It was dark in the city of London, England; a group of thieves just robbed a local store known as "Patsetery Combian" (that sells food and has its own bank) for its money and food. Then suddenly…
MAXAMILION: What… do you think… you guys are doing?
THIEF2: What does it look like?
THIEF1: We have our own needs chap, now I suggest you guys scram and what not!
THIEF4: Yeah, you guys better listen to the boss see!
MAXAMILION: The boss… the boss can kiss my…
DARTH: Max look out!!
The third thief tries to ambush Max, but then Max does a mean back flip behind the thief then Max hits the thief with one of his fire moves – Thunder Flame - which sends him flying into the other two thieves…
THIEF2: Why you little…
DARTH: I've got this (Darth then uses some of the bones that he summoned to take out the fourth thief).
ANGEL: Wow, dude… that was impressive ?
DARTH: Thank You!
MARCUS: Guys look out!! (one of the thieves "Thief 3" gets back on his feet and tries to attack Darth & Angel, but then a Fire Tornado by Max knocks the thief down for the count.)
DARTH: Thanks little bro, that was impressive.
MAXAMILION: Why thank you… (Is then interrupted by a super hug by Angel)
ANGEL: Thank you thank you thank you, you so amazing… and impressive. How did you do all that with such fennec?
MAXAMILION: Honestly it was nothing… you just have to think quickly with the heat of battle.
MARCUS: That's what you two were designed to do
DARTH & MAX: Right!!
DARTH: Where would we be without you?
MARCUS: Who knows, but you two are the best creations I have ever developed
MAXAMILION: Yeah… but it's moments like this that I wish would last forever
RANDOM VOICE: Not for long…
MAXAMILION: What was…? (Suddenly the whole team was transported from England in a full split without any purpose or reason.)
Hey over here. I've got it, I've got it… (The children play on Cooper RD. after a long day of School and they're in the middle of a Street Hockey game)
LINDA: C'mon, C'mon!
RICKIE: Linda over here!
TRAVIS: Okay I've got this!
[So obviously Travis' team wins and Linda, Rickie & Travis are enjoying their victory when suddenly]
BULLY: Alright you little twerps give me your money and no one gets hurt… especially you Travis.
LINDA: Alright... One, you are an insecure little imp, and Two, you have no right to pick on us, especially Travis. Because he just so happens to have more money than the rest of us.
RICKIE: Yeah, you tell 'em Linda.
BULLY: You got something to say Vickie?
RICKIE: First of all, my name is Rickie and… (Bully Stare Down) second of all, I… I… don't have anything to say
BULLY: That's what I thought! Travis you know the drill…
TRAVIS: I'm not giving you any money mate.
BULLY: Excuse Me dip thong.
TRAVIS: I'm not giving you any money. I'm tired of you picking on me and my friends, Cri-ckie
BULLY: And what do you think you're going to do about it?
TRAVIS: What am I supposed to mate? That's not my affirmatory… I'm a passivist mate, I don't fight.
BULLY: Pity, that means you won't mind if I do THIS? (Punches the shit out of Travis takes his money and runs off)
LINDA: Travis, are you okay?
TRAVIS: Yeah, guys ahhh… I'm fine. I just need to lie down. Ahhhhh!
(After shaking it off by lying down for five minutes, Travis tells his friends he must go home and rest for a while…
Travis' Back Yard
TRAVIS: (Ugh, how did I let that sticky jackal pounce on my anatomy? I can't believe that happened yet I am still sore. Hmm maybe I should lie down on the hammock to loosen up and let go)
Once he opens the doors to enter the backyard of his home he discovers a Red Fox with twin tails, grey goggles, blue jean gloves [back piece missing], and knee high boots lying near one of the trees in Travis' backyard. He looks injured, but he has minor injuries yet Travis still tends to his injuries.
TRAVIS: Hey, are you okay?
MAXAMILION: Yeah, I'm fine.
TRAVIS: (Seems I wasn't the only one injured today) Hi my name is Travis, who are you?
MAXAMILION: I'm from London, England… my name is Maxamilion the Fox
TRAVIS: *giggles* England? Wow you must either really be out of it or you're way off from home… you're on Long Island. This is Sayville mate.
MAXAMILION: W-What!?… umm… how did I get here?
TRAVIS: Who knows? We just met, do you have any friends?
MAXAMILION: I don't remember much, all I remember is being in England, then there was a blackout, and then I woke up here....
TRAVIS: For an English mate, you sure don't have the England accent.
MAXAMILION: I know right? It's weird, but oh well… what do I do now?
TRAVIS: I could ask my mother and father when they get home to help me take care of you till you get better if that's okay with you Max?
MAXAMILION: Sure, until I get back on my feet.
TRAVIS: *nod*
Later on that night when both of Travis' parents got home, Travis broke the news about his discovery of Max in the yard when he got home. He had asked his mother and father if Max could stay until he is healed up.
DAD: Are you sure about this Travis?
TRAVIS: Yes father, I promise when Max gets better he'll be on his way.
MOM: Nonsense, just look at him (everyone looks at Max). Maxamilion you listen to me and you listen to me good, you stay as long as you need to even after you get better… poor thing.
TRAVIS & MAX: You really mean that?
MOM: *nod*
TRAVIS: Oh thank you Mommy. For now Travis, you can sleep in my room on the floor till we can open up a guest room, alright?
MAXAMILION: I guess that's okay.
DAD:*Ding* that sounds like the door bell. Go get the door son.
TRAVIS: Okay dad… (answers the door, it's Linda)
LINDA: Hi Travis, I'm so sorry about what happened today. Are you felling any better?
TRAVIS: *Begins to blush* I'm doing fine Linda… you can go home now.
MOM: Yeah Travis, how was your day today? (Becomes suspicious)
TRAVIS: It was great. I had fun Linda.. go home.
DAD: Come in Linda.
MOM: Now tell us what happened today.
LINDA: We had a great day at school; we played an awesome hockey game after school
TRAVIS: All in all it was great. Bye Linda
LINDA: Then (insert name of bully here) came in and ruined everything. [Travis is now embarrassed] He talked down to Rickie and he punched your son in the chest and then stole his money, that's why I came by to see if Travis was doing alright, are you alright Travis?
TRAVIS: (embarrassment face) never better...
MAXAMILION: That's why you came home sore today?
LINDA: Who is that?
TRAVIS: Oh, this is…
MAXAMILION: Maxamilion the Fox, but you can call me Max.
LINDA: Max… that's a nice name!
MAXAMILION: Why thank you!
LINDA: You're welcome. Well anyway Mrs. Richards, I have to go home now… bye
MOM: Bye
DAD: She never says bye to me!?
MOM: So you were bullied huh… how come you never talk to me or your father about these things?
TRAVIS: Cri-ckie Mom, I don't want any of you to go out of your way to protect me when I can take care of myself.
DAD: Really, and you have friends like that coming to the door complaining about your so called injuries?
MOM: Travis you must not know how much of a serious problem this is. That boy has been harassing you kids for the longest time. When are you guys finally going to step up to this boy?
TRAVIS: Mom, Dad, I'm fine trust me. Besides, that boy is supposed to be moving out the neighborhood tomorrow anyways.
MOM: We're going to leave it alone this time, but next time please talk to us about things like this.
DAD: Now it's getting late. You two might want to go to bed.
During the night while everyone's asleep, Max feels a sense of hunger so he goes down stairs to make himself a snack (This scene is blanked out till episode two to keep hold of the mystery: When max goes down stairs to make him a snack, his hunger makes him loose control of his fire powers. So everything he touches except for his food burns) The next morning, Travis and his little sister Rebecca wake up to the surprise that 35% of the walls in the kitchen have been burned, but no one knows how or why this happened.
TRAVIS: What happened in here?
REBECCA: What's that (picks up red fur)
TRAVIS: I may not know who did this, but I think I have a hunch…
maxamilion the fox
darth the fox
angel the fox
12 years, 2 months ago
04 Dec 2012 21:42 CET
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