Fiona has been reading me Peter Pan at bedtime, and the family pet, Snow, seems to enjoy the story even more than I did. It was quite a surprise when he started to beg to watch the Disney movie version of this story, but it was really enjoyable to watch it while the pizzly proven his pisse-lit -bedwetter in french - status by wetting his own diaper before the end. So, it was even more a surprise to see him sneak up in the nursery wearing one of my old baby bonnet and having taking his own diaper off, just to play the role of Nanny from said movie.
So when mommy called for me to get a diaper check, the bear was more than happy to play the part. I disagree with this mode of transportation, and Fiona will disagree with Snow's lack of diaper, because pretending to be nanny from the movie will not save the floors from his puddles, but she will be sure to take a lot of pictures of this ride... not want.Gotta say though those must be some tough as nails safety pins (or even the strength of the toweling to not tear). unlike peter least ya weren't in tights mid-flight. not want.Gotta say though those must be some tough as nails safety pins (or even the str