"If you are hearing this recording it means I'm dead and my plan came to fruition, My name is Bernard Redwood, I'm chief researcher at Site-78, I was tasked by the high command of this nation to lead a team of scientists in the task of developing a self aware bio weapon to hunt down dissidents and traitors...this monumental task was borderline imposible, but trough the perseverence of a team of bright minds and many failed attempts I can proudly say we achieved it.
The team chose to name the specimen "Danadriel" its an ancient name whose meaning is "judge"...a fitting name in my opinion. The main goal behind the project was to create a resilient and self reliant creature that could be airdroped stealthly in to enemy territory, after being deployed the creature would search the marked targets and eliminate it, to achieve this we gave her an array of tools, like an extremely agile body that can also resist most small arms fire and even regenerate from lethal wounds, a chamaelonic skin that can turn her entire body almost undetectable to the naked eye, and most impressive of it all a psychreactive gland on her brain that allows her to manipulate and control the mind of her victims.
The scientist part of me is proud of our creation, but the person part of me is disgusted, as I watched the first combat footage from the creature's experimental deployment I was consumed by guilt, we gave an especific target for it to hunt, it was a traitor hidding on secluded village, the creature's mission was to infiltrate and kill only the marked target, but its behavioral brain chip glitched and the creature went haywire...during its frenzy she butchered the entire village's population in less than 5 minutes, not even children or the elderly were spared...to my horror high command judged these results acceptable, now they were not interested in a surgical weapon anymore, they wanted to maximize colateral damage to spread fear among dissidents.
My personal objective with this project was to minimize suffering on this world by creating a tool that would kill only the necessary people, a tool to create order and peace through this nation, but now I see that our leaders are more interested on keeping power than creating peace and estability to the commom folk, I also realized the team of bright minds that I lead are no more than a gang of psychopats with high IQ, they rejoiced to see the colateral damage of their creation, I knew they were not kind or compasionate but their level of cruelty terrified me.
I almost dropped from the project immediately, but I had too much at the stake, my son Otto was suffering of leukemia for the last two years, and his treatment was dependent of me continuing my job...at this point my son was the only thing that keep me going, my only anchor in this world, but that is no longer the case, Otto succumbed to his illness two weeks ago...I have no reason to continue...to continue with anything, whats the point of keep going? whats the point of keep serving a nation whose goals are beyond tyranical? we spent billions playing gods creating murder machines while the same resources and energy could be directed to save lives of our countryman...saving lives of our children...
I took some time considering how I would end my life, but I reached the conclusion that just killing myself was not enough, even if I die this madness will continue, they will replace me and soon they will have an army of obedient creatures ready to murder at the whim of the regime... so I decided to take everything with me...I decided to punish everyone involved on this madness,everyone on this cursed facility deserves a painful and undignified death...but this creature on the other hand, deserves a second chance in life...
I already destroyed all the data packs related to the project, there's no way the regime can create another specimen without doing all the decades of work again, tonight at exactly 9pm I will open Danadriel's contaiment cell and I will set her behavioral chip in to a frenzy overdrive, I will be waiting her judgment with open arms, I will die in pain as everyone else in this facility, she will hunt and destroy every single living being inside here, they will run and hide, but she is faster and not even their heartbeats can scape her ears, and to ensure no one will surive I used my admin permissions on the instalation's mainframe...any attempt of calling for help or start safety procedures will lock the doors permanentely open...
Around one hour later the behavioral chip will shutdown permanently and Danadriel will be free, I have no idea what the creature will do when released in to the wild, maybe she will disapear on the woods, or maybe she will attack a city, whatever she decides is fine by me,nothing matters anymore...I personally wanted to conclude this recording with a defient message agaisnt the regime, but I'm tired, my actions say more than my words anyway...I dont belive in afterlife, but in this particular case I'm hope I'm wrong...I hope to see my son at least one more time...regardless, the time has come...the judge will give our sentences..." (Doctor Bernard)
"If the doctor was so compassionate why he released the murder creature?" he went mad , nothing more matters for him.
"if the creature was taylor made to be discrete and precise why they gave it massive tits?" They didn't have entirely control over her form, they probably used ancient templates scavenged from some old civilization, this is why they ended with curvy Dan.
monster girl
6 months, 2 weeks ago
17 Aug 2024 02:15 CEST
Initial: d5b5dcf391dcb2b1b584a0df6a3493c1
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