "For sure, yeah!"

S: both cinderace and ivysaur blush happily, each hugging their respective partners tightly
Cinderace and ivysaur - "Alright!!!"

L: Inteleon: "How about we go get ourselves warmed up? Think I'm gonna need to recharge my suit fairly soon, too."

Narwhal: "And I kind of want to rest for a while, too."

S: Cinderace - "Sounds like a good idea to me!"

Ivysaur - "Same here, I'm starting to get cold again just from being on the surface of this ice water, heh"
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon: "Alright then!" He and the narwhal get out of the water, helping Cinderace and Ivysaur do the same.

S: cinderace gets out of the water and ivysaur soon does the same, both of them shivering slightly as the arctic seems to have grown colder the last time they were here

L: Narwhal: "We'd better get a move on, it's gonna get a lot colder than this soon. Even for me, it's a little too much sometimes."

S: Cinderace - "Brrr.... yeah it's pretty chilly..."

Ivysaur - "Y-yeah, I need to warm up now, I don't wanna turn into an icicle!"

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, let's get going. There should be a good spot some distance that way..." He starts leading the group through the Arctic snow.

S: but ivysaur is so cold he couldn't move

Cinderace - "Uh oh, ivysaur looks super cold..."

L: Narwhal: "Oh jeez..." He quickly hugs Ivysaur, hoping to warm them up, which Inteleon joins in on.

Inteleon: "Cinderace, do you think you could do some kind of fire-related move to help out?"

S: "I-i don't think so... I can't make my body hotter then it already is..." cinderace also joins in on the hug to help warm up ivysaur

Ivysaur - "The arctic...i-i-is definitely no place for someone like m-me..."

L: Inteleon: "I'll look into getting a suit like mine for you, I don't want you to have to put up with this every time you go to see the narwhal guy..."

Narwhal: "Thanks for that, I don't know where to look for something like that."

S: "Yeah I don't wanna leave the narwhal... I'll be all sad..."

Cinderace - "That's definitely a good idea"

L: Inteleon: "Yeah, next time we meet up, I'll probably have gotten that."

S: Ivysaur - "G-good..."

Cinderace - "Poor ivysaur, I can still feel his body shivering..."

L: Narwhal: "We can wait here until you've warmed up, Ivysaur. Hopefully it's not gonna take TOO long..."

S: "Well, it is quite the trek back to where me and inteleon said is safe, so ivysaur should definitely get warmed up for this"

Ivysaur - "Oh boy"

L: Inteleon: "Wish I had something more I could do to help, but this is pretty much it..."

Narwhal: "Yeah, same here..."

S: Cinderace - "Guess we'll have to make it work, we'll have to stop every now and again to group hug ivysaur to make sure he stays warm then"

L: Inteleon: "Then we'll have to go quick between each one so this doesn't end up taking too long."

S: "Right yeah...that's just the best course of action here"

L: Narwhal: "Hopefully I don't slow us down too much, not all that used to walking on land."

Inteleon: "Makes sense, you're basically aquatic."

S: "Yeah, forgot about that"

Ivysaur - "Come on, let's go so I can warm up somewhere properly"

L: Inteleon: "Alright, let's make some good progress while we can!" He and the narwhal let go of Ivysaur and resume the trip.

S: Cinderace - "Sounds good" everyone then progresses forward, ivysaur falling a little behind with how cold it is, it's even starting to snow a little

L: Inteleon and the narwhal slow to match Ivysaur's speed, not wanting to just leave them behind.

S: ivysaur smiles and they all continue to trudge forward through the snow, they are lucky that nothing is hot underneith them, since everything is covered in ice, if something hot were to be underneith them, then they would fall into water, and that wouldn't be good

L: The group continues on, hoping they'll be able to get inside before needing to warm up Ivysaur again.

S: they get close to getting inside what appears to be a home, however cinderace needed to sneeze again, and when he did, he accidentally launches a flamethrower attack at the ground, which is quickly gonna melt the ice and snow, ivysaur meanwhile starts to shiver again

L: Narwhal: "C-cinderace, be careful with that!"

Inteleon: "Crap, I think the ice is gonna end up breaking!"

S: Cinderace - "Ah shoot I'm sorry!! My allergies must be acting up..."

Ivysaur - "O-o-oh no! I can hear it cracking! But I see a house! We're so close!"
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Narwhal: "Come on, we can make it!" He and Inteleon start running.

S: cinderace and ivysaur managed to start running as well, but just 5 inches away from the home, the ice underneith them gives away and they all fall into the freezing water below!

L: Inteleon and the narwhal both yelp in surprise before quickly surfacing again, looking around to make sure Cinderace and Ivysaur surfaced fine.

S: cinderace and ivysaur surfaces fine, but ivysaur is struggling to keep afloat, his mouth dipping underwater a couple times with how cold he is

L: The narwhal quickly holds Ivysaur so they can stay up. "It's alright, I've got you!"

S: ivysaur clings tightly to the narwhal, trying not go under as he whimpers
Ivysaur - "Thanks...narwhal..."

Cinderace - "Phew, that was a close one, I don't know what would have happened if I went back underwater with how tired my lungs are right now"

L: Inteleon: "You two probably wouldn't have been able to last long down there right now..."

Narwhal: "Yeah, for sure. Even MY lungs were sore for a little while." He and Inteleon help their partners out of the water again.

S: they get out of the water, both of them shivering

Cinderace - "We better get inside now! That's about enough water for me today!" cinderace removes his goggles and puts them away, having forgot to do so eariler

Ivysaur - "Agreed..."

L: Inteleon: "Definitely gotta warm up properly now, yeah..." They resume heading for the home.

S: this time they all make it to the home safely, without any issues

L: Inteleon gives a happy sigh as he gets inside, taking off his wetsuit. "Finally, someplace actually warm..."

The narwhal looks around. "Never actually been in a house on land before, this is cool!"

S: Cinderace - "Ahh...and it's nice and toasty in here"

Ivysaur - "Perfect! And I could use a nap after all that..."

L: Inteleon: "Same here, pushing myself like that took a lot out of me."

Narwhal: "I could probably have myself a nap too."

S: Cinderace - "Same here... I'm pretty exhausted..."

ivysaur is already looking for a spot to take a nap

L: Inteleon: "So... There's only one bed, and it doesn't have enough room for all of us. But, I can get out an air mattress and blanket."

Narwhal: "And maybe something to put on the end of my tusk so I don't poke anything with it..."

S: "Hmm good idea"

Ivysaur - "Yeah, I just need this nap super badly right now"

L: Inteleon gets everything ready, including a piece of foam he gets the narwhal to poke their tusk into.

Inteleon: "Alright, we're good! Cinderace and I are gonna take the bed, if that's alright."

Narwhal: "I'm fine with that."

S: Ivysaur - "Heyyy wait a second, me and the narwhal won that breath holding contest, should we get the bes instead?"

Cinderace - "Heh heh..."

L: Narwhal: "Haha, that's a good point! Come on, let us have that as a prize!"

Inteleon: "...Yeah, I'm okay with that. What about you, Cinderace?"

S: "Sure, why not I guess...go ahead"

Ivysaur - "Alright!"

L: Inteleon: "Alright then, you guys go ahead."

Narwhal: "Nice! Come on, Ivysaur!" He heads to the bed with them.

S: "Coming!!" ivysaur happily skips over to the bed with the narwhal, jumping up into it and settling down

Cinderace - "Guess we're stuck with the air mattress then, oh well"

L: Inteleon: "It's better than nothing, at least." He lays down on the mattress.

The narwhal lays on the bed. "Man, this feels great... It's way too rare that I get to sleep on one of these."

S: "True" cinderace lays down next to inteleon

Ivysaur - "Ah right... this feels really good!!" ivysaur then yawns

L: The narwhal hugs Ivysaur one more time. "See you whenever we wake up..."

Inteleon pulls the blanket most of the way up over himself and Cinderace. "Goodnight, Cinderace... Even though it's still day, heh..."

S: "See you..." ivysaur hugs the narwhal one last time as well before drifting off to sleep

Cinderace - "Heh, goodnight inteleon" he soon falls asleep as well
1 week, 3 days ago
L: Inteleon and the narwhal soon both go to sleep as well.
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