Taylor was alone for most of her young life. By the time she was old enough to honestly play with her older brothers, they had moved out and were leading their own lives outside the home. Their visits, although beloved, were infrequent and much too short for Taylor's liking. Her father had passed away at the blunt end of a bullet in the line of duty and her Uncle Seb Seb was doing his best to fill in the gap, but his nursing duties left him outside the home more often than not. So that left Murana to care for her and it was a struggle. It always felt like her mom was aloof often times. It's not that she didn't feel loved, it's just that the love felt was distant and Taylor couldn't really understand why.
So, it was times like these when everyone was gone from the home because of work, life or errands that she was instructed to sit in her room and occupy herself. She turned to books since they'd occupy more of her time than most toy games she'd come up with. She had just recently named Ahya on her fifth birthday and her tail had seemingly calmed down since then. Taylor liked to believe her tail was another person and began treating her like one. She pretended it was like a sister and would read to her all the books her mother placed on her tiny bookshelves. Taylor wasn't sure if Ahya understood much of the stories, but she was happy to have a playmate who was willing to listen.