Character Sheet for The man is Ed Carlson. The troll on TV is Grit Troll.
Ed is 52. Grit is 326 (still young for a troll).
Character Description
Ed...Husband, and father three boys. Works as a warehouse supervisor. Grit...He and his business partner, Grimey Troll, constantly conjure scam schemes and mischief. And the two Trolls have outstanding warrants in several U.S. states, Mexico and Canada.
Ed...No nonsense type. Good family man, but could use a corse in anger management. Grit..He and grimy are arrogant smart asses. They little respect for themselves, much less for anyone else.
Ed...Likes others doing right. Can't stand a smart ass. Grit...Likes mayhem, causing problems for others, etc.
Ed...Born, raised and resides near Los Angles, California. Has a degree in business management and served four years in the U.S. Army, obtaining the rank of sargent. Grit...He and grimy served also...several prison terms. They're from Planet Morain. Other extraterrestials call it Planet Moron for the stupidity of those who live there.
Ed...Wife,Donna Three sons Ed Jr.,Eric and James. Grit...A few ex-wives, partners out of wedlock and various legit and illegit kid trolls he refuses to pay child support for.
Ed...Suburban America. Grit...From a planet in total chaos. Now lives in a L.A. slum.
Ed...Thin build with large features (you can see it in the size of his hands). Neatly groomed. Grit...and Grimey...Dirty, stinky, unkempt.
Ed...Dresses conservative, sometimes out of style clothes. Grit (like other trolls)...Unclothed. They are covered with hair.
Ed...Credit cards, old technology cell phone, Timex, analog watch with twist-o-flex band, wedding ring. Grit...Just himself.