Two months overdue, but I finally made good on that doodle I made awhile back! And with by far the most active background I've ever done! At first I was just going draw some rocks and seagrass, but she looked awfully lonely floating out in the open ocean all by herself... So, I decided to add some hustle and bustle to make the scene feel more lived in! My favorite part was the Wishiwashi school in the distance! Originally I was gonna have her watch the school swim by, but that ended up being a bit too complicated for my current skill level, so I just relegated it to a silhouette in the distance. And honestly? I actually like that a lot more than the original! It was a fun challenge getting all the small details in!
The school of Finneon was a last minute addition! There was only going to be one at first, but i wanted to fill in a bit more empty space, so I shrank it down then copy pasted it a few times! Same goes for the Luvdisc school, but those didnt get shrunk down! I did have to add some partial outlines to them since they blended together to much without it.
I'm really happy I got around to finishing this, Primarina's one of my favorite starters! (I'm probably a little biased cause I'm a singer, and it's dex entry that you have to do vocal warm ups with it really struck a personal chord with me! <3)
Hey, does this count as a Mer-May pic as well as a Mayternity pic?