Dossier #999
Previous record before recruitment:
Name: Kade Halleck
CEO of Re:Vox Labels.
Personality profile: Mr. Halleck is a brash, overconfident figure, deceptively arrogant, and despite his professional attire in the office space, seems to gear more towards the culture his music appeals to. Likely the CEO demeanor is a front he puts on for doing business (I can relate), and that the off-hours self is much looser for the sake of keeping in touch with what his consumers want. (Addendum: no he just really likes punk. Not sure why I assumed he was a soulless business type initially. I guess vilifying him would have made things easier in my head.)
Facilitator Analysis: Cultural and musical variety is dwindling in scope and accessibility. Several large organizations are to blame for oversaturating the market with auto generated pop music. However, the recent development of Re:Vox has shaken up the market in a way that is disrupting the medium on the whole. While other corporate labels have been content filing takedown claims and otherwise, Mr. Halleck's tactic appears to be poaching talent in cutthroat backroom deals. Initially this was dismissed as the industry attempting to rebalance itself again, but that has proven to be the contrary. Darkwitt's report details that attempts to infiltrate and collect information on Re:Vox have resulted in lost personnel (See reports rv56D and rv56E) circumstances call for Darkwitt to intervene more directly.
Qualm Comment: The man hasn't gone after independent artists, he seems to be only recruiting the larger, more profitable bands. I understand you want revenge for the loss of your men, but I implore you consider getting the whole picture before you make a decision.
Report supplemental: Kade Halleck has been brainwashing performers into altering their genre, and switching contracts. Legal proceedings haven't popped up, but many large name labels are finding a dearth of big name talent because their owners keep consenting to these contract transfers. My own hunters had been subjected to approximately 16 hours of Re:Vox brand music (as well as one on one meetings with Mr. Halleck.) before their memories of employment to me were completely erased. They hadn't even recognized me during my first meeting with Mr. Halleck (whom mocked me and said that I likely wear a silhouette because I couldn't find a tailor that wouldn't make me look like a child at sunday school.)
Report Supplemental 2: I have lost approximately 20 hunters attempting to get a better look at why he has been running his business this way. I attempted to use a deaf hunter to infiltrate, but apparently the hypnotic undercurrent is based on vibration (will look into that later). I will have to find some method of espionage that doesn't involve my agents getting involved.
Report Supplemental 3: Bastard sent me a VHS of him having an orgy with my former agents. the amount of effort he had to go to get a working VHS was specifically to mock me, I swear to god. He concluded the tape with him putting on a pair of aviators and pointed at the camera and told me to "get stuffed like I do, Darkshit."
Report Supplemental 4: I am not a man devoid of flaws, but it would be unbecoming if I didn't record this for the sake of completion. I lack the technology to counter the mental effects of his music at this junction, but getting my hands on acoustic based control is a top priority. Plus my efforts are proving to be more costly than it might be worth. So I took matters into my own hands and just captured him for drone processing. (We have several months for him to process. a secretary doberman will handle his affairs while he takes a 'paid vacation.')
Kade has proven to be an excellent learner in processing. Despite his acerbic personality traits, he's found a liking to drone training and enthusiastically ingests the assimilation process. Further discussion with him has allowed me to cool my jets and have a proper conversation with what he was trying to accomplish. While he initially begun his efforts at Re:Vox for conquest and access to attractive men to use at his leisure, he grew tired of other rival labels cornering the market and abusing copyright to ensure the market remained stagnant for their interests. He started ensnaring artists from their labels exclusively to give them a taste of their own medicine.
My agents have been recovered, but given the option to stay with Kade once he has earned his mark. approximately 43% of the former staff decided to stay, with the impetus that they still work for me.
The technology that Kade is using actually turns out to be a form of low level magic in relation to his voice. Most of the bands that perform have an undercurrent of Kade's own voice singing in subliminal format. Which would explain why I was not able to replicate the effect. But Kade has agreed to collaborate to reverse engineer the technique.
Kade has grown respectful of me, but not from the drone conditioning. After frequent conversations, we found we have a bit in common, and he has enjoyed the work I've done. I've decided to allow him to go back to working as the head of Re:Vox with the condition that he now works under me, and that we collaborate on finding a better equilibrium with the community. Kade now works running the company as an opportunity to pick up bands with potential influence as well as moonlights trying to help Rehme and the other engineers devise methods to replicate some of his audio based subliminals (See dossiers 3Vee, Jadir, and Kai Tyde)
Kade has gone through a lot of configurations over the years. This doesn't mean he wasn't sure of himself, but that he has been evolving all this time to find the version of him he can be most proud of. Some ideas stuck with me, others he needed to take time to mull over. I've been happy to see him grow and evolve as an artist, and as a performer. So it felt appropriate to write something befitting of this characters.
Mind you, Verze is still something we play around with in the back, but independently of Kade himself. Variety is the spice of life, after all.
Kade is played and owned by: kadedrone
Artwork by Sabri
7 months ago
29 Jul 2024 00:47 CEST
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