I feel like most people have that one friend in the group that's.... different. Always has the most out there ideas, the wildest conspiracy theories, that kind of thing. Well, it Gloria is that. A self professed moonchild and nature lover, she's always been the "lovable weirdo" of Elyssa's circle of friends. Where her friends were sports fanatics and (at least for Ely) science geeks, Gloria concerned herself with the energies of the world and the stars. She's deeply concerned with the planet and how humanity treats it. She's also gone down some crazy rabbit hole about a climate disaster in the distant past. One that might not be as natural as scientists currently predict...
Many wonder what Elyssa sees in Gloria. To be honest, sometimes even the corgi herself doesn't really know. Something about the fox has always drawn the two together since the day they met, however, and Elyssa wouldn't have it any other way.
----- And yet another piece comes into place for Elyssa's past. As I said above, I feel like most friend groups have that one... different friend. And I feel like it's almost a requirement for a California girl. And so here comes Gloria to fill that void, all thanks to the wonderful adopt made by Chilibi. She just had that vibe to me, you know?