Greetings everyone. Usualy I would have made a journal, but let's be honest, only the hardcore fans actualy read journals. I myself have deactivated notifications about journals by many persons I follow.
So here is a little update on "The Quest for Quests".
It now is 2 years old.
And includes:
48 main pages including 2 (and a half) cover pages.
additional 35 pages of "sidequests"
5 fullcolored "happenings"
and a bunch of smaller scetches, artworks and stuff for the world building.
In general I would say, those 82 pages in 2 years is quite a good amount, looking at the quality of the comics themselfs. But since I have a fulltime job, everything slowed down a bit. My output this year has been very low so far with 13 pages, 2 "happenings", and a few artworks. means that the remaining almost 70 pages where made in 1,5 years. giving like 25 pages of comic in half a year. So I AM just half as efficient. ESPECIALY in recent time. I think since April, my output got much worse, because I am not financialy relying on the comic and the "fanart" of it anymore. Also I am not so satisfied with my job and it drags my mood down a bit.
THEREFOR I have decided, to take a little break from TQFQ and focus on a few other things instead.
But I still want to hear your oppinion about it. Is TQFQ something you are waiting for? Something you are heavily interested in? Or should I try to focus on some "lighter" projects, that are less demanding.
By now I would even call Botgg an easyer challenge, I could return to. The story of it is still massive, and by far more demanding than TQFQs Story, but the quality of the pages is less time consuming. Giving a better output. Is there a higher interest in "Botgg" over TQFQ?
Or are both projects basicly... irrelevant?
7 months, 3 weeks ago
14 Jul 2024 19:53 CEST
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