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Kenneth "Kenny" M. Nates
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Zsisron's Gallery (435)

A Great Treasure - 1

Ted Lawson

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by Zsisron
Susceptible to Sorcery - 3
First Impressions - 1
One Word Sums It Up~
The Clan's True Leader
Show 1 More Pool...
Good Boy
Mind Games

I was the ruler of a territory that encompassed the great Forest of Fen and the Aggrin Mountains... having wrestled the nearby green territory from a younger upstart green dragon. Many tribes of orcs, kobolds, lizardmen, and even roaming human tribes that dwelt in my lands would come twice a year to bring me proper tribute for they feared awaking to fire and death. Guroanoask was my name.. a great red dragon.

The kobold tribes though were hard to pinpoint the actual number of... dirty and filty low breeds. They bred faster than the humans and were like rats... vermin that scattered and salvaged from the droppings of others. The tribute they offered was pieces of copper and a mixture of shiny worthless things with the occasional gold or platinum piece that they probably stole from an idiot traveler.

It was hard even keeping track of their various clans due to their small stature and rodent-like qualities. At times I wouldn't even care if they didn't bring me tribute as it was so worthless. But still they held me as a deity.... and that was only natural for a great superior being.

She came to me... an azure-scaled kobold clambering awkwardly and nervously through the forest.  I could smell the scent of fear and awe in the air... a common event for when a kobold was graced with the appearance of a dragon.

I was awoken from sleep by the sound of footsteps and the scent of a kobold... female. She approached with caution... nervously eyeing me with fearful eyes. She grasped a bag... tribute it seemed. By Tiamat's Breath I hoped that what she brought to me was not just discarded silverware that still had a hint of shine.  Once she stood in front of me she gave a courteous and respectable bow... laying down many proud greetings and titles that I had garnered over my life. Her lavishing did well to improve my mood... but generally still I kept an annoyed air. Praises from a kobold are about as low as one can get.

The name of her tribe was spoken to me... some insignificant name I had never even heard of...  and tribute she apparently brought from them... a magical artifact. With a nod from my snout and a curious glance she began to shuffle in her bag. Carefully she brought a gold emblazoned amulet... shining with a deep blue jewel at the center with a long gold chain attached. It was surprisingly brilliant to behold... a rare find considering it was a kobold offering it.

The amulet seemed to glisten and sparkle when the sun's rays struck it... creating a cascade of colours that were quite vivid and spectacular. Whenever I twisted my snout the colours would oscillate between different impressive hues that... I must confess... made me rumble in delight.
She spoke to me as I watched the display... heaping much praise on this treasure she bore. It was quite hard to pay attention to her at first as I watched the display (due in part to my previous annoyance)... but as I continued I found myself nodding in agreement with her.

"Dragons are really great creatures..." She praised... a coy smile on her snout. "Kobolds really look up to them.... because we are related... even partially." I could see her grin widely from the corner of my eye as I nodded.

"But... I can see you are quite focused on the jewel aren't you? It's an amazing jewel... really it is! Look how it captures the light and reveals all the many colours contained within it. You could say that this jewel reveals all the true colours within the light!"

I nodded.

"Why... you could even venture out and say that the light reveals the truth about such things. Look at how it captures your attention... pulling it in. It's a really brilliant jewel isn't it... so many colours you can see with just a twist of your snout. But you know... deep within it is a brilliant shape of colour... one that reveals a great truth about the individual that finds it."

This piqued my interest as my snout lowered... eyes trying to spy this mysterious entity. My scaly brow furrowed as I searched though.

The kobold seems to have picked up on my annoyance, "Now, now, you seem to be having trouble Sir... let me help. Try relaxing your gaze a bit. That's right... the jewel is like an ocean full of currents... you have to follow the currents of light to find what you are looking for. Just relax... focus on just the jewel."

I grunted with annoyance but as I listened I did find there was a certain pattern within the jewel... like a series of symbols that mapped out a path. I gave a soft sigh as I watched... wanting to find this shape... this object hidden within."

"That's right! Just look deep into the jewel... no rush... no worry. Just relax and follow the trails of light and colour. It's kind of hard to remember what exactly you are looking for isn't it? Well no worries we kobolds were born to help dragons such as yourself... just continue what you are doing... that does right... relax and focus on the jewel."

"What were you looking for? You were looking for the truth behind the jewel... the truth about you. You don't know what it looks like though so you need someone to help describe it for you while you are looking... sshh...just relax and focus.. Let the jewel suck you in... Just let your mind roam freely at the sound of my voice…  so you can hear what you are looking for. You can do that for me right? You don't have to worry... just let me guide you to your destination... let me show you what you are looking for... all you need to do is follow the jewel's pattern and listen to my voice."

I mumbled towards her... oddly my voice sounded sluggish and slurred as I agreed.

"Good boy!" She said with delight... it made me smile that I was making progress. "That's right... just let your thoughts collect into that jewel... sinking deeply into it. Your thoughts make it hard to find what you are looking for so you just need to discard them... just let them sink into the jewel as your mind and gaze swims freely in the currents. Good boy...that's a good boy."

I rumbled softly.

"It's so easy to forget everything... but it's okay for I am here to remind you of what you are.. So just discard them... they are annoying.. They are obstacles... you want to find this deep truth hidden within the jewel. Good boy... just let all your thoughts slowly wash away leaving your mind bare...blank...light. Forget it all... your name...what you are.. just know that you are listening to my voice and that it leads you... helps you... it feels good to listen because I am guiding you to your destination... you can trust me... you do trust me. Nod your head softly to show you trust me... good boy.... such a good boy. It feels good to be called good boy... because it means you are good. Relax... just relax... you are a good boy and the more you relax and focus on the jewel... the more of a good boy you are. You can't even remember your name now... but it's okay... you are a good boy... my treasure. Good boy!"

I purred as she spoke... it felt good to listen.

"As you relax you can now see what is contained within the jewel... nothing. There is nothing within... just like your mind. Your mind is as blank as the depths of this jewel... it is your deep truth. Good boy... just feel your body relax... feel your mind slow and empty. The truth is that your mind is empty... empty like the jewel... and ready to be filled by one such as myself.... you don't need to watch the jewel anymore because your mind is blank... you only need to listen to my voice... because my voice provides you with thought...without my voice you would be as blank as the jewel... but because you are listening to me you are being a good boy...."

I rumbled happily as her hands soon began to caress my snout... stroking affectionately along the ridges along my chin. She kissed the tip of my snout... which made me rumble even deeper with delight.

She said I was a good dragon for staring at the Dragon Thrall.... the name of the artifact she had shown. I purred deeply at that... it felt good to know I had been a good dragon.

She said the artifact was once used by an ancient elvish race for enthralling dragons to be ridden... most were destroyed in a great and ancient war but on occasion one could be found. She said that I would be a really good dragon if I showed her into the main chambers of my hoard... so I happily began to lead her. If by showing her my hoard meant I was a good dragon... then I was all the happier to be able to do such for her.

She spoke to me as we walked... telling me how kobolds treasured dragonkind... that they were a great race that was seen as almost godlike. She smiled at me then... saying that I would be 'her' greatest treasure.


Writing inductions is kinda hard since a lot of it tends to be monotonous to aid in the induction .;3;a Still figured I'd post another piece tonight to celebrate finding out I did better retaking this one class!...even if only by a letter grade. XD

Also for those curious... yes the kobold is a flat-chested female.

The dragon belongs to me while the female kobold belongs to her owner!

Artist is The Narutoshi.

I admit I dunno the rules about humans for Inkbunny so not posting a TF picture + story combo I got of a human being turned into a lizardman. ;3;a

assigned male 1,196,227, female 1,086,130, dragon 149,652, feral 92,941, fantasy 26,975, lizard 24,396, hypnosis 16,179, kobold 12,073, mind control 8,397, hypno 4,269, hypnotism 1,821, d&d 1,253, mindcontrol 1,060, zsisron 398, narutoshi 10
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 12 years, 3 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 3 months ago
I am loving how this is starting out.
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