Make sure to watch & follow Mat, and they are open for commissions too!
Big brother Carsyn has always passed through life with ease, everything comes to him with minimal effort, and popularity and athletic success are just the norm, unlike little brother Caedyn.
Always trying to get the best grades and be a top scholar due to pressure from his papa, Caedyn often carries too many books in his backpack to always be prepared for every class, crushing his shoulders and spine, whereas big brother (as usual) finds the easy way out, as we can see here with the "miracle book" he somehow possesses XD
Walking to the school bus this morning, Carsyn chuckles at Cae's "try-hard" demeanor.
SenZ was always really encouraging and helped nudge me to open myself up for taking commissions. Even if I'm still not great at it!
(It was also decided that the author of the Universal Textbook of Everything was likely Imogen's mother who is a professor of some kind at a University somewhere - details not quite worked out - but given Img and her brother's playing with quantum entanglement, it's quite likely she could make a Textbook of Everything!)
My first proper Comm'd piece :) SenZ was always really encouraging and helped nudge me to open myse