An icon I made for myself on Skype. A few of you have seen it already but I figured that I should share this silliness with everyone else. The whole idea for this picture was inspired by an icon made by
You may notice the background is totally unrelated. I was tired and when I am tired I do random things. I am not finished with classes just yet but the most difficult part is finally over.
Yeah he has a lot to clean! Hmm cleaning underwater must be so difficult! Yes thanks so much for getting me to want to draw this. More things need maid outfits! >:U
Yeah he has a lot to clean! Hmm cleaning underwater must be so difficult! Yes thanks so much for get
He can make it himself but it was still most likely a challenge. putting together fabric with powers is probably not as easy as one may think, especially underwater! hehe
He can make it himself but it was still most likely a challenge. putting together fabric with powers